any comments/suggestions much appreciated

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by ukbudfarmer, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. ukbudfarmer

    ukbudfarmer lightly toasted

    :smokin: hay guys an gals iv jus become a member of the growkind family an am a first time grower of the green stuff iv jus recently got my pics of my first 2 babys up wondered if anyone had any comments and/or critisisms or anything i havnt really had any probs so far but most of my advice has come from u guys on the forum so id appreciate ur input. thanks guys. keep it green. this my garden bout 7-8 weeks vegin but iv bin messin about with the set up so theyve probly only had 5 full weeks on 18/6 /gardens/3326/

    :passit: let me kno wot ya reckon cheers :bong2: UKbudfarmer:smokin:
  2. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Hey man just took a look at your gallery, everythings looking good. Plants look nice and healthy.:welcome::passit: Stick around and these guys will definately be able to answer any questions you might have. Peace.
  3. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Those first two are nice and bushy/healthy, the other three are healthy as well, but a little stretched out.

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