to say I could not hold out any longer. I let the Slippers go as long as I could, but the smell was too strong around the back of my house so they got the chop. Maybe another time I can try this method, but I will have to find a better place to do it, and have to have more reserves on hand.
The plant that you grow has only one aim, (given it is female), and that is to collect pollen and make seeds. To get pollen, the plant produces crystals and hopes that animals or the wind will bring pollen. The longer the plant flowers without pollen, the more crystals is produced until all the plants focus is on crystal production. The light doesn't burn off anywhere near all the crystal growth, so the longer, the better.............
Bud - so your puttin em under floros.... and still keeping the lights at 12/12.......right? You think the same theory would work through a window sill, cant put outside. I wanna try it with this one i just cut..
Oh the outsides of the buds are golden all right...just from the vinegar burn. To tell the truth I have not seen them since I cut them....been too busy.
Don't worry Herb, I'll pop round and give them the twice over for ya!! No, don't thank me, it's all in a days work
Hey, this sounds like a good way to cure! How long did it take to finish drying on the plant? I am going to try this method with one of my indoor plants! I wonder if you can do this outside, as long as you dont get water to them? Or if you could just let them go until they die? This is a very interesting way of curing bud, and i would like to know more about it! Anyone with information please step forward! Peace, and well being!
Well"GH"as i stated befor i let mine go 30-days with no water in-side under flos,and the bud was ready ta smoke! fer out-side i would say youd just have too let them go till they die naturaly,kinda hard too control mothernature.Unless you live where it frosts Then it would be rufly 30-40 days after yer first hard frost,mind you i'm guessing on the out-door theory,but it should work the same though i would WILL like the results of this method Bud3
well i have been reading all the post i find all this very intresting ,but commenting on you last comment bud, about the frost? i wonder if that a frost cold like that at the end would make the buds more poten maybe the plant would produce more crystals to the bud in defense to the cold to protect it self maybe not a totaly frost but a chill maybe not any think that makes anysense what so every or?
and can anyone tell me why it is i logged in twice and it still says guest , perhaps ill try it again
"LOL" Nope Dave Frost= Death within a few hours,i dont think thats enough time fer a plant too do anything but die!...just guessing though Bud3
Exelent idea Herb...instead of waiting fer the plant too starve all the way off water, simply place it in the freazer fer 6-7hr's, at say wk-8 ta 9 of flower then put it back under the lightsafter all the golden proscess dont take affect untill the plant is fully dead!This should allow you too shave off 2wk's of the befor 4-wk's step to obtain "GoldBud" only makes perfectly good scence...."LOL" this thread just keeps getting better ideasSEE Herb yer idea wasnt soo cheesy after all,this would require an upright freezer to do this,i dont think a fridge would be cold enough too too Zapp it dead in 6-7hr'sMind you this is all theorized!!.....who says ya cant think when Stoned "Gold"Bud3
Hello all, I was wondering if instead of putting in the freezer if you could dig around soem of the root structure and pack ice in with it! just wondering! One year we planted around 15 plants, 5 in each area. After a few weeks one of our areas had completly died off, so we forgot about it. Well, about 4-5 weeks after harvest time, when all the weeds and grass had died off, there stood a plant with some really dark, smelly bud. And to top it the bud was really dank, and got you tore up. It still took a few more weeks to dry, but that could be because it still got water! Well, peace out homles!
If you put ice around the roots the ice would melt and the plant would be getting water so I dont think the ice thing would work to well. If it was cold enough outside to keep it ice then you probably wouldnt need ice in the first place.
since there have been so many good ideas posted on this thread i figured i might give it a try. This all happened when i was helping my friend with his plants. When we pulled the plants we wanted to try to make the buds more potent. In order to this we used an idea from sone site, we put the roots of the plants into a pot of boiling water and we left them in there for about 30 seconds to a minute. The point of this was to increase the potency of the buds by increasing the volume of tricomes. Im not sure what this did scientifically to the plants but it increased the potency by 1.5x. Maybe ull give it a try. If anyone has done this tell me what happened with the potency.... (Edited by tlo at 9:51 pm on Jan. 27, 2004)
Yes i believe many people chop there ladys far to soon and i know its tempting but you can wait after all that time and work! As far as letting them die and naturaly ripen/dry/cure is a great idea but leaveing them for 30 days could let alot of THC degrade and even though the smoke is great useing that method i think it could be improved for even more potenty, Putting them in the freezer would be a very affective way of "killing" them but when the head of the bulbous stalked trichrome freezes it will burst then when alowed to thaw will cause rapid THC degration...I will try to think of a way to "kill" the plant around when you would harvest then letting it die/ripen/dry/cure on its own(prolly 2 weeks or so would be the best amount of time to have this go on) without letting to much THC to degrade... (Edited by WhiteSticked420 at 1:15 am on Jan. 28, 2004)
Okay already got an idea! Useing the cold factor for a quicker "death"...Use a fridge with a few flours in it letting them sit without water and all and let it get nice and cold but not below freezeing which will cause the plant to die quicker but not die right away alowing alot of Trichrome/THC production to go on and also Trichrome production is said to have to do alot with insolateing the calyxs to keep the seeds in good shape so in such extreme temps there could be alot of trich production going on in a last attempt to save the seeds... (Edited by WhiteSticked420 at 1:22 am on Jan. 28, 2004)
Given my experiences in the cold, the fridge idea wouldn't work, cool the plants and everything stops. I chopped my last crop below the stem, cutting through the roots, the rockwool was still damp into the second day of drying in my airing cupboard at 85 ish. This I hope let the plant finish growing or whatever during the first few days of drying, in the warm and dark. Provided good THC build up on the buds and got the room clear a few days earlier. Next time i may try keeping the roots on and jsut hanging them to dry.