So im seeing a lot of chatter on twitter and FB about Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton running for President next time round. Would the left be happy to see another clinton in power.Id ask the same question of the right but i think they will just be happy theres such a thing as a secret ballot
Neither! I want to see Rand Paul as the republican Nominee or as a viable Libertarian candidate. Screw the Bush dynasty and Bill was an ok prez but screw his witch of a wife.
Rand Paul is a Right wing crazy box. Clinton won't run. Jeb might run, but more than likely he will end up in a diplomat or high end admin job.
All the commentators I read in the paper or online seem to think Clinton will run. Why do you think she won't?
I hope and pray that no more Bush's ever work in the White House again. Ron Paul would be my choice, but I think he's too old to run again.
Yup thats why i asked the question cos more and more seem to be gauging how people will respond if she did run.Its seems to me shes gonna try get nominated. As for Jeb Bush,iv read a LOT of stuff about him definetly running in the next election but surely the Americans will never vote for another Bush
If the American public votes either a Clinton or a Bush back into the White House, we are truly fucked as a country. :BangHead: IMO, the presidency is a bought and paid for position anyway. Doesn't matter whether they govern from the left or the right, the corporate agenda moves forward as planned.
I've got about as much insight as them sadly, but I think her age, political positions already held, and money to be made else where will keep her out of another grueling race. I def see diplomat in her future. I also think the next presidential race on both sides will have to either be fresh blood or people like Christie. Neither side has much meat left on the bone, and granted they can make it a few cycles like that, but it doesn't last forever.
Yeah id agree with that.Her age could hinder her if she does want to run.The fact shes a woman will always be an issue for some aswell. But Jeb Bush,i really think he WILL run.If his dumbass relative can get elected then he must think hes got a slim chance,likely a better chance than Romney ever had i reckon?If God talks to Jeb like he did Dubya then he might have told him to run so he will run
She said she wont. She also said she will not take any more posts or positions in the administration. I think she is done with politics. Have you seen her lately? She looks worn out.
Yeah i remember Res saying about how she looks a bit dodge and having seen her a few times in the news recently all i can say is,hopefully Monika is looking haggard too
A Hilary ticket is a sure fire loss for Dems. She brings all the cultural divisiveness and unites the forces of conservatives without the 95% minority vote to offset it. Jeb? eh...:eusa_eh:You really think America would tolerate a third Bush? Especially after Bush II shelled fiscal conservatives and Republican moderates? Ain't nobody but the hard core party loyalists that trust a Bush anymore. Man...the repubs had it right in their hands 8 years ago. Several strong minority members looking to rise nationally, a Pres that hadn't totally stepped on his dick. A strong intelligent minority woman as Secretary of State who was active politically. Real debates with real candidates from across the conservative spectrum. What do they do with it all? They run back to back flawed older white guys. The old war hero trick and the "I'm to slick for my own good" religious conservative. Their own intransigent political base left the door wide open for a character like Obama. BTW..Hilary was always a slag. Now she's a slag with jowls. Bet Bill never even fucked her. Would you?
Tell me something Res,why has Colin Powell never ran do you think?I know he aint every republicans taste but i honestly think the Republicans NEED a moderate like him on the ticket to draw in some "undecided" voters.Is there a reason why he wont run
Well, this IS the politics section. Not for the thin-skinned. Usually religion is discussed in politics area as well.
Powell is a repub by default. He's closer ideologically to them but not in lockstep so he would never do what he thinks need be done to gain nomination. He's dead politically now though anyway. You don't support Obama twice and live to run in a conservative party nor do you get to be a conservative black man on a Dem ticket. He's no longer relevant. Old Resin- It can get pretty ugly in Politics forum. Thick skinned only need participate. Religion is NOT off base here either. Want to bash a few Catholics?