Hello boys and girls, we are two middle aged freaks (best friends and partners in crime since 1974) that live at a sanctuary far from the maddened crowd. I am the green thumb part of the grow. I also did the reading and research to design the closet, for many years prior to making this dream a reality. Construction and final design tweaks were up to the black and blue thumb part of the grow. We had to save for years as we both are on fixed incomes. We are eligible for medical use, and meet all of the requirements of our state, but I still don't want anyone to know, except the doctor who is very interested in cost and other things for future patients info. My OCD means I keep meticulous data and logs, so it can be a start up primer. Check out my garden, and tell me what you think. Suggestions are welcome as I am experienced in outdoor/greenhouse soil growing, but this is the first time growing hydro or with lights. http://www.growkind.com/marijuana/gardens/2641/ See you around the forums... Alice and the caterpiller
nutes Botanicare Triflex base and grow right now. I am not sure how fresh it was as it came as a package and it had leaked quite a bit. Am thinking of trying another brand for the next grow. I am also looking to get some of the leaching aid because my water is 8.2 so there is a lot of chemicals added to get the ph down and keep it down. Do you see any obvious deficiencies? I am open to any suggestions. I am a scientist at heart and learning about this whole new world is pretty nifty neato peachie keen, berry
:XXhippylove: welcome aboard SC. I have had many many grows with strawberry cough.....just harvested a 12th generation clone....sadly it was the last for a while......glad to have ya.....this hobby is the greatest if you can stick with it....makes it nice that both parties in the house are "involved".
hey alice and cat. the setup looks good, one thing i noticed is that when you water- water the entire mass of coco instead of just around the stem. dry pockets occur and will kill roots that already have streched out and prevents futher growth from streching outward... if i see anything else ill let ya know what i would do.... keep them babies green! TOA