Might have something to do with the 9/11 thing??? Or possibly, the previous administration's left-overs!!! I think so!!! Clinton was a fuckin' joke!!! What other job could you do what he did and still stay employed? I set you'd blow him too, huh Gem?
LOL!!! Just thought that might stir you up a bit!!! It's all good!!! The only person I want to degrade is Ranger!!! Not you!!! Please accept my republican apology!!!
Good Gem...good girl,Whoaa started an actual political thread... keep up the good work and when the 'episodes' hit remember its TV... NOT posting on GK okay?...Remember! when 'episodes' hit... 1. turn off computer(very important!)....2. grab medicine...and 3. sit down on couch turn on television and watch television until episode is over......When 'episode' is OVER... 1. Turn on computer...2. post thread that is of political nature and other GK members can actually interpret...You can do it! Make us proud Gem... (Edited by Seizure Dude at 7:24 pm on Feb. 15, 2003)
The economy was on the decline the last 2 years of clintons administration. Enron was not bushes fault, enron was built under clinton and it was clintons SEC that let **** like enron happen by NOT taking a TOUGHER stance on corporate crimes. Clinton took american jobs and gave them China. Thousands upon thousands of jobs left america when clinton gave china "permanent normal trade status" in a supposed, and failed attempt to end chinas humnaitarin violations. Alls clinton did was cost american factory workers jobs and sent the economy on a downhill slope. Bushes taxe cuts for businesses will help bring those jobs back. Just wait till it is passed gem. You will see 1 year from now, after saddam is gone and the tax cuts are in place, our economy will be booming once again.
times were never so good as they were with clinton. the dow went from below 7000 to over 12000 dureing his administration. we had a surplus of billions of dollars. historically and factually the stock market always does better with democrats than republicans. check out the trends its absolutely true. SS- while i am on your side in most things you must remember the republican congress that gave him such a hard time. they tried to force issues on him to destroy him such as gays in the military. it was newt gingrich that was so bad during the clinton administration. clinton had the potential to be great, unfortunately he fell way short. but the economy was starting to slide during his administration because he would be leaving office. wall street does not like uncertainty. we havent been to war with iraq yet but for the last 2 years the market has responded like we were. i would be a republican if they werent so rapped up in conflicts of interest and religion. republican ideals are good its just that most of the republicans are crooked. now ranger could you follow my example please and go learn some facts. at least try to appear intelligent.
I hear ya fishman, but those stocks under the clinton admin were over-priced stocks, just look at how many .com companies went under, not to mention republican tax cuts bring R&D and promote business, while under clinton, he promoted giving money away to people who dont hire people or give paychecks. He gave money to the poor, but killed jobs. While stocks were up, the unemployment rate was down as much as 20% in america because clinton drove jobs out of the country and raised taxes to the point where companies couldnt afford to stay in business. Also, the economy was on its way up under bush sr. Clinton was handed a good economony, and handed over a struggling one to bush, who then had to deal with 9/11. Lets not forget also, in clintons first 2 years, democrats held the house, senate and white house and he still didnt get anything done. He wasted every oppurtunity he had to do anything good for america. He cloaked the unemployment rate with the over-priced stock markets, drove out jobs, raised taxes and let terrorist countries thrive on american blindness so they could attack on 9/11 which crippled america.
there is no doubt stocks were over priced. if you look at the economy now it has actually just returned to normal levels. it was inevitable that the market fall, with or without 9/11. lets also not forget that clinton was trying to make a piece between israel and the palestinians. bush chose as a matter of public policy to do nothing about the problem. he did not engage with n. korea when he took office. dont get me wrong, like most americans i am actually somewhere between the two parties ideologically. i think bush's tax cuts may work. time will tell and so will the next election. thats what ranger does not understand. it is not patriotic to bash the president of the united states. it is patriotic to vote his ass out though when the time comes. whether he likes it or not majority rules. why do you think that republicans run both houses of congress. because the majority of americans agree with what he's doing. so i guess when it is a million to one, the million are just nuts.
Peace between israel and palistine has to come from israeli and palistinian leaders. American presidents cant do much. Clinton tried and it didnt work. Both sharon and arafat must be removed in order to make peace work, and the UN is who should take responsibilty for it because there the reason this whole mess has happened anyway. Palistine though, is used by other countries to further islamic agendas. Many people living there are actually from syria or lebanon and only go there to help drive israel out. Most palistinians and jews get along just fine, go shopping and to school together. Its the governments that hate eachother and the UN should step in and remove them both. And What was bush supposed to do about N Korea? He had no proof N Korea was doing anything until they admited they had nuclear weapons programs, and he did do something immediatly after he found out. (Edited by Sylent Skull at 11:01 am on Feb. 16, 2003)
im just saying that the blame game is useless. i can find blame in people as well as anyone else. i could also argue that the situation seemed to escalate at a time when bush decided not to pay attention. i can find lots of faults with everyone ( the handleing of the situation in tora bora for one) but noones perfect and **** happens. this is a time when we could really use a good leader.
Yes it is useless, sort of. Its imoportant to know why things happen though, so we dont do them again. I think Bush is a good leader. He has his faults, But look at what our options were?LMAO Bush is an "in your face, take no ****" president. 9/11 wouldve happend no matter who was president, and al gore wouldnt have had the guts to respond in anyway, much less the appropiate way. I like alot of what bush says and does. I think he should be tougher on countries that sponsor terrorism though. We really need a president thatll go in and do whats necassary to protect american civilians, no matter what the political backlash.
ing and ing at Seize! Quit dogging me, Agonizer! Sylent to tha rescue again.... How can you say Bush had nothing to do with Enron?!? You better wake up or I'm gonna douse you w/ my ice water in a most unpleasant way! Clinton ROCKED THE WORLD economy! (Edited by GeminiGoddess at 12:52 pm on Feb. 16, 2003)