Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by mistical, May 2, 2004.

  1. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    ime starting to get a little pissed with that little TWAT F G H spamming nearly every thread i read here lately , someone get rid of this FOOL , on the other hand it would be cool to see someone reach a thousand posts full of pure bullshit :madrock:
  2. kover420

    kover420 Veggy Stage

  3. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    ya never know . that might be his goal ?!
  4. Lemmonpie

    Lemmonpie Veggy Stage

    :laugh1: You think? ;)
  5. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud


    Quote: from mistical on 12:26 am on May 2, 2004
    ime starting to get a little pissed with that little TWAT F G H spamming nearly every thread i read here lately ,  someone get rid of this FOOL , on the other hand it would be cool to see someone reach a thousand posts full of pure bullshit :madrock:

    cry 2 ya mama, BITCH.

    "TWAT F G H spamming nearly every thread i read here lately , someone get rid of this FOOL...."
    PLZ. u & wut army?

    "be cool to see someone reach a thousand posts full of pure bullshit..."

    you've already dun dat.

    [​IMG]? [​IMG]? [​IMG]?? [​IMG]?[​IMG]
    howz dat 4 a spam?
  6. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

  7. elcajon555

    elcajon555 A Fat Sticky Bud

    Now now children play nice
  8. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

  9. burns 420

    burns 420 Full Flowering

    its sad that a 14 year old gangstarr

    with the mentality of a 14 year old gangstarr

    can ruin a good website like growkind.

    your really tough fgh when you give people ****

    from behind the saftey of your own computer.

    its time for the mods to act. because im losing interest. :(
  10. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    VERY good point Burn's:smokin:...its:sad:thats kinda why ive drop't off a bit as of late:eyes:a little BS go's a long way with even if fgh would just stop being a li'll piece a **** and act like a grown person should:idea:then its all good:bigok:.....LOL who cares i'm HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..:biggrin:          Bud3
  11. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    I'm beginning to feel the same way burnsy.

    I bet there are a lot of other people who don't visit because of the **** fgh does, spamming every post.

    Most other sites, of all kinds, ban members who are nuciences like fgh.

    A good approach would be for admin to PM fgh and tell him to knock it off or his i.s.p. will be blocked. There are ways to get around that but it's A LOT more inconvience that regestering a new handle.
  12. boxman

    boxman Begun Flowering

    Dude you know you can go down to the library or the rec center and use a computer for free dude. So like he could use a different computer every day dude. The library is cooler though dude when you go to the rec center you got to wait and then you only get 15 minutes if other dudes are waiting.
  13. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    i have said this in another post . i also am getting tired of the trashing of perfectly good posts .

    sadly a 12 year old has deceided to ruin something that a lot enjoy ..
  14. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    my perfectly good post tastes funny
  15. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Well the way I see it is no audience performance!   I can understand that everyone thinks the admin should handle this but they also have a thankless job of babysitting this which I would never want.   Maybe the best solution is to ignore him and he will just go away.........I think he thrives on the fact he gets negative attention frm all us posting bck to him.  Just my opinion but like a azzhole we all have one  :roll:

    All I know is I will not let some idiot keep me frm my GK family and he no longer pisses me off for the simple fact I ignore him and his lack of social skills and not to mention I do not undertand half of what he types.......guess I need Ebonics 101 to figure out what he is typing!! :roll:   The sad part is.......he has had some funny posts (far and few between but a couple i did laugh at)......maybe he should concentrate on his humor then trashing all you good people here on GK!!   He trashed me so trust me I do understand how you all feel........I just think if we all ignore him he will either stop the BS and or go away!!   Just ignore him and he will go find somewhere else to get the attention he seems to love and thrive on.    Just I do not think it is the mods job to babysit all the is freedom of speech too and we can choose to ignore him  [​IMG]    IGGY TIME!!  Just say no to FGH!   :roll:  
  16. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    I say put it to a vote!
  17. smotpoker

    smotpoker Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    i think if you have a problem with someone, work it out in pm's. Less messy and maybe you could figure something out.

  18. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Jersey Girl says it best ..
  19. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    u guyz must b kiddin!!! :roflmao:

    i mean should i really take this thread seriously?!!![​IMG]

    come on guyz, i already said wut i think about this ****.


    this must b da 3rd or fourth time sumbody done singled me out! gimme a break, this gettin old. i've been the TOPIC of so many NEW threadz itz ridiculus. DAMMIT. u guyz killin me! :LOL: this gotta b a joke, like dat **** in da beginnerz lounge (hint-fj:ponder:?)!


    i've already showed AN OUNCE of maturity on this thread by not TURNIN IN2 A GODDAMN SAILOR!!!!, like i have in other threadz bout me. PLZ. i know da routine. ask 2 kick out fgh......?


    i'm not gonna waste time. POINT BLANK. boxman'z rite. i can move from PC 2 PC & make 15min of roundz of **** on this fuka. switch namez.... wuteva. y would i waste my time doin dat? I MEAN 4 REAL ALL JOKEZ ASIDE. i can still log on as a guest and grow. DATZ MY GOAL. WANNA SEE FGH BANNED? and U WANNA SEE MY PLANT DIE? WANNA SEE ME GET FUCKED UP?[​IMG]?

    banned. 4 wut exactly? show me proof. i dunno, u guyz crazy! r u tryin 2 force me 2 change?

    don't give a damn

    i aint done **** 2 none of u, so u can kiss my ass.

    i'm not even gonna take this serious.


    "He _trashed me_ so trust me I do understand how you all feel........I just think if we all ignore him he will either stop the BS and or go away!!"

    show proof i trashed u.


    "for admin to PM fgh and tell him to knock it off or his i.s.p. will be blocked...."

    stop talkin bout my i.s.p.

    NOW DATS PERSONAL! u know wut range, people talkin bout my i.s.p. doesn't rub me da right way. U HAVE CROSSED DA LINE. knoc it off.

    will sum1 plz tell me not 2 take this serious. sum1 plz tell me 2 chill out, b/c i don't want NOBODY on my i.s.p.


    u guyz r a riot!:LOL:
  20. fgh

    fgh A Fat Sticky Bud

    BTW u guyz wild! :roflmao:

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