Legal Problemz

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by fgh, May 26, 2004.

  1. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    ok i'm goin 2 b brief. i'm a lil sleepy but this **** iz keepin me up all nite. this wuzn't me but a freind named ****...

    **** wuz arrested & charged 4 a felony. **** got bailed out after 2wks waitin for bond 2 drop lower. **** asked me wut they should do bout da charges. take a plea (6mons. probation) versus 2yrs jailtime or fight da charges. i told **** 2 fight da charges, da lawyer told **** 2 take a plea. so when it came time 2 ask **** @ court wut did they wanna do **** said 'i plea not guilty'. da judge set a trial date for da felony charge & 2 select da jury. case kept gettin continued 4 @ least a year (for dumbass reasonz). during da whole time **** wuz worried about goin 2 jail. i told **** not 2 worry bcuz da DA had no hard evidence. trial began yesterday. jury got selected yesterday & 2day. 2day da trial started and da state argued itz case. da only evidence they had wuz an expert ** and a detective. all i know they were talkin bout a 4yr. sentence! how did dat happen?

    anywayz, DA did hiz openin arguementz and ****'z defense atty went next- and i must say he did a very bad job (public defender). well 2 make a long story short, da trial wuz goin on witnesses were gettin up and wuteva. judge called a recess. b4 they left da defender told me himself ( & **** wuz standin there 2) "thingz lookin bad....". and i'm like 'y da fuk r u sayin dat?' especailly in front of ****. i think dat defender didn't have faith in da case. plus dat DA wuz a good speaker, i must admit. but really if u on defense, u don't have 2 proof anythin bcuz u innocent- and da burden iz on da state right?

    ok well,

    durin recess me & **** were outside da courthouse talkin/smokin cigz, & **** wuz sayin how they didn't wanna go 2 jail. **** haz nvr been 2 jail & has nvr been arrested or charged wit anything. i told **** dat i thought da case wuz goin well even though ****'z lawyer could hardly talk (kept stutterin). & we were both tryin 2 figure out how da ante went up 2 4yrz time. DA had no real evidence but hersay & a fraudulent confession. **** wuz very scared bcuz they heard bout innocent people goin 2 jail...

    after recess i went back & da judge dismissed da jury to da deliberation(sp?) room. da judge said 'this case doesn't rise 2 da level of being felonius...i believe this only a misdemeanor and i'm droppin it 2 a misdemeanor...'. ****'z lawyer told **** 2 plea 2 a misdemeanor(****'z lawyer thought he wuz losin da case). **** wuz already nervous bout jail and took da misdemeanor which wuz 2yrs probabtion! da judge told da jury dat da case wuz concluded & they didn't need 2 decide da case. a fukin rip-off!!

    well i believe **** could have gotten 'not guilty' if **** would not have accepted da plea. i say dat bcuz da state wuz arguin for a felony & there wuz no felony commited. i also think thingz got fuked up when da judge dropped it 2 a misdemeanor bcuz dat got da jury out of da loop. also there were 2 statements givin by ****. 1 wuz claimin **** innocence(came 1st & written by ****) and da other wuz a confession(came 2nd). da interestin things bout da second statement aka confession wuz dat it wuz done after a lie detector test & da confession wuz not in ****'z handwriting. da detective wrote it & got **** 2 sign it. it wuz only a half of page long-handwritten (da detective read it out loud in da courtroom, took them 10 secs to read it..) and i know dat **** wuz @ da SBI buildin 4 @ least 3 hrs. come on, 3hrs and all they had wuz a 10 sec statement? written by da cop?

    i believe **** could have won da case & da case would have exposed dat lying ass cop (who claimed there wuz no recordin device in da interrogation). i believe da judge knew it, but i dunno. i'm sick and tired of dat fukin court bullyin people around. i thought wut they did 2 **** wuz underhanded, foul, and they took advantage.

    **** wuz innocent da whole time.
  2. Big E

    Big E Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    If you wanna play, you gotta pay...if that's the case...if not, well, I guess **** should maybe stop doin what he's doin so he won't have to worry about court...but I do hear what you're lil brother had to be in jail cuz his buds broke into a store, and he got caught with the stolen merch...well, he was gonna take the rap for his friends, and spend 14 years in jail...hate to say it, but I guess I'm a narc in that senerio, cuz I wasn't gonna let my brother go away that long for somethin he didn't even do...I called the detective and told him what was up, they tapped my phone while I called my brothers' so called "friends" (they weren't even about to step to the plate and they were going to let my brother go to jail for them) Any ways, I got them talking about it...boom...they were brother got 9 months jail + 2 yrs probation for receiving and concealing stolen property, but at least he wasn't away for 14 years...I don't believe in following the law to a T,after all, this is suppossedly a free country, but I also know where to draw the line between right and wrong...
  3. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    sucks for *****
  4. you reap what you sow fgh!
  5. growinfireman

    growinfireman A Fat Sticky Bud

    I would consider one of two tracks. Move on to a higher form of crime. Or stop fucking with the man at the "punk" level, my buddy years ago liked to jack with the man, well, lets just say he never was the same again.
  6. SIY

    SIY Guest

    ME bitch!
  7. Sly

    Sly Begun Flowering

    SIY?[​IMG]?[​IMG] what the ****!!! who are you the fuckin albanian??
  8. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    well letz look at dis from the courts point of view:

    we know these guys are worth some money in jail u guys didn't know prison funding is determined by average number of "residents" per year, at least where i am. we know they have a shity public defender whose known for taking plea bargains. we know we cant win this what shall we do? drop to a lesser charge, let the crappy defendants attourney jump on the opprotunity for a lesser sentence, and we all win! ;)

    bong hits anyone? :animbong: :pimp:
  9. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    I don't read ebo, but if fgh is going to prison, I need to send the DA a case of the finest scotch!

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 10:12 am on May 27, 2004)
  10. boxman

    boxman Begun Flowering

    Dude I like made a post and it disappered dude! Like what happened dude?
  11. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Like where dude?
  12. boxman

    boxman Begun Flowering

    Never mind babe I like found it. It was about some criminal **** I saw on tv so I thought I put it on FHGdudes post but it was on the Elanore Roosevlet dudes post.
  13. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Okie dokie Dude:)
  14. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud


    Quote: from green goblin on 1:01 am on May 27, 2004
    well letz look at dis from the courts point of view:

    we know these guys are worth some money in jail u guys didn't know prison funding is determined by average number of "residents" per year, at least where i am. we know they have a shity public defender whose known for taking plea bargains. we know we cant win this what shall we do? drop to a lesser charge, let the crappy defendants attourney jump on the opprotunity for a lesser sentence, and we all win! ;)

    bong hits anyone? :animbong: :pimp:

    well said green goblin. datz exactly how i see it. they set my freind up when they dropped it down 2 a misdemeanor. so really da state won da case- & dat shitty public defender took a fukin plea. 4 petes sake **** wuz innocent. they probably had no intention on lockin this person up. also like i said if da original case would continued, then **** would have been found 'not guilty' of felony charges. even da judge knew dat it wasn't a felony charge which iz y he dropped it down. they fooled **** & i tell this person this even 2day, but **** says 'itz betta than bein in jail'. da judge iz da most guilty IMO. he should have dismissed da case since even he believed it wuz not a felony. he just wanted da state 2 win da case!

    good job gg ;) u see where i'm comin from....

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