A friend told me one thing, but i ant to get yalls opinion.

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by mak420, May 28, 2009.

  1. mak420


    A freind had told me to cut all of the leaves off the plant that had already opened up good. Now he says that his reasoning for this is to make new growth come in more quickly. Is there any truth to this or is my freind full of shit?
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Full-o-shit. Keep your leaves. THEY are what gives the plant the energy to grow. Think of them as mini solar panels. Less panels=less energy. Less energy=less bud at harvest. Simple as that.

  3. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    What RR said ^^^^

    Also old ppl like my dad use every fiber of the plant....even the leaves. :rofl:
  4. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest

    so do i

    so do i all fan leaves to the qwiso
  5. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Who starts these rumors
  6. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    ya'mean like this?!?

  7. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    DON'T HATE ME PEOPLE. But what your friend said does have some truth. I have in the past cut every fan leaf off of plants to make them bush out. It works wonders. It will obviously inscrease the time it takes to grow, but if you want a really dense bush then this is an easy way to go about it. I like bushes. Sometimes I tuck leaves, sometimes I cut them. Either way, I always get bushes! Now if you are in flowering already then it's pointless.

    I first discovered this when I nearly killed a plant and every fan leaf died anyways but all the new growth survived. This is what she turned into (first pic) along with a few other examples of bushes I have created through cutting and/or tucking fan leaves. Just NEVER remove them in flowering.

    So yeah, it's not rumor and it's far from full of shit. If you have the patience and tenacity to cut every fan leaf off (it's hard to do!) and you start with a healthy well-noded plant you BET YOUR ASS it will speed up the new growth and give you one helluva bush!

    Cutting off fan leaves b/c they are damaged and not dead or just ugly = dumb

    Cutting them off when you have the time to wait and a goal in mind = stepping out from the crowd and doing what DOES work even if people tell you not too......




  8. Dank Vapor

    Dank Vapor Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm calling Child & Family Services on you Joe... That is one abused plant.. lol.

    Nice plants canna.
  9. budbox

    budbox workin things out


    not saying that ur way is wrong but i have had a plant bushy like that without cutting fan leaves just did a lil lst and showed the nodes more light and keeping all that energy
  10. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Oh no doubt LST works awesome too. I am just lazy ;) And this is way easier for me than dealing with ties ect (which I know is just one of many forms of LST). I find when the fan leaves come off, the new growth really takes off faster than LST. But I have not done like multiple clinical trials so I can't prove it :wink: But yes, I have done LST and yes it works really well too :)

    LST is really just any type of low stress training. So my tucking of fan leaves is LST. Cutting them..... not so much, but its all for the same purpose. I usually just do both. I tuck the ones that will stay tucked. The ones that just keep untucking and will not cooperate will get the boot before flowering.

    Oh and thanks ITCD!!
  11. mak420


    thanks for the in put.

    c-girl i like the way you think. a couple people said that it was a bad idea to cut the fan leaves, but its been a couple days since i cut them and the plant looks great there is new growth coming from every where.:qright7:
  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Ouch ouch ouch...ok Canna...I give. Who can argue with pics like those?:thumbsup: And your garden...well that speaks for itself now doesn't it?:wink: I still would caution against aggressive trimming as a general rule. In the hands of a lesser skilled gardener than yourself a scissors could reek havoc on a grow.

    Just goes to show though that there are hundreds of ways to successfully grow MJ.

  13. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    wouldnt it be easier to top the plant when its like 6-8 nodes then top each branch 2 weeks afterwards then jus leave it to bush out?or is cutting jus the leaves that much better for it?i usually only LST but am thinking of topping them this year.

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