Anyone been watching this Julian Assange thing on the news? The wikileaks guy,i know for a few years now hes been getting hunted and finally the UK granted an extradition order to send him to Sweden for sex charges that he claims are driven by the USA in a witchhunt against him for revealing the video of US miltary shooting Iraqis they thought had guns. Anyways on the day his extradition is granted he turns up at the Ecuador embassy in London and they give him asylum. Now im thinking.... Did this guy really do some twisted shit on some Swedish bird... or is this all a ploy by Obama like he claims.Seems a bit far fetched to me but then again we know Govts dont like to see classified shit go viral and it does send out a message to future wikileaks type sites.I think Anonymous have kinda learned from his mistakes.Anyways im gonna stay tuned cos i know the UK aint just gonna watch that building for the next so many years to make sure he dont escape and they sure as hell aint gonna let him do a weekly broadcast in front of his supporters,free speech supporters. I forsee the cops forcibly taking him out of there or reaching some kind of agreement with Ecuador but no way do i see him getting what he wants in the form of Obama promising not to extradite him . Interesting stuff [YOUTUBE]4nqv1DSTVv4[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]lw9zJtxs6rA[/YOUTUBE]
I can say I was surprised by the rape allegations. I honestly thought the man was Gay before all of this. Wouldn't put it past our Gov, but in reality he's probably a megalomaniac that forced himself on a woman because he thought she wanted to sleep with him. The man's ego is way to big and thats why I tend to believe the story. Anyways he is doing a service, but at the same time a disservice. He should share information if that is his intent, but he likes to hold this information ransom for his own gain.
Yeah very true.Iv kept an eye on wikileaks and all that kinda shit for a while now. I too thought he was Gay,maybe thats how he knows its a witchhunt But no i also think he thought he had too much sway over people and Govts and now hes in a panic cos not only would the sweden allegations finish off his credibility but he knows they are simply gonna send him on to USA where he can expect some hardtime:5eek: Me thinks Ecuador may end up regretting this move.If the UK can prove in any way that the embassy is not being used for its sole purposes then thats all they need to revoke the diplomatic rights and storm the building.I aint seen an embassy stormed since the Iranian siege back in the 80s. I think Assange will be trying on wigs and dresses right about now cos he must know he can only stay there for so long before diplomatic pressure,or incentives will cause Ecuador to give him up willingly or by force. Game on as they say,keepin an eye on this one:5magnify:
I think Assange is a narcissistic asshole. I think the U.S. is setting him up. I think Sweden is complicit in forwarding questionable charges to afford his extradition to the U.S. I think Equador is having fun thumbing it's nose at the U.S., U.K and their NATO lackey Sweden. No embassy will be stormed over Assange. He's simply not worth the diplomatic fallout. At worst he'll remain locked in the embassy until a negotiated release or he escapes.
My view on the Assange mess is jaded in that I don't trust the U.S. Govt. I think it is a setup ( the rape allegations ) all the way. But, I have not researched the allegations made by the women either. Was there physical evidence ? DNA ? Doctor exam ? Or is it just the claim being made. On the other side, Assange is on a power trip . Wikileaks does serve a purpose to uncover some pretty shady shit that goes on and it is not just the U.S. that it is pulling it off. Storming Embassy's ? Historically, that has been a big fucking no-no. Hell, the US just sheltered that blind Chinese lawyer until the Chinese agreed to let him come to the US " to study ". Clever diplomatic speak to save face by the Chinese Govt. Still, he was in violation of their "law". If Ecuador wants to get him out of the country what is to stop them from crating him up, slapping a diplomatic seal on the box and loading his ass on a plane ? Far fetched, granted. How about the Kim Dot Com mess? Our govt tried to say that they don't have to present the evidence against him to get him extradited. In my mind that is just another power play on our part and I am glad the foreign court slapped them down about it. I am watching this mess too. And, I freely admit my bias on the issue being that I think our Govt is being run by a bunch of bought and paid for crooks. BBT
Yeah its defo gonna be worth a watching,i agree with all of the above.Yeah maybe storming an embassy is too much but it wouldnt surprise me of this UK Govt if they simply expelled the Ecuadorian embassy at some further stage when they are sick of Assange and his weekly broadcasts. I do believe he would get some kind of crazy jailtime Stateside and he dont deserve that for putting a videoclip on his site that a soldier handed him.The tape speaks for itself.This is political maneovering from Ecuador,a way to seem relevant or to seal some deal with the UK. Sweden are totally open with USA intelligence services and always have been since the war so it wouldnt shock me to discover this was all some trumped up bullshit.But at the same time,hes a fallable man like anyone else and maybe this is part good fortune and part scheming by the USA. Nice how NATO stands together for a 'rogue cyber terrorist' like Assange but when a fuckin genocidal nutjob like Assad from Syria starts killing his own citizens.... well we stand around doing jackshit:disgust:
As a war veteran my views of this douchebag might be a little harsh. If my unit was attacked because he or any of his cronies leaked info, I'd be looking for him myself. The government has secrets for a reason and most people should feel lucky that they do. I don't trust politicians, but I do know how important information security is. As far as the rape thing, if he did it I hope its proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. If not, I hope he' freed of THAT charge.
Yeah theres defo a line between freedom of speech and endangering military lives. Personally if a soldier gave him the clip then surely the soldier does the time. Im hoping the video he posted was way after the fact but i have seen other shit on wikileaks that i suppose COULD jeopardise security. I just hope this Assange isnt using all this to hide from the sexcharges cos he will only do imeasurable damage to others fighting the FOS fight if it turns out he did do wrong. Its weird cos until he has his day in court theres always gonna be doubt and if i was him id wanna tackle that head on,its very interesting all the same,and murky:jj:
That is straight up and well said. Hypocrites in the gov want to play it their way. Over here they tore up the constitution years back, all in the name of "national security." And, your point about Syria really drives it home. Let us not forget Iran either. Who have they attacked in the last 200 years ? umm, nobody. Do they sponsor terrorism ? yep. Hell, Israel is sitting over there threatening an attack over their alleged nuclear ambitions while at the same time they have nuclear capability and will not admit to it. They will not sign the nuclear non proliferation treaty and the Symingtion ammendment, which is law here, clearly prohibits military aid to non signatories of that treaty. Again. Hypocritical much ? It goes on and on. Rant over. For now. BBT
Funny you mention Israel,i was watching some internet videos where it claims Israelis are already training for an attack on an Iranian nuke site where they enrch the uranium or WTF they do. Israel wait till election year in USA cos they know no candidate is gonna blow the Jewish vote over there but what i think is fucked up is the fact if Israel ever invade Iran then its gonna be a prelude to a WW3 between muslims and the rest of the world
Jr I don't think your views seem harsh at all, while not a veteran myself I agree 100% with your point of view. :thumbsup: