Because of the failure of the mods to do their job, I'm on strike as far as answering grow Q's and giving advice. I expect there to be spirited debates, maybe even a little ****-slinging in politics, and I have no problem with b.s.-ing here in the lounge. But the constant **** dispensed by fgh, albino princess, sly, in the grow forums has got to be too much. I'm not leaving completely. I have a thread here in the lounge that won't be resolved until Oct., and I will continue to check for PM's and talk with my friends in chat, where I can put assholes on ignore, and continue to ride out my threads in Politics. I know solo is busy and I haven't seen GT around lately, which leaves herbsparky. You'd think he'd be busy modding, right? At least assinging threads to their proper place (like the "how much does weed cost" threads in the grow forums). No, he goes on strike. Except for taking time out to repeatedly threaten to ban me for helping out a friend, he's content to watch GK slide into the crapper. The grow forums are now an ugly cesspool, I no longer want to go there. Let the fucking kiddies have it Herb and Webby say. If webby ever appoints mods that will do their job (and get rid of one's who won't) I'll be back cause I really enjoy helping people grow pot. But as of now I'm looking for a site where staff also enjoys helping people grow pot. Up until recently GK was the bomb. Yeah there were loose cannons like CG (towards the end) and idiots like i386. But you could still get good growing info. Now, lots of knowledgable respected growers have left because of the way GK has become. And with summer vacation approaching, it's only going to get worse.
You crack me up Ranger. I was wrong in another thread in which I stated most here are adults. Some may be adults but chose to act like children. Why do you suppose this place was a great place to come to? Because the moderators did a hell of a lot of work. GT420 is not around anymore because he got sick of the B/S. I have done the same as for moderating but chose to stay here and shoot the **** with people helping those growing where I can. There are two sides to every story. Just to clear up your chain of thought....I told you I would ban you if you posted a member's personal info or address...not for trying to help another grower get seeds from a deal gone bad. Why not tell the whole truth since you are such a seeker of truth? No I believe you twist and turn things to benefit your side of the story. I once stood up for you when CG called you a cop and now you are the one pointing fingers at others with no substantial proof. Am I wrong now for standing up for those you accuse? Personally I wish you would leave GK for good and never return. For some reason you think yourself the only person here that helps growers and that without you here the place will not function...LOL...I remember when you came to GK and things were rolling just fine before that as they shall if you chose to leave. I think the REAL problem is you have no control of things and that just eats you up. I know how Scorpios think and act....can't snow the snowman. BTW....A job is where someone gets paid for services day job does that, but moderating this site doesn't. When you cut me a check I will go to work.
<--- has lots of free time this summer i've already mentioned my interest in becoming a mod to sparky and solo but i guess i didn't make the cut or they still haven't decided. anyway, i agree with ranger, so if i am ever a mod that kinda **** simply will not stand. considering the site has run into problems due to lack of storage space it makes more sense to delete pointless threads rather than just send them to the lounge. it's great to try giving everyone unlimited free speech, but that right and all other rights only allow one to go so far as to not infringe on the rights of others. i feel that it is the right of every member to not have to sort through a bunch of bullshit posts, so i see nothing wrong with deleting anything that is meant to piss off everyone. even if deleting these posts is seen as unfair it will only convince the members who primarily cause drama to leave...isn't that the goal?
Dood you were mentioned and accepted to be a mod....problem is Webby never came back. I even wrote to him asking if I could contactthose that wanted to be mods....nothin'. One reason GT left was because Webby has shown 0 interest in the site and the recommendations we mods have made. People don't see the backside of things here as we do. As for deleting threads that are of no use....yeah...been there....done that. The result was a bunch more **** only with people under new names. The problem is not so easily fixed as some might think. I ask you all.....think we mods have not tried our best to work **** out here? You all just now see what really gets done since we have stopped modding. That was my purpose BTW. Sometimes people need a wakeup call and should look at THEIR own self and say "what can I myself do to prevent such things from happening?" All I see is everyone wanting the mods to 'clean up' the **** and expecting them to do it. If you want to talk about rights....we mods (members doing what they do for YOU in their spare time) should not have to deal with bullshit YOU create. I don't care if everyone is pissed....I have almost singlehandly moderated this site for a year now. GT and Solo know this to be true and have thanked me for holding the fort. I guess my patience was just longer than theirs was. I work 5-12 hour days now and am moving on the weekends so you see it is not easy to digest people DEMANDING I moderate this site. I did my part...who else wishes to step up to the plate? Webby has EXACT guidelines he expects to be followed by moderators. So believe as you will.....until all the facts of the matter are known ANYONE can speculate how the site would be run. Kinda makes me laugh because I have tried myself to implement some of the things you all want done. If you all want new mods feel free to contact Webby and make your wishes known. I for one would be happy to step aside and let someone else deal with it.
