All right all you GK pros. How feasible do you think it would be to route my grows exhaust directly into my furnace's exhaust. Its already there(the exhaust system for the furnace), it vents up to the roof where no one can smell it, and its the easiest way I could think of to do it. Bottom line, its discreet. Am I missing something here, or will it work? All I would need to do is set up a exhaust fan that feeds directly into my furnace exhaust, and presto, problem solved. Can it really be this easy, or am I just a moron? Its O.K. if you don't answer the latter part of that question. My waiter called me that last night at dinner while pouring our wine. I just thought he thought my name was Ron. lol. Thanks!!! ~~Jester
I did this myself for the last two grows....but as the heater came on for the winter-time, the pot smells really started coming up through the ventilation system, even though the add-in duct was aimed at an upward angle from the furnace exhaust. Somehow it still could pull the grow-room exhaust in and it ended up in the house still. Maybe yours would work where mine didn't, but it might very well do the same thing....although mine did work well enough in the warm seasons when the furnace wasn't being used. I switched to using the fireplace/chimney - so we can't have fires now - but its a totally sealed exhaust system - no smell again in the house whatsoever......
Bo Knows high tech covert exhaust systems. Thanks for the reply Bo. It sounds like your heating system is forced hot air. I have the benefit of a hot water heating system in my house, just pipes & radiators with hot water circulating through them, no duct work. That is reassuring to know that somebody else has at least tried it. And without the intake in the basement, I wouldn't have the same problems with the smell circulating through the house. Any other opinions? RangerDanger, Sparky?
That sounds like it would work since you don't have a forced air system. I beiefly though about doing that to mine but i realized what a forced air system would do (as BO found out) plus my furnace is a bit away from my grow.All you need to do is buy a 4" or 6" duct "T" and you're in buisness.Because of my deliema i ran duct through the bottom of the house and sealed the end with metal screen to keep the bugs out.Good luck
And make sure you have good intake. The exhaust works only as good as the intake (or the room will get smaller :LOL
Not knowing you're specific locale, I don't know what you're winters are like. Where I'm from winters are usually -10 to -15 celsius. Exhausting outside using the furnace does not pose a problem flow wise but it does pose other problems concerning stealthness of your secret project. Where I'm from, during the winter time when warm moist air is pumped through the venting duct to the top of the roof a cloud is visible emitting from your duct which is by all means ok since you most people are using a furnace to heat their homes. What is suspicious about it is the fact that the smoke stack never shuts off which can only mean one of two things; your furnace is broken or you are constantly venting heat outside for some odd reason. (wonder why someone would be pumping heat out of their house in winter hmmm....) In my local paper, the authorities, together with the newspaper, place out annual tips on how to identify mj growers for neighbors and encourage residents to snitch. One of the tips is the never ending smokestack. Another is the smell of ganja around your neighborhood when winds are blowing. If you have basement plumbing for the toilet, you are far better off removing the toilet and pumping your exhaust into the sewer since the smell would be masked by the sewer gasses. This is especially desirable as usually all the plumping in a house has a water U trap installed except for the toilet plumbing, the smell will only be directed into the main sewer pipe.
very clever smurfy! the sewer i'll have to remember that one. I use an activated carbon filter though, which cuts out 95% of the smell. It is very effective if you can be bothered making one or can afford to buy one
Holy Ganja, tips on how to spot gardens and encouraging neighbors to snitch? Glad I don't live near you Smurfy007 (no offence bro).
The Canadian gov't is quite laxed about mj growers ranger but the DEA has a stronghold of the western provinces. During the last heated debate over US boats fishing salmon on Canadian waters, the US promised to stop that behaviour if BC allowed the DEA to setup a Canadian headquarters. Vancouver was chosen and now ther are over 100 agents watching western Canada for mj. Any city, town, or community re on US trade relations has it's local authorities bullied into co-operation with the US DEA. The DEA's arm reach all the way north to Prince Rupert, a lumber town 2 hours from Alaska, to western Saskatoon a wheat and grain town in Saskatchewan. The claim was that BC alone exports 35% of US mj into the states funding terrorism and other illegal activities. During the soft lumber dispute, the DEA convinced the province leaders to allow them to extradite any mj grower to the states to trial them for cultivation of mj. If found guilty, Canadians will serve jail time in the US under their penal codes and legislation. The BC mj Green Party is fighting this practice and all extradition cases with donated monies. To date they have won 5 and lost 2. I don't fear the local authorities as my setup is small but I do fear the DEA as they are ruthless. In trial, they present each case as follows. Each mj plant has the potential to harvest 2 pounds of dried mj. Each pound is estimated to sell for $2000 Canadian. Plants are seized and accounted for during raids. I know a friend with arthrtis who use to harvest 16 plants once a month. He would yield 8 ounces and share with others for free. In order to do this monthly crop he needed 2 flowering rooms, 1 Veg room and a cloningg room. He always made twice as much clones so that he could choose the best ones and discard the weak ones. When he got raided, the authorities along with the DEA charged him cultivation of 80 plants (yes they counted his clones too)in excess of $100,000 US. He is awaiting a trial regarding extradition and if he loses he will be sent to the US to stand trial for conspiracty to cultivate a class 3 narcotic for the purpose of traficking to the US, even though he doesn't sell his herb or bring any across the border. If found guilty he WILL spend 15 years in US jail. All that hype for a few measley ounces. One of the reasons Canadian pot smokers and growers dislike the US gov't. The local newspapers here have to do what the local authorities tell them to print as public service ads. The local authorities have to do what the DEA tells them because of trade relations. Another thing they tell residents to look for are excess condensation on windows.
man that is totally fucked up. i can't believe that our government would arrest people that are citizens of a completely different country, from inside that country, and charge them for breaking OUR laws... WTF kinda bullshit is that? hey could you post a list of all the tips they've given? It would be really nice to know exactly what NOT to do, and to know what the DEA is looking for. (motherfuckers)
hahaha, good one That stuff about BC has got me thinking twice about moving out there. I am a big skier and i want to move to BC so i can spend the rest of my days as a ski patrol at Whistler. I was also thinking of doing a nice Krusty grow for a year or two. this really makes me think twice
FYI. I talked to a furnace guy and was asking him about the furnace and we got on the subject of how much draw there is on the furnaces exhaust. It turns out that too much of a draft will actually reduce the furnaces effeciency and cost you in additional fuel oil. The added current of air from an exhaust fan would draw heat faster from the combustion chamber of the unit and expidite the heat/exhaust of the unit right out the chimney, thus reducing efficiency. Hmmmm. With that in mind I think that it would be a much better idea to run a dryer hose up the cleanout of the chimney, containing the air current of the exhaust fan and thus minimizing any effect that exhaust would have on the furnaces efficiency. Of course I would have to tie the exhaust fan directly to that hose and seal the area where it ties into the chimney via the cleanout. That way I won't have soot and ash coming back down the chimney and into the basement. ~~Jester
What the hell are international borders for if your going to allow one of the most corrupt organizations in the world to set up shop in your back yard! Any good paying jobs near the polar cap,maybe they'll leave us alone there.