2009 outdoor New Purple Power

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by schui, May 13, 2009.

  1. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    For sure these are the tiniest seeds I have ever come across, except like poppy seeds. They germinate and grow, so why would these not, well I got 10 in a package, I put all ten of them in a ziplock and TP with water, and set near the fireplace. They have all popped out, I busted one that had a new root sprout but it went brown, and turned out to be rotten. The second one I was pricking out from the propogation space and pulled the bottom root off, I have been trying to keep it going. I will monitor its special results, the rest except two are in the ground, and will monitor till October then I will hopefully have a mix of females and males, and seeds for the next grow. number 1.jpg
  2. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    I wouldn't hope for males... You would def. get seeds from them but any female plant in the area of a male plant will get pollinated, and that female will then grow seeds.
  3. schui

    schui Excommunicated


    This season that is what Iam trialing for, offspring, of course I may take some cutting's for females that have showed at the exact date, of course I could do the black plastic bag method and get it to show sex, then take cuttings like third week. Not sure, I have been growing for a number of years, but outside growing is my best technique, I grow the seedlings into babies, put a black bag over them for two to three weeks. Then they show sex, take cuts from females. Then replant after roots appear in a different zone. That way I have both pollinated, and unpollinated product.

    It has worked for me many many seasons I do this. I am sure of it. I try many different experiments with these plants, and others I will not bore you with all my other plant experiments, but the cana i will continue every year. Sometimes if the summer is hot. One plant will reach 3 meters.
  4. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I think thats his point secretgrower.. He wants seeds for next years crop.

    Best of Luck Schui! I have had my eyes on this strain for a while now. Just havent made the move to order it yet! :) I have so many different strains to deal with right now, but I'd like to try a few of these..

    I will be watching this one! I've seen some nice flowers from the PURPLE POWER!

  5. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    I suggest you go to youtube.com and look at "A Grower's Lot".

    This guy know his outdoor growing. He says to grow your plants in a pot until they're eight or so inches tall so they will be sturdy enough to stand a hard rain. He adds compost to the soil, checks the pH, all that. Then he goes and checks them when they are close to maturing and cuts out the males as soon as they show. If you dont---you will have nothing but heavily seeded buds on every female in the grow.. If you want to produce some seeds I suggest you make one clone of every plant before they flower. Number the plants and make sure the clone has the same number on it. When you go to your grow and see those males, write down what their number is, cut out the plant and destroy it. Go find the clone with that number on it and you KNOW it is male. Let that ONE male mature in a pot FAR AWAY from your grow. Then take one of your female clones-in-a-pot and let the male polinate just that one. Otherwise, your whole crop will be lousy.

    One seed bud will give you a gazillion seeds.

  6. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    I still have two new purple powers in my bud room.... they take so damn long to finish and they grow really tall..... I think ill plant my last two seeds of NPP outside.
  7. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    that is a outdoor strain

    It really does better outside, and in a more sub terra climate, nothing about this plant is equatorial. This is a old dutch strain that is a reliable old hand.

    It always comes thru. You must know how to be friendly too this plant. I had told in an earlier reply I had broken the root transplanting a seedling. Today after 2 weeks of intensive care. I will get a pic, and show its progress. I just treat as a cutting, and now i have a new plant back from the dead.

    It has happened before, you must be carefull moving or touching your plants, but rather then just toss it aside. I take a different approach.

    Today it has rained and is 10 degrees, but the plants are doing great, very green, and also very healthy. I need not do my pH because my other plants and veg, flowers tell me what my soil is doing. I can onlly guess, in the area that the plants are in I would say it is 6.6 maybe, 6.2 the soil is pure compost from my own making, and I make it well. I also try and keep the plants on a slight incline, so water does not build up. It works also very well. As far as animals or insects, I have different organic pest repllents, and also things I do to keep the baddies away.