Maybe not my business, but I'd hate to see either of you two leave--you are BOTH an asset to this site. I'll admit I sling a little crap in the lounge, but this is the internet after all, and I would like to think I've at least been entertaining although not politically correct. Herb, Ranger is right about moving threads, and if you need help w/ the job why not ask a couple long termers to join the mod squad--indi, or Ranger here, or whoever the three of you see fit to ask. And Herb, while this is an unpaid gig, it gives you ample opportunity to gleam personal gloats from modding this site, for example: 1. Pride in realizing grow-goombas such as myself will seriously read your advice EVERY TIME. This applies to both of you. 2. The chance to brag. You are an American. You have buds bigger than a stunt cock on a porn set, and yeah I'm jealous about it you stoned big bud picture taking bastard Bragging-fucking-rights!!! 3. The chance to show the world your views, and represent the mj subculture with class. So ya wanna start the class now, teach? The kids are all here And Ranger, you were the first person to help me out on this site, my first day here, and helped me to save this big chickie which will be picked clean by us 'smoke scavengers', and this site would suffer tremendously without your outdoor gardening threads. Have you mods thought about delegating certain threads to certain people, or in general restructuring the site in some way?
thiz iz fukin ridiculus. i have tried very hard 2 keep rangerz name out of my mouth & every moment u alwayz talkin bout fgh this, fgh that. u haven't even told da whole damn story. when i 1st got 2 GK people were accusin danger of being a cop. i aint know **** bout him and PM'd him 2 ask (which iz still in my outbox) him. he nvr responded and i started a thread, which HE misunderstood (naturally b/c of our age &other differeces) as me callin him a narc. TOPIC GOT LOCKED. then i met him in chat (1plt wuz there dat day) & i tried 2 explain dat it wuz not my intention 2 call him a narc. whether he understood it or not, he began 2 tell sum wut he callz 'ethnic jokes' bout blacks & mexicanz spray paintin wallz & ****. told him 2 lay-off da **** and he says 'itz called ethnic jokes' & just kept goin. after dat I PUT DANGER on ignore. i also put ALL hiz buddies on ignore 2, just b/cuz they were associated wit him (ask tibz). i've since lifted ignore off sum of hiz freindz, becuz it was unfair 2 ignore them just b/cuz they were hiz buddies. tibz iz actually a cool guy & i nvr knew. WTF iz this? "But the constant **** dispensed by fgh, albino princess, sly, in the grow forums has got to be too much..." then u say "Yeah there were loose cannons like CG (towards the end) and idiots like i386. But you could still get good growing info...." ? ok so i'm ruinin this site, but i386 iz tolerable? PLZ. i could understand u would tolerate 386 b/cuz u guyz got alot of **** in common. do u KNOW WTF dat ******* 386 said 2 me? u don't bcuz there wuz A MOD ON DUTY DAT DAY dumbass. wit u keep mentionin my name, it wuld be only a matta of time b/4 i finally got pissed. i tried 2 put da **** on a back burner & here u go again wit yo fuel. i couldn't give 2 FUKZ of how much pot u grow, how much knowledge u got, or wuteva. ever since i been here most of yo answerz r 'CHK FAQ..CHK FAQ....'. alwayz pickin at my writing- UNPROVOKED i just keep my mouth shut bout u. u & Pappy need 2 do this **** in PM, instead of tryin 2 split GK down da middle. wut u tryin 2 do, leave GK & take other growerz 2? fine b my fukin guest. all u did here wuz PROOVE u have outgrown da board. wtf have i done 2 u? y u tell half a damn story? i wouldn't have even brought da **** up, if u weren't so PERSISTANT wit mentionin my name at every opportunity. i ALSO seen where U SAID u were take matterz in2 your own handz against neopeting, tryin 2 get him fukin killed. u sum cowboy now? want fgh out by sundown? well itz high noon fuka and i'm right here......
