bradley smith

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Lemonpie, May 28, 2004.

  1. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Just make sure dat knife iz sharp Jiggy. ;)
  2. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    Im not saying who is right and who is wrong i stated i dont know where it started and dont read the smokers lounge fourm much so i dont know everything thats going on but i am simply stateing JUST IGNOR IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, If you think FGH is such a bad guy just ignor him, Thats why the ignore feature is here now. Ones again FGH hasnt been a bad guy to me or some others but like 90% of the people on the site flame him constantly even when he is acting civil, Including people that havent been around or some newb that just joined a week ago so i think i has a right to be mad(Oh yeah also Pie did attack him for no reason befor my big thread, That was one of the posts she deleated when he put a link up of her attacking him)...Fish as far as FGH "useing me" We were the only people on when this happend and we were fighting for the same thing because we knew really what happend and everyone else that didnt see it or saw the final coverd up version just blew it off and said "oh well", "Beginners mistake" and coverd it up without any real apologys from sertain people and all that was dealt out was a slap on the wrist for what i think is a pretty serious thing...Sticki if you are refering to the long time member that starts trouble as me? I have been at this site for 4 years(most of it lerking without even being signed up) And i have made a total of 2 posts where all i did was voice my opinion and the first time was while ago(that thread that got dug up) and it was taken as honest constuctive veiws about things here but the most recent one someone took it personaly and attacked me for no reason in the chat then took away FGHs freedom of speech when he was saying nothing offenceive so yeah i got a bit pissed after that and maybe cause a few problems but i think i had the right to after all that, Only way i could get anyone to pay attantion and not just blow it off...
  3. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    as long as everyone keeps getting their last word in this thread is going to go on forever.

    anyone want to join me in the rest of the site where we talk about weed?

  4. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    Clay i dropped it, Havent said a word about it for awhile but they brought it up, One guy callin me a trouble maker...Not gonna sit here and take that.
  5. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Agrow was right and so was FGH. The shape of this forum is not their fault. It is ours.

    Face reality 100 people are not going to use ignore. So quit telling people to use it. Change 100 people or just one(fgh), which will be easier? White your statements prove you don't get around here much. Do you wonder why you are the only one defending fgh? The whole site is wrong and your right? I can ignore FGH. But unless you and everyone else drop the grudges they hold for other people this site will never get back to the place it was. Even if everyone put fgh on ignore. All grudges die or the site will die. FGH had his chance he threw it away, noone did it to him.
  6. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    Fish, I am not defending him...I have said many times i dont agree with some of his stuff i am just defending the fight and some of what he has to say, That its not all his fault and that people instantly flame him even when hes being civil and is saying something constuctive...Also i am not holding any grudges, I am not saying i still dont believe some of the things done were wrong and handled wrong but i havent said a word about it till you all brought it back up and called me a trouble starter...

    (Edited by WhiteSticked420 at 4:29 pm on May 30, 2004)
  7. fishman

    fishman Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I will end my end of this arguement right here. As a matter of fact I won't be trying to give advice to anyone anymore on how to help improve the site.

    I don't care if FGH is here or keeps talking his ****. Do it! As long as you want. Because this thread has proved to me it is the members I respect actually destroying the site. Improvements are being made but people can't be happy. They just keep whining and keep the **** going. Agrow has finally decided to stop his ****! How big of a step is that? But you still can't be happy. Don't you think webby should be the one to decide how serious Lemons offense was? I will never say I'm leaving this site. But I am done with these threads for good. If anyone wants a reply from me about anything you better PM. I will resolve problems only in chat or PM.
  8. PutTheKnivesOn

    PutTheKnivesOn Superspartaaaaa

    You give them what they want to satisfy their attention seeking and they grow,

    a bit like that fish in the dr sues book, soon/now it will be too big to control. Bullshit feeds Bullshit.

    Its getting like a soap on here, you go away for a few months, one quick glance and your right up to speed with the storyline. Pity its the same old story [​IMG]
  9. Doyle Hardgraves

    Doyle Hardgraves New Sprout

    i say all of us get together and have a circle jerk.
  10. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    :roll: So true true. Although some time away makes one not give a **** about the small stuff. :smoke2:

    My advice if anyone so cares to hear it....let it go. We ALL have our quirks and have those we what? Does that mean they don't have the right to be here? It's a free site and when people are not allowed to voice their opinion, whether we like it or not, this site ceases to be free. FGH/Smith has not crossed the line that I can see...only problem is he pisses some of you off. That is not grounds for bannishment if you ask me. If you don't like what someone has to say....DON'T READ IT!!!!! Is that clear enough for everyone? Now....go smoke a fuckin' bowl would ya? *points finger at everyone* My God people! :animbong:
  11. WhiteSticked420

    WhiteSticked420 Full Flowering

    Right on Herb, Thats exactly what i have been trying to say...
  12. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  13. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    take it outside will ya [​IMG] no fighting in the house
  14. old fart

    old fart Germinated

    :lmao: @ doyle
  15. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds


    *packing a bowl*


    (Edited by Lemonpie at 9:16 am on May 31, 2004)
  16. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication


  17. dru

    dru Germinated

  18. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

        Clay, Herbs and Sticky all said it the BEST!   :bigok:    

       We are all adults here and ignoring someone isnt all that difficult ya not feed into negative energies.....I know I don't!   ;)
  19. Clarence Weedman

    Clarence Weedman Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    "i'm back 'persay' and my 1st order of business iz 2 set my optionz & start usin ignore."

    " We are all adults here and ignoring someone isnt all that difficult ya know..."

    IMO i don't think MOD should put memberz on ignore....

  20. nativeson

    nativeson Guest

    then maybe you should just put yourself on ignore, and save the rest of us the trouble.

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