A newbie

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by LadyFlamezzz, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    i center everything so for those that don't i'm sorry in advance but i cannot change.
    I'm a child of the 60's thank the heavens!
    I have been waiting patiently to be approved so i can reach out and say thank you to everyone i have taken notice of thus far
    you all have given me such hope in my own lil garden of love:animbong:
    the pictures of course due to the fact i'm a blonde have served in helping me immensly in setting up my own lil garden!
    I'm looking forward to maybe making some friends, and learning vast amounts of grow knowledge!
  2. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Everyone welcome LadyFlamezzz

    Welcome to :GK: Lady Flamezzz! This is really a great community of like minded people! There's lots of courteous PPL here willing to lend a hand, and help you with anything you may need a long the way! :thumbsup:

    I dont know what I would do without my GK Family! ;)

    I hope you enjoy your stay as much as the rest of us! Have you go any pictures of your garden? I would love to see what you have going on! :)

    Welcome to the Family! :love:

  3. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    I am so new to growing actually i have two babies that i am so proud of!

    I will take pics and upload them this morning but please be kind as i am very new to this!

    Thank you so much for the kind welcome.:animbong:

    I don't even know what they are,lol

    But they are growing!
  4. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest


    welcome you picked the right sight. The people on here will help you. They are great. good luck
  5. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

  6. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    left field ?

    sorry i don't understand what you mean by this?

    anyway if this was a welcome thx,lol

  7. SteelCity Smoker

    SteelCity Smoker To Be Continued

    I think what chris is tryin to say in pittsburghese is that this ain't myspace or eharmony no one will stalk you on here. We just grow smoke and laugh round these parts. There are a few threads that are about sex in the smoker's lounge but they are few and far between. Welcome to GKind and as i tell all noobs Stay as long as you like but be sure to turn the lights off when you leave...DSP
  8. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Welcome to GK -Bud
  9. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    lol ty i was so confused...i have been looking at the gallery and drooling...so glad to know this is a place i can learn. Being online for years i guess my barriers where up , my sincere apologies, i will change my profile!

    I have very new plants but they are a month old , but not very big , i recently read up on lighting and purchased a 16,ooo lumen 100 watt but using 23 watt light i had no idea how to do this apparently. Then on searching for help i found this site and man alive yall know your stuff and i am so proud to be a member...as you can see i am so new to this, My partner has MS ( mulitple sclerosis) and since the recession has hit us all, i found the need to grow our own, so i'm really trying to learn! so thank you so much for the explanation and the kindness...:bong2:
  10. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    ty so much....!:animbong:

    btw i am crazy iin love with the smiley's
  11. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    thank you so very much, i need the help !:icon_scratch:
  12. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still


    You won't be sorry, LadyF....I've saved myself ~ $100 a week for the past 4 1/2 years :rocker:

    :$ $$:cha-ching!! :$ $$:

    (now if I can grow hopps and barley and brew some beer for Mrs D, I'll be in the black, lol):beerchug:

    :welcome: to :GK: LadyF :wave:

  13. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I see you found my smiley ;)

    Welcome to the family! I always love to see more growkind girlies join the fray!
  14. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    what a lively and lovely reply,lol

    Thank you...for the encouragemnt and the welcome :smile: so far i feel like i'm very glad i found ya'll!
  15. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    Thank you ever so much it juss jumped out at me :smile: ,lol

    I'm looking forward to hopefully one day be able to contribute till then i hope to soak in some knowledge from yall...i'll be gentle:smile: :smokin:
  16. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    So how much pot are you using and trying to grow for your use? Thats going to determine what your "setup" is going to entail......
  17. LadyFlamezzz

    LadyFlamezzz learning everything i can

    T just ask him and he says from an 8th to a quarter a week..and pretty much what ever i can buy where we are soon to get a hold of some white widow we have another 2 weeks though before thats ready...not mine someone else has that unfortunately,lol

    maybe you could tell me what i'm growing by looking at the pictures in the gallery , i'm so sincere all i know is they are from what i bought. Hence my need for help!
  18. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Sorry that I missed this.

    :-welcome-: :-welcome-:
  19. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    its from a year ago

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