If all that is the case Herb than there is nothing anyone can do to keep this place from going down the toilet. If anyone is interested in another very small forum with a nice site pm me and I will give you the addy.
in response to fgh's criticism of ranger pointing all the new members to the faq forum, what's wrong with that? if lots people came into your job everyday asking the same beginner questions over and over to the point that you decided to post a list of frequently asked questions with their answers, wouldn't you make use of that list? ranger is simply showing these people where to find the features put into place FOR NEW MEMBERS. there's nothing wrong with telling them to check the faq because that's the purpose of the faq forum...and if you're too lazy to browse through 5 pages of topic titles then you're doomed to failure in growing and probably most other aspects of your life. in fact, by sending new members to the faq forum ranger is actually helping them becoming self-sufficient growers. if he always answered questions straight up then members would be dependent on him for answers. so pretend one day a new member opens his closet to find all his plants are drooping and he has no idea what to do. ranger is not online so he's screwed! ...but in reality ranger shows them how to find answers on their own. so if no one is in the chat to tell this new guy why his plants are drooping he will remember that he has other options such as the faq forum or the search feature. good teachers don't give the answers, they show you how to find them on your own.
QUOTE Quote: from fishman on 3:37 pm on May 9, 2004 If all that is the case Herb than there is nothing anyone can do to keep this place from going down the toilet. That's just it Fish....exactly. I have held this site up more than most know all by myself and have pleaded with Webby to make changes....GT and Solo the same. It starts at the top and works down. I have just had my fill and don't have the time to enjoy this site AND moderate it to the extent it needs due to troublemakers. Forgive me if I set my limits. I love this site and want it to be the best it can be, but I can't work miracles.
datz tru mellow, but my only point iz dat he leave me alone like i left him alone. i read faq 2day & did a search. i also tried 2 help wit sum new germination ideas. all i wanna do iz grow. he just needs 2 chill out wit callin me out ALL DA TIME. alwayz sayin ban fgh. i used 2 b worried bout it, but now itz like wuteva. i wouldn't even bother 2 switch names. i'm just gettin fed up wit hiz crap. just tell HIM 2 stop it now!! i really got mad when he threatened neo. if he were a MOD he'd probably put my **** out on main street 2. he mentioned SLy- but sly edited ALL hiz own posts when he made racial slurz, which iz slightly commendable. he didn't wait 4 a mod 2 do it, he did it on hiz own. u guyz should give newbies a break. instead of sayin 'chk faq' have a link in your signature 2 make it a little easier or give da link. i don't expect any1 2 come in my crib & grow a plant 4 me. regardless, there r memberz here who help regardless of all da ****-talk, they just put it aside in other forums, 4 da sake of MJ which iz da most important. sum of my WORST enemies helped me when i called out, bcuz they put da **** aside. i'd like 2 see him do da same thing. i'd really hate 2 see ANY(whether i like them or not) good growerz leave over SPILLED MILK.
i'm sorry to hear that webby no longer gives a **** about GK. i also think ranger is due a little GK vacation. when i took one recently, it really gave me time to clear my head. hang in there, sparky. we luvs ya, bud, and we appreciate all the work that you do for us.
fgh, i'm sorry to hear that you really are that lazy. you can't click 3 times to find the appropriate thread in the faq? 1 click is your limit? give me a fucking break.
I agree with Brew. I hope this can somehow be all sorted out. The thing I find most interesting is how Ranger and Herb are handling this arguement. They're not slingin ****, or hitting below the belt. They're making they're thoughts and opinions known by using intelligent, point making posts. I think all of us newbies and **** talkers should take a look at the way their handling things and try to learn a lesson. Ranger, Herb, you guys are both top notch in my book. Ranger has always answered my Q's when others have directed me to FAQ. And anyone who grows plants like herb, deserves some props. Like I said... I hope this can be resolved.
