A very low budget grow. Any advice?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by mak420, May 29, 2009.

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  1. mak420


    ok i've been growing for about ten years, but i've never been seriouse about it. I'm tring to grow quality more than quanity. but here is what i've got so far, I planted seed from some good smoke i had scored around x-mas, best as i can tell i think it is some strain of kush. any how they are planted in five gallon buckets and i used worm bedding from the back yard for my medium. the only fertilizer that i have used is miracle grow. the plants are now about four months old and approxamently two and a half to three feet tall. i topped them around a month ago to get a bush. any tips on how to better my grow with out spending much doe?:passit:
  2. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I have not grown any special strains but I would recommend getting good strain (clone) from a friend.

    Start a worm bin (Vermicomposting) will get you a lot of cheap organic soil, It might take a while but worth it. It's black gold.:shocked:

    I take it from the size of your plant now you are doing an outside grow?

    You might want to google organic homemade nutrients for plants.

    Hope that helps a little.

    Research, research, research.

    Everyone is after the holy grail of plants :smokin:
  3. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    I just want to say that while I'm not white I totally support you in your whiteness.:roulette:
  4. mak420


    Yes it is an outdoor grow.:bongin:
  5. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Yes is that what the symbols means? I spent about 20 min trying to match that symbol yesterday and if it means what I think it means then a big fat FUCK YOU to this guy. I hope your plants all die. Oh and I am white too. I have been all for avoiding drama but if that symbol is that, then we SOOOOOOOOOOO don't need your kind here or anywhere on this whole goddamn planet. Go fuck yourself.

    If it means that....then I am hereby sending you a curse of all male plants for life.

    If it means something else then disregard this.
  6. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Yeah, it is what it means. God, you people sicken me. Please leave. Maybe some folks will help you out but I sincerly hope that no one else here ever will again (and I even tried to help you myself, uggggggggh that makes me feel sick, I would delete it but it might help someone in the future so I wont, just know that it is no longer meant for YOU at all)...... I hope your plants die or get ripped by the "colored". You bastard.

    To everyone but this prick I apologize for my behavior, I just can't stand this sort of thing. It's worse than marijuana laws.

    Annnnnnd last but not least, If I am misunderstanding what the symbol fully means then accept my apology.....but honestly even having the symbols as your avatar, even if it doesn't mean you are basically a racist son of a bitch (and thats just the least of it)....knowing that many people might take it that way......I am pretty sure I would never be your friend anyways.
  7. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Heres an idea for low budget, how about you light your plants with the fire of 10 burning crosses?

    I'll shut up now. I don't apologize for calling this fucker out but if I deserve it then please ban me, I would be extremely proud of going down for something like this......
    ResinRubber likes this.
  8. godzilla

    godzilla rage against the machine

    wow cannagirl, dont let this guy upset you, shit, am going to stay away from this thread. time to get right.:animbong:
  9. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Nah he hasn't upset me... I enjoy the opportunity to take out my rage concerning people like this on an actual individual who I know will be reading it ;)

    I am extremely prejudice of racists :thumbsup:
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod


    If you want a wingman I'd be proud to stand next to ya. I didn't even notice the symbolic avy until you and Red Bull pointed it out. Fuckin Aryan Brotherhood fucktard is what it means.

    If I had my way all those bastards would be rounded up and dumped naked in a Zimbabwan prison.

    [​IMG] The circled cross or "sun wheel" has long been associated with the aryan movement.

    Fucking asshole....I hope you roast you fuck!
  11. godzilla

    godzilla rage against the machine

    well my guess would be that he must be a, in the woods redneck.
  12. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

  13. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Look, I'm not white but I kinda feel like everyone should be allowed to do their thing. He should be proud of his whiteness just like I should be proud of my not whiteness. Dude, if you need any help with your plants I'm there for you. I'm one of the good ones. LOL:roulette:
  14. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I'm a bad one :thumbsup:
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    red bull, I'll agree everyone should be able to do their thing but will always consider aryan supremicists as defective human beings. They don't just "do their thing". Their "thing" requires the subjugation of other people. Because of that THEIR "thing" intrudes upon the rights of others and debases society as a whole. Goebbels was just doing "his thing" too.

    IMHO it simply trancends the bounds of human decency on a level that is totally unacceptable.
  16. Gratitude

    Gratitude Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    This post is not intended to support anything or one.

    That "circled cross" is the Zodiac.

    It's been used by many groups, including christians.

    It's the Zodiac and nothing more, seasons, planets, stars.

    The symbol on the stomach of the "Aryan Bear" is incorrect. The Symbol they wanted is rotated 90 degrees.

    The symbol they used is an ancient symbol predating organized white society.

    It's used along side the Yin-Yang symbol in the Falun Dafa practice.

    Any body know that some ppl are wigged out by the "Peace" symbol?

    It's called Nero's Cross by some, broken and upside down, a symbol of persecuting christianity.

    Again, not supporting anything here. Just had to point out the circled cross.

    Personally, perhaps naively, I thought that that avy might refer to some military sharp shooter thing.

    There's no belief requirement for membership. Just acting civilly. Canna, Res, I understand the righteous indigination...He's behaving. Not being a dick. Only the Avy is inciting and not with out interpretation. You've said your piece.

    Remeber there's an "Ignore User" option:wink:

    It's all about degrees. Hatred and Violence are self perpetuating and contagious. Most ppl on this planet condone forcibly taking the life of another human being under the "right" set of circumstances...in the right uniform, the wrong color, the wrong continent, or as "punishment", almost always the poor though...that part never changes.

    Let's chill guys.

  17. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Grat is right everyone.:thumbsup: This guy hasn't cause one bit of trouble, and you guys may be completely off base with this guy, give him a chance, I know I will.:welcome: ...

    I will say again don't take matters into your own hands, let a mod know if someone or something is offending you and we will handle it.:smokin: Now lets all try and play nice. [​IMG]
  18. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    What they said. ^^^^

    I go by the rule of giving everyone a chance to prove themselves. Till then...you are simply speculating. Let him have his say and then we'll go from there.
  19. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    It may be the Zobiac sign but....if you look closely at the botom circle.....it says WHITE PRIDE WORLD WIDE in the outer/inner circle right below SHOW YOUR PRIDE..............Thus saying Show your pride, White pride world wide!

    Im a foulmouth jerk alot of times but thats just fucked up, flat out.....and Im offended a lil. Sorry guy:siskel: :siskel: :siskel: :stop: :stop: :stop:
  20. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Ok...did some digging and found this.....


    First symbol is the one this guy is using here...so there's really no question in my mind now.

    Sorry dude....racism is not tollerated here for ANY reason....period. The avy has to go. :wave:
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