Baghdad Falls!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RkyMtnWayHigh69, Apr 9, 2003.

  1. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    I woke up this morning to see the center of Baghdad, firmly in coalition control. It looks to me, like the people of Baghdad, are very happy to be free of the Saddam regime! I am truely proud to be an American. I am very proud of our UK friends, for their selfless sacrifices. If it weren't for the inniative of the coilition forces, those people would still be being raped and killed. The Iraqi people will speek the truth in the following days, and I hope People like Ranger realize the faults in their anti-war protests! I think they were really anti-freedom protests! The proof is in the pudding! I don't expect Ranger to be a changed men, I realize he has beeb selfish for years and will continue to be selfish! By selfish I mean, not willing to give of yourself to better a greater cause! Fortunatly, the leaders of our great countries(US/UK), are not selfish, and were willing to give the lives of our young men/women so another people can be free! For this I am truely proud! If I were you Ranger, I'd be ashamed of myself! But, you couldn't pay me to be you, so I am not ashamed! Just wanted to pop in and say thank you to all the people who supported this war of liberation! Thank you everyone! Peace clones!

  2. HarshToke

    HarshToke Developed Alternating Nodes

    I wouldn't have said Baghdad has fallen just yet - they have secured certain areas.

    It will be interesting to see the rections of the Sunni muslims (Saddams faith) when they are liberated. You have to remember that so far all the pictures we have seen celebrating are the kurds in the north (who hate Saddamm and have in fact been liberated for over a decade) and the Shi'ite muslims (who are the people who have been subjected to torture, chemical attacks etc from saddam).

    Plus there is still Tikrit to secure, Saddams home town, where it is likely the remnants of Saddams military will make their last stand. And who knows, maybe use chemical weapons
  3. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    aahhh more bagging-dad
  4. Steve420

    Steve420 Veggy Stage

    Hey, don't FAULT ranger, and others, for being anti-war. Being adament about your beliefs is the only way things change.
  5. 67ranchero

    67ranchero Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I think I just saw something on CNN that sums up the feelings in Baghdad today. An older (maybe 60?) man in dirty white robes came up to one of the CNN reporters who was interviewing a marine about something or other, and the old man was crying, and fell to his knees in front of the marine and started trying to kiss his feet saying something in arabic. The marine pulled the old guy up to his feet and told him that he was a free man now and he didn't need to bow to anyone anymore. I'm sure the man didn't understand any of the words, but you could tell by the look on his face that he knew what that young marine ment.
  6. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    That's cool 67....:cool:
  7. HerbalMan

    HerbalMan Full Flowering

    I'm proud to be an American!peace
  8. SomethinGrowin

    SomethinGrowin New Sprout

    peace ?

    We abandoned that for cruise missles and bombs !

    the only peace you'll see is when everyone that doesn't agree with the president is dead, and morons swallow the propaganda by the truckload and learn to like the taste.

    Rocky how can you say Ranger was selfish ? He wanted something better for the Iraqi people too just not through war and death !

    He like Millions of other people wanted peace though the UN and weapons inspections etc, but people like you decided killing people was a much better way to do things. If I had the power, I'd love to see you explain to the dead Iraqi, Brit or American exactly how letting the UN do there job and not killing people to get what you want would have been selfish !

    (Edited by VirtuaGrower at 12:44 am on April 10, 2003)
  9. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    The UN, as far as human rights in concerend, did not do thier job. The UN has never enforced human rights. Biggest example of the UN's failure to enforce human rights and keep the peace, Africa.

    Ranger has never said he wanted something better for the Iraqi people. He never said anything bad about saddam hussein or ever acknowledged the humanitarian attrocities in Iraq. I feel his antiwar stance was simply an extension of his hatred for bush. Whenever you hate something so strongly, your not going to be able make rational decisions based on facts. As tragic as the 1,250 civilian deaths are, it would have been even more tragic to let those 22 million Iraqis live 1 more day under saddams rule. That is how i fell, and 22 million Iraqis agree with me, as you can see for yourself all over the news. They did want this war, we were right to go in there and help them. And as we promised, we did everything in our power to keep the civilian casualties at a minimum. The mass exodus out of iraq never happened. The humanitarian crisis never happened. There will be peace now virtua. Peace is not the absence of war, it is the result. There can be no peace as long as there are people like saddam in power. Peace is not possible without peaceful leaders. You attack bush, it is your right, but Bush is doing things that most leaders are afraid to do. He is taking out the evil leaders of the world so the remaining peaceful leaders can work towards a brighter future. Evil will spread if not dealt with. The Nazis are a perfect example of what can happen if you give evil too much room to breathe, Pol Pot is another example, Stalin, Kim Jong Ill etc.... You must draw a line between good and evil, as you have done with Bush. And with this line must be forces to protect the line, and make sure evil is not only contained, but sooner or later, must be destroyed.
  10. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    United states has always been one of those "evil", "Violent", "warhappy" powers..does that mean we get to put one threw bush's head? i admit, im impressed with how they handled this invasion, they did pretty well, if you ignore all the fuckin propaganda, and half lies
  11. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    No. Bush cannot be blamed for things america has done in the past. The country should not be blamed either. Certain administrations are at fault for certain evils our country has done. USA has not always been those things you talk of. It depends on who is in office at the time.
  12. HarshToke

