Bonsai Marijuana

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by rasganjah, Aug 13, 2009.

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  1. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I am starting a thread to discuss bonsai marijuana plants because I find it interesting as well as a good topic of conversation. The debate started over whether or not a picture posted in another thread was a real or a fake. here is the original pic
    it is a fake I believe.
    here is a real pic of a bonsai attempt
    here is another pic of a real plant
    I couldn't find a picture of a bonsai marijuana plant in flower though.
    Anyways what do you all think of this subject and did I post this inthe right forum? I didn't want to post it in the beginner's lounge since it isn't really a beginner's technique. I am a beginner myself and do not have a experience growing bonsai trees or marijuana bonsai.
  2. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    Thats the first pic I've seen of someone flowering a bonsai, I've done moms like that and so have tons of others. Though it appears you are aware of that. If that is a real pic I would be curious to see how much a bonsai plant could yield with that cut back root system.

    Basically all you are doing is continually pruning, taking clones and trimming the roots back. I used gallon containers and would trim the roots every month or so.
  3. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Lordy, I have GOT to weigh in on this since that is MY PICTURE and I know a little something about bonsai technique that you can find on the million websites about bonsai. The "attempt" you show in that middle picture is nothing like what an actual attempt would look like because it strays so far away from actual style of bonsai. Bonsai is the art of taking a tree and miniaturizing it but making it look like it would as a full size tree. That attempt is a plant with a full root system that looks like it had all of it's upper branches taken off. To do an actual bonsai from marijuana you would want to prune any of the larger growth and leave the smaller growth, you would cut and wire and you would trim the roots. My best guess is you would use the formal upright style because that looks the closest to what marijuana looks in nature, which the first picture is. And my best guess is you would have to see what marijuana looks like in nature growing somewhere, which, while many of you know a whole lot about growing it, may not have had the chance to see that. So I stand by my original statement, I can't confirm nor deny, but I believe that it is COMPLETELY POSSIBLE, that is a real picture. The reason I think this is because you would be hard pressed to find a plant that looks so very much like marijuana in full flower and miniaturize it like that and you would be hard pressed to make a plastic representation of what you think a marijuana plant looks like as a bonsai. The best guess I could come up with for faking a pic like that is to take a small plant that you'd been flowering, cutting off all the roots, and snapping the picture hoping that you didn't damage the other parts before they died. Anyway, just my opinion, but I'll tell you what, if you're so dead set that it is a fake (not saying it is or isn't), why don't you come up with an idea of how you could reproduce something like that.
  4. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    What we are questioning as fake is the plant having nice sized looking buds on a bonsai. Like it was possibly buds photoshopped onto a bonsai mom or something of that matter. Though maybe willgrow4food or one of the other photo experts can take a look and look at it in photoshop for any tale tale signs of a tampered picture. Could be possible but I would just be curious to so how much a bonsai plant would yield with the trimmed back roots and all.

    That and don't you think if you were flowering the bonsai mom you would have to put it in a container you wouldn't have to trim the roots back from because the containers I always used would easily get rootbound without trimming the roots ever month or so. Also, mine would always take a few days to recover. You experienced the same thing with your bonsai plants TRB right?
  5. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Watch it Skunky, you are messing with a man with a BS from a community college.................

    and I could fake a picture like that in two seconds using a little something called PHOTOSHOP. The first picture is a fake.
  6. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    If I were flowering a bonsai for the buds then I wouldn't actually be doing bonsai. Knowing that marijuana has a set life cycle the only reason I would flower a marijuana bonsai is for pictures...that's it, because afterward it would die. Bonsai is meant to be a visual artform and the pot is part of the balance. The thing that actually got me a little pissed about this wasn't so much you questioning the buds but Carpenter saying it couldn't be real because of the way the buds are faced. Another thing you'll find about the techniques is they face the branches as part of the style because bonsai is meant to be viewed from certain angles. It's a whole messload of info. I'll post one of many links out there, you guys might enjoy and take it up it is a fascinating practice and finish by saying I doubt that he has mother plants that are bonsai because they wouldn't make proper moms.
  7. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    1. You have to use a light to grow marijuana out enough to flower like that. The buds are not at an angle that they would be relative to a light or the stem. Those buds are pasted on.

    2. The trunk of that first picture is a tree, like most bonsai. Marijuana roots do not grow like that. Compare the stalk of picture one to the rest.

    3, The stem/bud branches do not match in color or in size. Again, compare to the other pictures.

    4. The first picture is flat as hell compared to the other ones, no depth, no shadows, it might as well have been drawn to look like that.

    5. We know what bonsai is and why it was originally used. I am sorry us people without a BS from a community college can't comprehend.