Ranger, I agree with you that the grow forums have turned to ****. I used to go in them alot and answer questions, but I got tired of answering the same ones over and over and over. I think what made me quit was several months ago someone in beginners asked about lights and I spent about ten minutes writing a detailed explanation about HID lights. Then the same day, some other guy asks the same damn question! My answer had only moved down about four spaces, but he couldn't even read that far. Then later on, somebody tells me I'm wrong because some friend of his said you could grow with a halogen bulb. I had enough, so I seldom go in there anymore. Herb, I don't know how you did it so long. I can tell you (at the risk of being banned) that I would not be able to get along with webby at all, which is why I couldn't be a mod. He sounds like an ex boss, gives you all the responsibility and no authority, I didn't put up with that crap for $75k a year, and I damn sure wouldn't put up with it for free. I don't blame you for being done.
lets face it, you can only laugh at some of these posts. I've been suffering years of HIGH anxiety and reading FGH posts gave me an instant temporary cure all! LOL! Laughter is the best medicine and a smile on my face is something people dont see very often.
Rangerdude you should go to the social security home dude, your to old to be getting all wound up dude. All you other dudes should party on.
What a crock of **** herb. I sure am glad that most Americans--indeed, most people on earth--have more balls that you. Instead, when the goin gets tough, you stand there and watch it slide fown the tubes. Pathetic. You knew what the gig was when you signed on. And if you were on strike why did you threaten to ban me a coupla days ago? Isn't that site work? I got into an arguement with a member a year ago in a forum and you jumped all over me. "handle it via PM" you said, yet you fail to follow your own advice. Everytime you throw a tantrum you threaten to quit, this is the 4th time I've heard it. Maybe Webby got tired of listening to your whining. What's wrong, granny didn't fix you enough cinnamon toast? Working 60-hour weeks what a crock of ****. Loser.
"i'd really hate 2 see ANY(whether i like them or not) good growerz leave over SPILLED MILK." i give up. this thread iz finished. how can any1 attack ol' Pappy? bless hiz soul. (Edited by fgh at 9:59 pm on May 9, 2004)
Man, the site has drifted somewhere. I can't say why. As far as the FAQ deal. I can see where it can come off just a little rude. When someone posts, and goes, tell me everything I need to know to grow? that is a bit much. I know I'm an old geezer. I started messin' before the web. I had to go find a bookstore that had Ed's book. Sometimes, I've felt that giving up assistance to people brings attention to me (us) I may not want? I like to help people, but who wants trouble? then, you get first posts, and, how much for a pound? I try to not come off like they are cops, they often are stupid kids, but, who can say? After you give out stuff, sometimes I feel weird about it. Like you had gay sex, and there's pix out there. ( no! ) all over a lousy, fucking weed? so, I can see how saying stuff can **** your head, I've felt it. As far as Ranger, you guy's have known him way longer than I. He kicked me in the junk a few days ago, and I said some stuff, even though I thought of it as "crackin'" I felt like I went over board. If I was Ranger, and I know ZERO about the guy, other than his posts, I'd get my balls wrapped in the chain. He puts it all out there. When I first went into the political forum, I was like, who is this guy? he is 180 degrees out of faze with EVERYTHING I think. Then I got to the point that I had to tell myself his whole game was just to skullfuck me. I kept waiting for the ha ha, sike! bitch. It has yet to come? I work with this guy who IS fat bastard. He will call you and your family everything but to dinner. Once in a while, you get sick of him, and you go, shut up, you fat guy, or something. He makes this face like he walked in on you ass fucking his mom. I have no idea why, but I felt like that look after I threw poo at Ranger. I have no thoughts as to some way to fix, or whatever, this site. I can't even tell you why I like it? I've been to several others, this is the only one I've joined so far. I stay up on my nights off, and, well, it beats porn. As for porn, every other day I see some news where large porn deals "go down" last week "they" claimed they had 10,000 names from kiddie porn. It makes me think like I'm a fuckhead for hanging here. All over a lousy weed. They banned ephedra, but you can buy smokes? it feels like that. I've had 2-3 PM's sent to me. They were all nice, and I didn't feel like I was being probed. I don't PM anyone else, I don't want anyone to feel spooked. And lastly, if the webby is AWOL, who is keeping the server plugged in? I've read some great cut-downs (crackin') in here, but once in a while, when someone threatens to go kill someone, that is just a bit much, when held up with all the other factors. oh, and the hyper ebonics, it is a tad bothersome to read. Perhaps think of keeping it down to the punchlines? not a slam, Richard Pryor was the man growing up in the ghetto in the 70's. I miss the 70's. Smoking weed was very cool. Cheech and Chong, Superfly, Dolemite. Now, they put Chong in prison. It just a lousy weed. I hope for the best.