    HarshToke Developed Alternating Nodes


    i admit, im impressed with how they handled this invasion, they did pretty well, if you ignore all the fuckin propaganda, and half lies

    Theres alays propaganda in wars, its all part of the winning. Half lies? The lies told by any US politicians are nothing compared to the lies the Iraqi Info Minister spouted during the whole war so far - I mean saying the US were't in Baghdad when the tanks were rolling along in the background!! :p
  13. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    I wish you'd quit lying ss.

    I never said I wanted anything good for the people of Iraq? I never spoke out against the U.S. killing them?

    I never said saddam was worse than jr.?

    You gotta start reading my posts instead of being a typical knee-jerk republican that condems anything that's independently expressed.

    I wonder what country jr. wants to kill the people of next? He's already hocked the country up to it's ass to pay for the two invasions he's conducted so far.
  14. SUPERclosetgrowth

    SUPERclosetgrowth Germinated

    ranger, you lost the debate - your war. the hundreds of thousands of "innocent" iraqis whom are holding the american flag over their heads have proven you wrong. deal with it. move on. the war was worth every penny
  15. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    How can you call stopping the liberation of Iraq "helping" the iraqi citizens? If you cant admit the iraqis are better off now then under saddam, then you are blindy hateful of bush, a supporter of saddam, or just plain stupid!
  16. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    or D: All of the above
  17. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    The war and it's aftermath aren't over yet.

    And btw ss, although you seem to say the atrocities the U.S, has committed can't be blamed on anyone, do you deny that the U.S.-led sanctions of Iraq and both genocidal invasions have killed more Irqi's than saddam has or was likely to kill?

    And you never answered my Q (as usual): if saddam was so hated (as you claim) by his own people, why didn't we just send guns to the Iraqi people and let them off saddam  themselves, at a saving of billions of $ and thousands of lives?

    Do you know the answer? I do.

    (Edited by rangerdanger at 12:55 am on April 12, 2003)
  18. budding ambition

    budding ambition Veggy Stage

    Does the American definition of "freedom" mean looting, chaos and anarchy?

    Doctors guarding hospitals with kalashnikov's to prevent looters stealing pacemakers and heart monitors?

    Not that this could have been predicted or anything - did someone say "power vacuum" or "Afghanistan"?
  19. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Iraqs number of civilian deaths was 1,250. Soldiers killed is around 20,000. You think that number would have been smaller if we armed the untrained civilians? You think it would have been over by now? Do you think the civilians could have done it without tanks and air raids? If you do, then you have no idea how to win a war.

    Looting, Anarchy and choas? You mean what liberals do in seattle every year? These things happen BA, whenever there is a drastic change in government. These people are venting 24 years of rape, murder, oppression and torture. Theyll get it all out in time. Typical liberal though, always focusing on the bad. You know focuses on the bad BA? The LOSERS!! Im so sorry you wasted your time making those signs and blocking traffic.

    You people can be summed as best as "There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."
  20. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    "24 years of rape, murder, oppression and torture.", at least 10 of which the U.S. supported saddam with $ and wmd.

    You don't have to be trained to kill a guy on a balcony, which is where I saw saddam on the news making speechs before we invaded.

    The reason we didn't want the Iraqi's to take out saddam themselves is that, had they done so, we wouldn't have had a reson to invade, kill people and steal their stuff. And jr. had to pay back the munitions dealers for their finanial support of him during his campaign.

    The figures you quote don't factor in the deaths we're causing among Iraqi's due to thier lack of potable water, medical care, and starvation.

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