
Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by streakeruk, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    I have 9 plants growing under 22 hrs daylight. Rockwool drip feed, fed 3 times a day. I use Europhonics for rockwool, mixed to 1800-2000 ppm.
    This week I started to add Ionic boost, as dosage, 1ml / l of feed.
    It has been the only change.
    I can see that the budsite node growth has inreased by bout 60%, closer to each other as the stems grow, lots more but no faster increase in stem growth.
    Just thought I'd share that with you all, I can say that for me I will use it spareingly whislt taining and getting the stem growths prepared for flower , and use it whilst the stretch is happening. Then gradually tailing back the ppm down to 1000-1200 at the finish.
    If you know what works better, pipe up. Share it please.

  2. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Streaker, I use SuperNatural BRand ferts for a base, and augment with Green Fuse, Dark Energy, Flouralicious, SM-90 and good old H2O2.

    Here is the recipe and ppm readings etc...






    Soaking/condition media 4 hours

    Superboost with The Ultimate Thrive 1/4 Superboost & 1 tablespoon

    The Ultimae Thrive - 250ppm

    Rooting 5-9 days

    Superboost with The Ultimate Thrive

    1/2 Superboost & 1 tablespoon The Ultimate Thrive - 300-400 ppm

    Vegetative 2 weeks*

    Gro Aqua 1 to 11/2 - 700-1000ppm

    Flowering 5 weeks

    Bloom Aqua 1 to 11/2 - 700-1000ppm

    Late Flowering 1 week

    Superboost 11/2 800-1000ppm

    Ripening 1 week

    Superboost with Bud Blaster

    11/2 Superboost & 1/4 Bud Blaster 900-1200ppm Combined

    *Cut light cycle after one week. Continue Gro for one week after shortening light cycle.

    go to Soiless Mixtures Table


    • For soil, use up to double strength, apply every 1-2 weeks, depending on the rate of growth and the fertility level of the soil.

    € For cropping in soil or soilless mixes use: Superboost, Gro Terra, Bloom Terra, and Bud Blaster.

    € For cropping in aeroponic or hydroponic applications use: Superboost, Gro Aqua, Bloom Aqua, and Bud Blaster.

    € Use as directed for each of the six stages of cropping: 1. Soaking/Conditioning (before planting) 2. Rooting (seedlings, cuttings) 3. Vegetative 4. Flowering 5. Late Flowering 6. Ripening.


    • Salts, metals and many other compounds can accumulate in the growing media. Supernatural Superleach can safely and easily flush these away.

    € Leach with Supernatural Superleach once every week and when changing formulas. Use Supernatural Superleach after ripening has completed then run water for three days before harvest.

    € Just before harvesting use Supernatural Cannicure for 12 hours with the lights out. Supernatural Cannicure reverses the plants natural transpiration process. This dramatically reduces "sweating out" and the breakdown of essential oils giving you the highest quality product.

    € Supernatural Superboost is pH smart. This means it will automatically mix and condition rockwool to the correct pH for the critical stages of plant growth. For best results, use Supernatural Professional pH Control to control pH during cropping.

    € Supernatural The Ultimate Thrive (Growthburst Formula) along with Supernatural Superboost can automatically condition your media. This will set the stage for a "Root Explosion".

    € A Supernatural activated carbon water purification system designed specifically for horticultural use is available and highly recommended especially for hydroponics and aeroponics. Always mix nutrients with high quality water.

    – Note go by the TDS of the solution. If you use the mix ratios they suggest, it seems too strong to me. So use the following guidelines:

    Pre-soak medium – 150 ppm

    Rooting – 200 ppm

    Veg – 300-600ppm

    Bloom – 700-800 ppm

    Late flowering – 800-1000 ppm

    Ripening – 900-1100 ppm

    *Note* - When using their feeding schedule, I cut the “Bloom” time down from five weeks to four weeks. This allows for 7-10 days flushing at the end, which is required. If you use Superleach as they suggest flush for 7 days, 10 days if you don’t.

    Also note that for soil applications, this formula should be doubled up.

