Bat Guano

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by 1bossman, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    Can any of the Guano's  and the Worm Casting's be used in Hydro? I want to raise the P and Guano seems to have one of the highest levels.

    (Edited by 1bossman at 11:38 pm on Oct. 3, 2003)
  2. simpleminded wiseguy

    simpleminded wiseguy Veggy Stage

    I think it is generaly used for soil man cause it takes time to dissolve and for the compounds to activate....I Think!!!!
  3. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    If using any kind of a pump (i.e. ebb n flow, NFT etc..) make a tea and strain it before adding it to your system, otherwise you will clog the pump.

    If using them in a bubbler, just dump it in. Make sure your stones are cleaned every water change out.

    Guanos are not the greatest base fert for hydro, but are an excellent additive.
  4. 1bossman

    1bossman Veggy Stage

    I wwas thinking about wrapeing the pump with cheese cloth for a filter. Think that would work? Useless, I was in the chatroom with you and someone else and you were talking about some kind of matt or bed that sits in you fluid return. I think it was for the root sys. Do you remember what I am talking about? I would like to know more about that. Am I remembering right?

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