24/7 to 18/6

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Toker2, May 12, 2009.

  1. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I been thinking about cutting back to 18/6 for the last 2 weeks of an 8 week veg.

    Can i do this and not induce flowering?
  2. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Yes you can but Why
  3. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Oh crap , sorry mods posted in the wrong place...:rofl6:

    well not

    Too much going on around here, and since I'm running a ghetto set up

    its easier for me. I can leave the windows open [and not blair light]and vent the heat and smell outside and suck lots of fresh air in too. Plus I'm thinking that it may buy me a little more time to get some things i need for the flower stage.

    Right now with the fan blowing out all air in the room really quick there is

    no smell, but if i close the windows the whole house reeks.

    But you can stand outside the window and let the fan exhaust hit you in the face and smell nothing.

    That will change I'm told so i need time to prepare for it,

    Also trying a little experiment , sine i lack central air I am going to

    put a window unit in one of my grow room windows and let it get

    hot and stanky in the room and then turn the ac on, I suspect it will

    dampen the smell even better than the fan but i could be wrong.

    I let ya know .

    Just a theory but as i have noticed with the LIMITED smell of this veg

    if you don't let the heat and the odor accumulate [small grows]its easy to keep the house smelling odor free , this is only my experience and I suppose it will change soon.

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