    Also, I add the following in my hydro set-up:

    1.SM-90 throughout the grow, veg. and flower; 15 ml./gallon

    2.Green Fuse Bloom Stimulator through entire flower cycle; 1 teaspoon/gallon

    3.Dark Energy (veg and bloom); 2 ml/gallon

    4.Flouralicious Bloom Enhancer or Liquid Karma (veg and flower) 1 teaspoon/ gallon

    5.Liquid Silica when its hot (over 85 degrees F) at ½ - 1 teaspoon/gallon

    I throw this stuff in after I set my base fert at the proper PPM. It might cause your tds reading to increase slightly, but its not a concern if you use the ppm I recommended above.

    The SuperBoost and Bud blaster mix for the last week are what makes for some huge swollen calyxes. Note that the Bud Blaster will increase your TDS drastically, so add this in first, then add in the SuperBoost until the desired ppm is met.

    If you have any other questions, please let me know!

    (Edited by Useless at 9:50 am on Sep. 20, 2003)
  3. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:That'z a nice thing u did Useless...posting your favorite Recipe...'z now also my favorite...

    ...i've tried your SuperNatural Recipe(still am) and my Garden is almost Perfect!!!

    This is a personal best for was with chemicals...not organics!!!:shocked:

    I believe it'z better to use Chemz as your "base"; then use Organics as your "Amendmentz"...

    My latest views on Bat Guano "amendmentz":

    1)I hear that Blood Meal(nitrogen) is faster acting than Mexican Bat Guano(nitrogen).  Haven't tried Blood Meal yet...but i will.

    2)Jamaican Bat Guano(Phosphorous)-have had good results with it. I have yet to find a better alternative. I was considering Steam Bone Meal(phosphorous);but i hear that itz slow acting. But bone meal contains calcium;which is good. I still use grounded eggshells(1/8 tspn per gallon)...which hasn't failed me yet!

    3)Kelp-still my favorite source for potassium;but found it was unnecessary when i used SuperNatural Chems with Liquid Karma(liquid kelp?)...:shocked:. I would like to find another alternative to kelp...but haven't found a better source for Potassium yet! Kelp is also fast acting.

    Note: i use to believe slow acting organics is best; not anymore. Fast Acting Organics is the better alternative.:shocked:

    Conclusion: SuperNatural is the best Chemz i've ever used!!!!

    (Edited by hellostupid at 12:18 pm on Sep. 20, 2003)
  4. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    Thanks guys, pity I'm a bit simple.

    I like to go to little effort and that means, mixing ferts to water and sticking my truneon in it. Then emptying the drain pot.

    I have 3 sloutions to add to my water, 2 part Europhonics and Boost.

    I have dropped the PPM to below 1500 but saw ill effects on the plants. I keep it up now. Incidentally I run to drain and don't circulate the feed anymore. The wastage isn't alot and I only have a NZ trunceon and can't check TDS.


    Just before harvesting use Supernatural Cannicure for 12 hours with the lights out. Supernatural Cannicure reverses the plants natural transpiration process. This dramatically reduces "sweating out" and the breakdown of essential oils giving you the highest quality product.

    What does this mean in simpleton language please??

    Many thanks for your posts.

  5. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    It basically reduces the drying time.

    That is the toughest product from S.N. to use properly. Works great if its done right, but if not, you wont notice any difference other than the hole in your wallet.

    Truncheon tests EC correct? Then you can determine TDS/PPM by using this formula:

    For any EC reading between 0-0.9 multiply by 680

    FOr any EC reading 1.0 or above, multiply by 700.

    That is a pretty solid conversion factor.
  6. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    Thanks Useless,

    My NZ trunceon has 3 scales includeing ppm, ec and another. Sorry I confused things.

    Will the Cannicue increase dried weight compared to slower dried buds? How much does it retail at?
  7. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    No, it doesn't increase dried weight.

    It slows transpiration to a halt, so during the final flush cycle it cant absorb so much water, reducing the overall drying time.

    I believe its about $20 for a 1 lbs container. I have only gotten samples of it myself, never had to purchase...

    Like I said, it can reduce drying time, but its a pain to get it dialed in right.

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