to snitch or not to snitch, that is the question

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by nippie, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    PD, sorry to hear and I understand.

    My biggest thing is my wife and kids.....I can deal with high school kids that dabble etc, but I don't want 'assholes' anywhere around my family. I'm sure you could tell stories about dumb shit they did with little care at the point in time, just don't want my family involved.

    and Lion you are right, but that's why I posted. You never snitch and frankly never call the cops, but at what point do you break the code? I'm sure I can strap on my .45 and walk up there and tell them flat out 'get the fuck out, we don't like your kind around here' but I have been away from home more often than not for the past couple of weeks writing a proposal.

    A couple of my neighbors sent me messages on FB after I was bitching, I really hope they do something so I don't have to. What's nice though is I have a big ass fence now, hope that keeps shit away enough to things are worked out. Sadly over the past 6 months most of my friends have moved away. We still have been meeting up on weekends and they are trying to convince to move but I just don't know.

    I can't have this around me, it's going to be bad.....i'm not a model citizen by any means and I don't think Im better than the next guy, but I think I'm better than this.
  2. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I got 1 question've been bitchin about your neighborhood for a looong time.

    WHY don't you move? If your so worried then get the fuck out of there

    I live in a lil bubble too but I'd pick up and boogie if I was in a place like that, I could care less about the kids schooling, wifes friends, etc...Im the commander and chief and as that guy my job is to maintain the life we lead and to keep everyones future in mind and in the right direction

    I wouldn't even thin about what to do, id be on the net looking for new houses

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I don't know, but the wife the especially the kids have to be at the top of the list especially their education. Packing up and moving is a pretty big ordeal sometimes.

    Maybe it would just be easier to empty the house down the street than to empty your own. Getting farther away from a problem doesn't make the problem go away cause it'll still be there when your gone. If everybody just jumped up and ran what message would that send. That'll give them a sense of power they sure as fuck don't need. What they need to know is that they're not welcome or wanted.

    Now if there's other reasons why living there is no fun then go, but I personally wouldn't let the scum run me out of my own home.

    Be Cool, CG
  4. BongRippa

    BongRippa Full Flowering

    Im sorry if I offended Tex,was not my intentions bro..
  5. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Careful Nip. This ain't the wild west.

    You don't want attention. Try helping them. Set up some rehab posters around the house or whatever. But do it on the DL because you do not need enemies. If it's really ruining your life, then move. Take the path of least resistance.
  6. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    CC yea the hood has been in decline for a few years. The town has had problems but this is way to close to home. Usually most of the guys get together are run off the riff raff.....drink openly across the street with side arms, but I aint home like I used to be. Been trying to throw together an oil thing you know.......but he wife has been carrying again in the open. Junkies man the ones you see on tv junkies.....

    frankly I would love to walk up and let me peice known (which I may if i keep drinking) but the traveling this is killing me. It makes me worried when I leave the house.

    We have a friend that's going to do an appraisal of our house tomorrow so we can start the process. I'm half tempted to give local pd gift cards for busting people like this.

    And frankly if i offend anyone i don't really care. I love my wife and kids more than don't even want to know what i would i do to keep them safe.....but i just want my neighborhood playing etc.

    I'm a dad and husband first and foremost......yea i'm a crminal and marine also...but trust me you don't want to see that side. I just want my bubble back.....see no evil, hear no evil....etc
  7. Annunaki

    Annunaki Developed Alternating Nodes

    This is great advise Nip. I haven't been up to date on yer hood , but if its in decline , your just gonna run into another one. Get the fuck out of there bud and go quietly. I agree with you , junkie scum , but don't ruin what you got goin on because of it. Let them all die a slow death and kill each other , get yourself and fam OUT.
  8. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    First off, the junkies didn't move there. They ain't your problem. The dealer is. Like it was said before, let your neighbors know. They'll talk. I'd talk to the dealers that moved in and straight out tell them that you know what's going on and that they should move on. Tell them "people" are talking and that shit has to go. Once they think there's heat, they'll get out. Is this the same house you had problems with the other people? If so I would also talk to the owner and find out why he keeps letting people like that rent. Around here if a landlord "allows" dealing to go on and the reidents are arrested for dealing, they will take the home from the owner.

    ...and yes, wishing for someone with a drug problem to die is a bad thing. I'm not or ever have used herion and I don't condone it's use. Some people just can't say no to it once they've tried it. Their will power is gone and they love the high too much. I shake my head and wonder how someone can't get off something so bad and all I can come up with is that they don't have the mindset or inner strength to get off it and stay off it.

    Blame the dealer. He's bringing the "undesirables" to your 'hood.
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Never snitch. Period. Move or handle it are the only two choices.
  10. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    But yeah, NEVER snitch. "Snitches are a dieing breed."
  11. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I hear that....that's my problem though. I am a scrapper, I can't let shit lie, I have to fight, it's part of me.......but i can't start something and leave town. I hven't been home long enough to do anything to run these people out.

