To all you international smokers...

Discussion in 'Smokers Lounge' started by The Joker, Mar 7, 2004.

  1. The Joker

    The Joker New Sprout

    I'm about to make a trip to Germany in a few days, Frankfurt specifically, and I was wondering if herb is hard to get there. I have never been to Europe before and I know alot of countries tolerate small amounts of cannibis for personal use, so I was wondering if this was the rule in Germany? It's bordered by a lot tolerant countries so I would assume that it is but anyones input is most appriciated. Oh yeah, what are some good sites to see while I'm there? I rarely get to travel and want to make the most out of this trip. Thanks to all who reply.
  2. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    i heard it was de-criminilised like Holland in Germany. Interested to find out when you get back.

  3. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

  4. The Joker

    The Joker New Sprout

    Semi-conducter? What are you guys talking about?
  5. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    If you go near Stuttgart, a small area known as Bad Cannstadt, I was born on an army base somewhere over there. Heilbronn who knows.. All I know was I was born an American citizen.
  6. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    Enquireing Joker! Not your game then. Still enjoy the trip.

    Hey Clay, If you born in Germany as a US citizen, then doesn't that make you dual nationality? eg. Could apply for and get a German passport?

    I know other service kids born abroad that have both,a handy thing to have :wink:
  7. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    don't know Streak.. never tried..
  8. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    What are you talking about? There are no drugs in Germany! Just like in America, nothing but fine upstanding citizens.

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