    Now I have a corn field on the other side of this garden and it is 3 acres nightmare, organic maize is expensive to grow, and expensive when sold. The end result is you must concentate on what ever you grow. Make adjustments, and you will have a perfect crop. Even if it Marijuana.
  8. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    I will be keeping my eye on this thread to see the "Purple Power".....never ordered them but most curious indeed about this strain. ;)

    As for wanting seeds for next year....hmmm I would not risk my crop for seeds. Hell I would transplant them FAR FAR away from the girls before allowing them to pollinate the females bro. Right now they are young enough to be transplanted without too much stress if done correctly. ;)

    Anywhos happy growing bro! Looking forward to pics on this strain and how well they do. Also can not wait to see the leafs on them as the pics I have seen are pretty indeed!!!
  9. schui

    schui Excommunicated


    appreciate the kind words, it is only my choice this time to opt for seed bearing plants. If I do take cuttings, which I will. Then Those will be Female, and no worries about males as there will be none. I will update. The last few days its been thundering and raining hard, but today, sun was shining, and they looked very well thank you. I suppose its my drainage. No puddles anywhere
  10. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Any updates coming? I'd like to see the NPP when it's big outside.
  11. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    picsjust had 4 days of serius rain, and also the one seedling I broke the original root from, was put in tensive care, that pic will be labeled number 1, the rest are 5 in the ground close proximity and two in pots, one of those two looks like early stages of a beetle chewing on it has been quarintined, and the baby the was re born, number 1 is in quarintine with the plant that was munched on. all others seem to be doing well.enjoy.

    number 5 outside.jpg

  12. qwert

    qwert Established Healthy Roots

    what are some of the equatorials or near to which grow best?

    will save me a ton of digging this one.

    thanks i a
  13. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Good luck.
  14. qwert

    qwert Established Healthy Roots

    yeah, I guess I would get a better responce to my posts if I posted some shallow shit about getting wasted with some kind bud, oh well..
  15. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    hey dude, first chance Ive had to log

    Sorry, dude, I caught a train today, and just say your reply on this thread I started. I will be glad to speak about equatorial strains if you like. I would

    be happy to give you some information that I am experienced with.

    These other people could have given their choices as well, I think since I asked when I first joined, that I should make my own thread. Im learning.

    I know you wanted me to get back with you, but seriusly this is the 1st chance I have had, well I will be happy to give you some strains I have grown.

    Panama red, Columbian gold, Aculpuco gold, california big bud, these are really good tasting strains, they maybe harder or more expensive to come by.

    I would look at the FAQ's and the books, thats how I found out, by diggin away.

    No one will hand you the golden egg, so anytime you want to know something you just ask the expert. just playing.

    Im no expert, but I have grown some of these strains under lamps.

    In europe you can not grown good weed outside like you can in south america. thats a given. I m going to go now to the bar, I have been sleeping since I got here, and just wanted to make sure I had all my emails sent for tommorrow, that way my cell wont be going off all day, roaming charges suck.

    At least there is no rain here.

    later on

    sorry qwert dude, if you felt i was lagging on ya, I really do not have loads of time to stay online and answer questions to blogs I am on. I do like to when Im not busy, but I would think most people are the same way.

    anyways, stay cool.
  16. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    sorry dude

    my bad, i was busy all day. check my other reply I put some choices for you to check out.
  17. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    My, my, aren't we all uppity.
  18. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    Moved four plants.

    I had to move some of the last of the strarters, so they can receive a full day of sunshine. I had the plants hard to detect. The only other problem was the other plant life was thriving on my nutes. That meant I was getting heavy cover, and cutting sunshine out. They will still be close, I also put three big buckets out for 3 plants, and I might make 4 buckets, then I can move them.

    That way if anything goes wrong, half of the lot I have will be isolated.

    The other four will stay in the ground, and that is of course the best thing to do overall.

    Nature is so incredible when it comes to big buckets and lamps, its ok. I like the other way.

    I will get some pics on my garden, and will put one on the thread as well.

    Hope your weather is going well for you.
  19. mccrob

    mccrob Herb Budmin

    I always try to put a few of each strain in buckets,I keep an eye on them until they show there sex then just take what males and females I want to breed and set them away from the others.works every time and is not at all complicated.
  20. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    20/06/2009new update:these are the last four, I have posted all but the first two I moved which I said in an earlier thread. I went out on the bike and the batts wlasted three shots. I am back posting the pics i just took, as I did promise updates. I will finish here, go back out on the bike, recharged batts. I will take a few of the two biggest ones, which in my humble case look to be already female, which I am not sure that is possible.at any rate, I notice a female on the two in the garden I split up earlier in the week, so we will see how many females we have. I am sure a male will find its way in the mix somewhere never germmed 100 percent females ever not once.so I will be back later to post these two, Its getting dark here, and its only 9:11 pm


    number 1.jpg



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