Hello all...I made a bubble cloner for the first time..never done hydro...so I expected this much. Got some roots going...was curious why some of the roots were brown? They're the ones that have grown long enough to be in the water. I used some brownish clonex root stimulant but I don't think that's it...is it pyth? I have not changed my water enough. Once in the last two weeks...about to do it after I get some suggestions from you all...temps of the water in the low 70's. It took them two and a half weeks but finally they are starting to show roots. I didn;t expect to get them in a week due to me being a little half-assed about it. another question...I plan on putting these into the soil...so if they did have some gunk on the roots that would all but be gone once they get into the soil right? I cannot see that surviving in the soil... what are some things I can add to the water to help? If i remember correctly I think people said iso alcohol?
wouldn't use iso, H2O2 i think is what you want, the 29% if your store carries it. Dont know about the issue because im a noob myself when it comes to dwc.. I just was pondering today about making a bubbler then decided to clone in rockwool so if i go back to hempy.. no harm no foul.. or I could just throw it a net with hydroton and stick it in a bucket. I love the results so far but I just have my reservations about r/dwc myself. I think my wife would beat for buy all the extra buckets and pumps and not stick to it (hell got buckets flowing out my ass even stored some at work!). I did notice with my buckets that my roots looked brown but it was the nute water tinting them if that makes sense (CC had to calm me down), once again total noob on the dro but maybe that will help you somewhat. Roots in a week sounds good though, what did you mix in the water??
I personally would NEVER reccomend any type of clone type stimulant or gel....cuz I have and got the same results.....go with regular everyday TAP water, theres enough minerals to last thru the rooting process, my guess is its the gel unless you have luke warm water in there from the pump, and pyth has a gooey slime to it as well
Sometimes additives will darken the roots but generally if you dont have white roots like this you have a heat and pyth problem going on. dont use alcohol it will kill them use hydrogen peroxide t6
is that a shadow? I could easily be wrong here...but those roots appear darker in some spots and do not seem robust and fuzzy like they should be? Y0ou really do have to sift through some bs to find the right answer...i modeled my cloner off of the carpenters in the DIY...then collaborated with many other sites...and all of them said to keep the water low to mid 70's...then i just did a search on pythium and found out it only really lives in water that is 70 asnd above. wtf?!? SO I need a chiller, i guess? will pyth dry up quickly if I transplant into soil and let the pot dry out well?
Sounds like water temps for sure. I've personally had the same issue. My EZ runs warm and I have to put 1-2 frozen bottles in several times a day to keep my temps in low 70's. Another thing that would help is getting yourself a timer that can do like 15 on 5 off or something to keep the pump from getting the water too hot. Also I think over 2 weeks shows you that something is going on because mine will start bumping in 4-5 days and 6" roots in 14. And definitely just use plain water its all that is necessary.
Well dont know what to tell you about the fuzzys nug those rooted clones went from that to this picture. but if your water temps are high you need to use ice, or a chiller or suspend the cloner bucket in a large vat of water to keep it cool or cycle the pump. I put mine in the bath tub full of water to keep temps down in summer good luck t6
I have my rdwc going with a chiller and the temps stay 64 to 72 and the roots still get pretty dark, if your temps are in the low 70s it is probly just the additive staining them. I sure am hoping mine is just the GH nutes doing the same, and as CC said pyth will be slimy.
h202 use it....every other watering...take out plants and get a little pail or bucket and put some h202 in there, i use the 35% and then i dip the roots into the h202 and then wash them off and redip and wash them off...i dip for about 10 secs...and then wash them off...try it...the brown goes away and it refreshes your roots...and if any of the roots are slimy it is pithy and needs to be cut off...i had the same problem...i could not keep my temps below 75....but i now know that if you use h202 and hygrozyme you can control the problem...good luck....
great thread! This is an EXTREMELY important and informative thread for DWC/aeroponic growers. This should be a sticky here in the Hydro forum.
Thanks for the replies fellas NOW I remember why hydroponic is gay! Too much shit...not saying it's hard but it's tedious and takes much more care. I know people said you can yield more..but my time is precious to me no way Iid ever have a 15 plant hydro set-up!! Soil owns, IMO. Especially Organics. Anyways...one BIG question Can I put these clones in a five gallon bucket of soil and expect the possible pyth to go away? I will water the plant and then let it dry out sufficiently..hopefully killing the pyth? Or I'll cut off the root tips effected by the brownish stuff and just let the clone regenerate. I have all the tme in the world as these clones are going to be bonsai moms I cannot do anything with for months.
thats what i did i had a 9 bucket system you can see in my gallery and i had pyth and i ended changing back to ff soil...it is much easier...i am trying a small 4 bucket system this winter to see if it helps with being colder...i live in southeast... so here is what i did...with much help from cc and useless and lots of others....i prepared the plants for soil by getting ready for the pyth by the means i described in the previous thread....i lost half my plants but the others made it fine...i had a bad case.... so...get rid of that brown...by using h202 35% and cut away anything that isnt changing color back to white...or is greasy or slimy...just cut it away...then put plants into soil and treat them like babies...cfl lights...starting with 1/2 strength useless formula week 1.... use h202 regularly along with hygrozyme ...you should be fine....good luck...ncm