bling blingin'-the cheese is green

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Green Goblin, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    well being that i cant see any threads anywhere i figured id deflower this forum...

    i am the greenest of all the green goblins in my cave, i have no lil goblins.

    i like fish

    Happy Growin'

  2. plastik

    plastik Tomato Farmer


    so u live with someone and don't have kids and like fish!?
  3. wawona

    wawona The Trichome Connoisseur

    hey GG, good to see you bro.

    as far as that goes, there is an option at the bottom of each forums main page that allows you to look at threads from farther back. i think the default setting only allows you to see threads that have been posted in within the last week. you can change that setting to see all of the threads in that forum from the beginning. that's a common misjudgement around here.
  4. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    you're not the old GG? :confused: well, welcome, anyway! :wave:
  5. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    Mary I think he is the old GG :confused: as well. Well welcome bck if so :wave:

    Peace~Jersey :animbong:
  6. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    welcome back gg- good to see an old face :)
  7. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    i like fishies too :love4:so i like you!
  8. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    the green goblin of old i am...

    howdies to all the peeps from long ago...i been around lurking in the shadows

    ive found a wonderful new strength in tollerance and even more so in ignore-ance ;)

    got some new stuff trying some new things, learned some interresting shit from my prior experimentations...uh oh the chica needs her puter, be back later



    i want my smilies


  9. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    this is the only one you need, isn't it? :pimp: herb set up zillions of smilies for us. they're all good. :smokin:
  10. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    i gotta say i really missed the :pimp: thanx herbster :D

    my life nis better now that i can :pimp: whenever i want ;)

    Happy Growin' :pimp:
  11. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    heres some bling bling for yah green green ;)

    Picture 009.jpg

    Picture 010.jpg

    Picture 012.jpg



  12. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    holy crap guys...just came back for some pioctures n found this thread...interresting that i just left my gf and this pops up...coinscidence?

    no such thing IMO

    well hows the peeps of old eh?

    mmmm...yummy sticky icky TOA nice job :qbluewacko:

    Happy Growin' to all :pimp:
  13. Kind Cola

    Kind Cola Loves White Rino

    Wellcome back green goblin
  14. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    good to see you again, GG! :) we've missed the :pimp: man!

    what've you got growing these days? :smokin:
  15. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    hellooooos to yas

    ive just got a skunk mom i keep as a houseplant. still have he equipment just not together yet. ive been busy at putting together a little mushroom setup, im at pinning stage and alls well thus far :pimp:

    aside from that my lillies have about quardroupled in my garden since 2 years ago, ive got chocolate mint and spearming around the place, and one of my rhubarb plants has got a shoot coming out the top :pimp:

    im planting cucumber, corn and brocoli today :yay:

    and im trying to get some ovacado seeds to sprout but i think the winter will kill them, but imma keep one inside i hear they do well.

    what u got goin on?

  16. stangman_1976

    stangman_1976 smoker 4 life

    hey GG :pimp: this smiley is on my mustang forum also coincidence or what???
  17. Green Goblin

    Green Goblin Cannabis Connoisseur

    maybe this is a sign...ive always wanted to get an old mach one...perhapsill search craigslist...

    thanx for the input :pimp:

    Happy Growin'
  18. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still


    Welcome back to the GK boards....:animbong:

    Glad to see you posting again, GG!
  19. UrBigBuddie

    UrBigBuddie MEDI-GROWER

    Welcome back GG to the forums!

    Hello there, Im not sure iff we met before, though, i write this to WELCOME you BACK to GKind!!! :) Great to see new faces to myself too!:smokin:

    Good to see you too TRILL my good man! :thumbsup::smokin:

    Hope to see some of those BIG ASS BUDS soon Folks, :wink:

    Peace all,

    UrBigBuddie...........:pimp: :potleaf: :bigok:
  20. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Interesting......:suave: I could have sworn Trill was banned. You telling us he's back under a new guise UBB? If so...we'll be taking care of that soon enough. :)

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