    The wife has been talking to one of the moms a few blocks over and says we have nothing to worry about, shit will be taking care of....but I can't afford another person firing rounds off or confronting. Hell I was bitching on FB and had to delete my own thread because some neighbors were flat out saying ;grb the pitchforks; (load the guns) and lets go.

    I can't have that shit, I really am trying to do legit shit. I have a legal oil chance that will make stashy poo look little.

    I don't need this and cant afford this to be around right now.....let along that I may pistol whip someone if they pull in my driveway again.

    I'm prob leaving this area over the next 6 months or aint home anymore. It pains me to say that, it really does. This area has always been home and even the asshole cops around here are half way decent.

    Maybe I just need to find a nice country home, those whom I chat to know what my friends are pushing for....but I feel like I own it to the community to do something before/if i leave. I'm sure the dopeboy wont last long. You can't have peopel pulling into the driveway and then leaving within seconds and not think people don't know what's going on. We do have plenty of deputies that live around here....none of them are stupid and all the wives hang out together.

    I probably leaving this state so it's not my fight....I just need enough time so i can leave the state. I can't afford a case....I have a real chance of making a difference in peoples lives.

    BTW, charolettes this strain for real? I have someone quoting the strain in a bid but frankly if I can't get it how the fuck can they??? CBD is CBD but I don't understand what is special about this strain and frankly we all know people just name shit or make up shit in this biz
  12. Discorilla

    Discorilla Shining like a Discoball!

    Washington or Colorado... All I gotta say! The market could always use good growers.
  13. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    i have a place a little closer to home that is going medical. well just for oil and very limited, my background though gives me a heads up in the game
  14. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    A dead chicken will do wonders on the front door also.....:pimp:

    You got kids so you might want to go the low and slow road, might take a little while, but they will move or get busted soon enough.

    But seriously, don't get your self in trouble, but if they start fucking around burn the house down. :kidding: or am I?
  15. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Dude, don't be a hero...Im sure nobody is knocking down your door trying to save the Nippie gotta let that Marine ego bullshit go, stop trying to be a crusader and let the terds widdle themselves down, if you have a cape and a mask and an S on your chest its a different story......but till then your just like them, you just have sense and self control...

    Meanwhile, theres shit like that going on all over your town, im sure your not on the East, north or other parts of town being a superhero....let it ride and bailout on what once was...Im an ego-maniac, super prideful and all that jazz but my brain is stronger than that shit ya know...don't be "that guy"...your blood is just as red as theirs and you don't have a backup squad, you can get a hole in you just the same as they can....except they don't give a shit, you have a family and kids, hows the Mrs. guna explain why Dad is in a box??? Cuz he wanted to make a point? that'd be one hell of a legacy for them...

    Im not trying to be a douche but you gotta put first things first, which is the lady n kids.....fuck the job,house,cars,toys...etc.. that shit comes and goes....go look in the kids rooms tonite as they sleep and ask yourself ...What should I do and what will I do??? The true answer is EZ

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I think that charlotte's web was a strain someone refined down with high % CBD and a small fraction of a % of THC. They can't have a patent on it but are probably not real likely to share it with just anyone. The show it was on and the naming kinda suggests a commercial or a promotion of the product. I've got a feeling someone's got visions of $.

    That doesn't mean other breeders can't develop their own version, cause like you said CBD is CBD. It's either breed out the THC, which is just the opposite of past breeding, or come up with a method to separate the CBD from the oil.

    But a lot of time, effort and money will be invested. And there's a limited market that is most likely highly regulated so I can't see them being real quick to share much. Now if you're a good oil extractor your services could be in demand. But I don't think just passing out seeds will be their plan.

    Be Cool CG
  17. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Can't help with the current problem but if you are looking for high CBD strains there are others. Some strain called acdc is supposed to be one of the best with ~19% CBD 1% THC. then there are others with more THC too. But look for that sour tsunami, pennywise, canna tonic and some others like peace maker. Keep your eyes peeled.
  18. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Charlotte's Web is fer real. Lots of documentation and coverage since the lads have been self promoting all over cannabis stardom. Have absolutely no idea how to procure a cut though.

    You want somebody out? Here's an old property management trick (I disavow any content following) Stew up a bucket of rotten raw chicken parts for a few days. Let it sit in the sun until it gets sour. When it's dark and the house is quiet go over and paint the doorknobs with gobs of the chicken goo. The bacteria can live for days. Folks get sick (you seen many junkies with clean hands?), ambulance gets called, cops follow, shit to speak.

    Got to think outside the box man.
  19. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Or release some ship rats into their house. Boom. Bubonic plague.
  20. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Naw, run em outta town and be the big man on the block! Fuck yer kids and wife! Just go start shooting! Fuck it!!!!!Have fun! SHOW THEM WHO IS REALLY A TOUGH GUY

    Use a gun too. Cops love that shit.

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