AK47 by Lemonpie

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by MellowDood, Jun 5, 2004.

  1. MellowDood

    MellowDood weed eater


    and a bubble cloner made by barnabystones:

    (Edited by MellowDood at 3:12 pm on June 6, 2004)
  2. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Thanks for your help Mellow, and the bubbler cloner is so cool! Thank you Barnaby:cheesy:
  3. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    excellent plants!!! looks to be a nice balance of nutes...what nutes were used for the budding stage??
  4. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    Dame fine!!!!

    Like that aero-cloner.....very sharp:ebert:

  5. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    PBP and Green Fuse here Danno...bringing it up gradually, and now they're in their final weeks, and I've upped the ppm to 1100

    and I'll keep a close eye on em, but I must say, these girls have been a pleasure to grow, great strain:ebert:


    (Edited by Lemonpie at 2:06 pm on June 5, 2004)
  6. oneplant

    oneplant Begun Flowering

     :ebert:  very nice pics. good job!  [​IMG]
  7. Sly

    Sly Begun Flowering

    GREAT! :bigok:
  8. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Looking great, Lemon.
  9. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    d.a.m.n., girlfriend! those are looking fine!! :spin:
  10. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Nice work Lemon...:bigok: You sure you know how to shoot that thing? :ponder:
  11. MisSativa

    MisSativa Blazed and Confused

    ok so I should plan to visit you in what, 3-4 weeks??[​IMG]
  12. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    excellant. I'll tell you one thing Lemon, once you've tried AK there's no going back.....kick ass smoke. Is the smell about to run you out of the house yet lol?
  13. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    lol, well yes, GT...funny you should mention that. Hubby said something to the effect of it smelling like a skunk farm! So, I'm going to try the vinegar today. I'm going to the store to buy a few gallons if it! What is your recommended use?

  14. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :light:Wow! I'm so glad i still have my Ak-47z...hee hee...thanx a bunch!!!!:biggrin:
  15. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    ;) ismoke hee hee

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 10:52 am on June 6, 2004)
  16. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Very nice Pie! You have adapted to the hydro very well. Kudos and good growing to you!
  17. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Well Useless, I thank you;)
  18. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    How much vinegar you use depends on your air circulation, amount of bud-funk you need to camouflage, and humidity. Start with a cereal bowl full and monitor from there. If it's too much, reduce the amount you set out...not enough, double it.
  19. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Merci Indy:)
  20. BarnabyStones

    BarnabyStones Established Healthy Roots

    Very nice lemon...very nice. Wouldn't mind taking a toke of THAT! Enjoy the cloner, too!

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