    6. The "tie-line" in the middle goes no where and looks like it was drawn on.

    It is a fake.
  8. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    :shocked: Sorry Redbull, it's a fake. Not to say bonsai can't happen with pot, just saying that specific photo is a fake. I work with photoshop on a regular basis, and part of that work is sometimes spotting photoshopped images.

    Rez hit it right on the money when he commented on the angles of the buds, and the angles of the bonsai. That pic is as fake as my boss' girlfriend. :icon_confused:

    If I can find some time tonight, I'll go ahead and do up my own attempt, because that is a pretty good job, it would take some very specific photos and angles to get something better.

    I would LOVE to see a good marijuana bonsai in flower, that would be pretty fucking sweet. I don't know enough about bonsai to comment to much on it, but I assume it would take some serious know-how and sensitive pruning.

    Any other good marijuana bonsai photos out there? Cause this is getting me interested, maybe I'll start gathering some knowledge and give it a whirl.
  9. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    LionLoves, forgive me for not being the expert of the school THAT I WENT TO and you didn't. The pic looks flat because it was shot at a low angle on a table. And finally, bonsai are grown outdoors, nomatter where the position of the light is relative to the will grow upright. And thanks for commenting on my Bachelors of Science, don't worry you'll get one one day with hard work and perseverence.

    With the little bit of familiarity I have with photoshop, I get the impression that you can add something to a picture, or you can take it away, you can't make something out of nothing...get it? So even if the buds were fake, that would leave the rest of the tree.
  10. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Actually you can make something out of nothing in Photoshop (It is called ART, you know, that whole creating something out of nothing thing like painting, sculpture...). And NO, bonsais are not always grown outside, more so indoors now then in the past. I apologize for NOT having a BS from a COMMUNITY COLLEGE, but that picture is FAKE.
  11. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    I can make anything you want out of nothing with photoshop.

    With a pic like this, I would start with a flat lighted bonsai tree, I would make sure no harsh lighting, so there would be no shadows to play with.

    Next I would take out whatever part of the tree I wasn't going to use, most likely leaving just the stalk, and a couple stubs of the branches. Then you would have to reproduce the background which is easy because it's a simple pattern that can be traced easy, note no shadows once again, easy to work with.

    Than I would add in the bud from another flat lighted shot. It's easy to talk about, and hard to do, if your so pressed to challenge my knowledge about this I'll re-create one, but this is not dummy's job, this person knew exactly what they were doing, and may have even taken both the original shots of the bonsai and the pot. I have neither of which at the moment to play with.
  12. the_red_bull

    the_red_bull Guest

    Okay willgrow, show me how you'd make a tree just like that but do two branches for every one that you see there, make the stem purple and make the buds orangish red. And.......go.
  13. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    alright whip em out boys.....its measuring time!
  14. big t double

    big t double i finally changed this

    how is a guy gonna ask the question about a fake photo.......

    ......then admit he doesnt know much about a program used to make said photo.......

    then to top it all off, argues with and basically mocks..........

    .........the guy that uses the program on a daily basis and gave a step by step of how a person that knows how to use the program properly would recreate a photo like :siskel:
    written note to self: sometimes ya jus gotta know and accept when youre wrong.....otherwise ya come off lookin like this guy
  15. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Welcome to The Red Bull's posts.

    Seriously, who are you TRB?
  16. Psycho D


    HAHAHA HA HAHA . whew. That was entertaining.

    Carry on.

  17. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    I gave up trying to convince him in xcrookedxtimberx's thread. The proof has been laid out for him, but still he refuses to believe. I personally don't give a fuck if he believes it's real or not. I know better.

  18. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    You have to remember, it is HIS picture (TRB), and notably the only one he has ever claimed, so he knows.........:smoke2:
  19. WillGrow4Food

    WillGrow4Food Toker Extraordinaire

    I'll shop anything you want if you pay me, it's part of my job so your not getting something that complicated for free.

    :$ $$:

    Sorry if you just don't want to take my opinion, I haven't done anything to insult you so I'm confused why your so adamant about this. I have only done this professionally for 3 and a half years so I know I'm a n00b and all butttttttt your insatiable, and at this point I'm just gonna have to let you go on believing that it's real.


    Great looking bonsai marijuana tree, I think I saw one of those planted next to my neighbor's money tree. Now I know how he bought that boat.

  20. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    Maybe this will work....


    It's not even his pic, why is he defending it so adamantly? Is he really trying to teach us how to bonsai-train plants? We're not trying to pick on you redbull, you just need to admit when you're wrong.

    WillGrow4Food likes this.
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