Congrats GK

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by Mrs B, May 14, 2004.

  1. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    Well, I hope you guys are happy. This place is what you make it. You encourage the sickos like fgh and Prince of Turds albino-of-a-thousand-names, and all the good people leave. Do you really think a pathological liar like fgh can give you sound advice better than someone like ranger? This site has gone totally down the toilet. Well, all I can say is, you made your bed, now you'll have to lie in it. It won't be a place where people can come for good growing advice, or even for fun. It's become a hangout for homie gangbangers and sick fucks. If that's the kind of place where you like to hang out, then that makes you one of them. Oh, and albino, I know you'll be running your toilet mouth saying how glad you are that I'm leaving too-- well, I really don't give a **** what some subhuman piece of **** says or thinks about me. You don't matter. You only think you do. Besides, I won't be here to read it. I may, however, run into you in Biddeford sometime. So have your fun, and show everyone once again what a waste of air you are.
  2. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    did you not notice the new ignore feature webby implemented the other day? you can now ignore posts, not just PMs, by any user. soon enough the annoying members who never contribute anything will not be getting their attention and they'll leave. at least give it a little more time before you leave.
  3. G4C2G0

    G4C2G0 Begun Flowering

    love the new ignore feature dood i imediatly put Mrs B and ranger danger on it!!!!!
  4. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater

    :LOL: i guess everyone has a different definition of upsetting and obnoxious

    (Edited by MellowDood at 2:38 pm on May 14, 2004)
  5. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    B, I certainly see your point when it comes to Ranger. I too find him indispensable to this site. However , we can't really control who signs in a spews ****. Some ppl actually get a rise out of it if,  you can check how many times some of these  posts has been viewed, you'll see there are eyes that like to watch it all unfold...

    But the good news is B, you now have power to eliminate the pests in these forums. Ignore is now an option;) Albo, see em! Delete em! :cheesy:  Thank you Webby:kiss:

    I hope this helps B, and you continue to grow with us:cheesy:

    I would hate not having you around B...
  6. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    nobody has 2 leave wit da ignore feature. i haven't seen da need 2 use it yet, but it sure iz handy. now i don't have 2 worry bout assholez & older memberz (who r da most vicious) startin threadz about me (which happenz every week).

    i will benefit DA MOST from da ignore feature.

    BTW this thread hasn't even pissed me off, i'm used 2 da BS. i'm now in control.

    "Well, I hope you guys are happy...." :crying:

    ...& y does this sound like a 'whining ass thread?'. i didn't even see dat cryin face on this 1. i guess older memberz get special treatment.


  7. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Well, I know I've also been alittle "Upset" at the fighting going on....I truley think the new "Ignor" post will work great.
  8. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

      Mrs. B and Ranger....I would hate to see either of you are both assets to this site. The "iggy button is a great feature" added.  I have so much respect for you both and I hope you both reconsider  [​IMG]  

      I know I for one have benefited frm all the knowledge of "Ranger's growing tips!  I usually can find any answer I need in the forums or FAQ's posted by him and other exp growers.  Please stay as I think that the ignore button will help.......I usually just ignore what posts I do not like anyways......  :roll:  

          It would be a great loss to the GK family to lose such valuable members who we all look up too!   :tear:    

  9. boxman

    boxman Begun Flowering

    Mrs B babe dont leave! I think you are cool in an older babe like way, like somebodys mom that hits it you know. But that ranger dude is like a differnet story. The dude sent me an email that said Im stupid and I should die which I dont think is like a cool thing to do. I think he is like some crazy old dude living in a shack in the hills someplace who like never gets out. Its cool when he talks about weed but the dude has got like serious mental problems.
  10. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    i nvr had a problem wit ms B and look how she came off on me. good riddens.

    "soon enough the annoying members who never contribute anything will not be getting their attention and they'll leave...."

    look, this guy iz still talkin bout people leaving. am i da only 1 who thinkz heez a smart ass? mellow hello? anybody in there? da war iz over, we all have ignore. good thing u usin it on me.

    i get alot of attention & i sure don't like it.....
  11. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    may god bless da mod who fairly labeled this thread as whining. i luv u guyz.


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