ABC just anounced!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RkyMtnWayHigh69, Feb 26, 2003.

  1. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    If the war in Iraq breaks out during the "MarchMadness" NCAA mens basketball championships, they will move the B-ball games to another Viacom owner station, and cover the war on ABC!!! This is the best reason yet, why we shouldn't go to war with Iraq. Let's let the UN inspectors work till after March, then if Sadamm still won't comply, then we'll attack. Save the "Marchmadness"!!!

  2. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    But wait! If the war starts in April we'll miss all those exciting early-season baseball games.

    Then there's the NBA playoffs!

    I think the Stanely Cup is in there somewhere too.

    How about forming a political-action group "Sports Fans Against War"?
  3. northlite

    northlite Blazed and Confused

    Iraqi children play dodge the minefield
  4. Seizure Dude

    Seizure Dude Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Dont forget football season Danger!...Hell, looks like no war after all:smile:
  5. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    You would have a better chance of gettin' me to join that club, than any other you represent!!!:roll: Peace all!!!


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