Callin\' out to any aussie\'s

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by eliiemay, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. eliiemay

    eliiemay Guest

    In lower aus, when is the best time to start? If growing outdoors, can you leave it to mother nature to grow them in terms of sunshine? I know watering is needed at the moment as is feeding, (with water shortage an all). Best time to induce flowering and all that stuff.

  2. HappyJay

    HappyJay Red Eyed Jedi

    GDay Elii:wave:

    Welcome to Growkind.:beerchug:

    I have found in the northern parts of Aus you are able to pretty much plant out midle/end August area. Planting seeds now and raising under flos untill then will help with maximum size. Relocate and transplant then watch em tack off.

    Usually start picking about mid/late April through to late July sort of area.

    This is only based on home experience Up north and depends on strain and lacal conditions etc.

    Hope that is a little help.
  3. eliiemay

    eliiemay Guest

    HappyJay! Thank you for saving me! We cant be the only aussie's on here can we?! Ive started one bub inside already, got a bit impatient hehe, hanging till august when I can start a few more up, thank you for your help happyjay!
  4. novice grower

    novice grower Germinated

    no,u r not the only aussies on this site!i've only just found this site& am discovering it's delights!i'm probably situated half-way between u 2,&have just got some babies going,beginning of march,c what happens.i'll keep an eye on this page c if u get back 2 me.ciao.
  5. burns 420

    burns 420 Full Flowering

    for all kiwis down under in new zealand the time to plant is 19th of september on the full moon,

    but as jay said u might wanna start plant a few weeks

    earlier to give em a better head start

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