calling all outdoors heads

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by GanjaBoBanja, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. I'm looking at you GFam and anyone else who grows outdoors. Here's the deal, I showed the pics of my lil babies going outside and they were shooting up and strong but, i've just been out today to check on them and I'm not 100% but, most looked like they have pollen sacks. Now I know I was bound to get a male but, out of 10 seeds all were male? The only thing that I can think of that wouldve screwed them up is I put them out when it was still kinda cold/warm and before daylight savings. On the really cold nights I brought them inside and didn't put them back out til kinda the late morning. So I'm just looking for any advice or explanations. If it's a helpless cause I still have another 10 beans that I can start right away, so this is the option I'm hoping not to do but, I will in a heartbeat if recommended.

    I feel like a n00b that's why this is in the beginners. Mods feel free to move if wrong.
  2. 40 Views and no one commented? Not even a flame for being a n00b, nothing!?

    :bongin: I'll wait lol
  3. BlazeOne

    BlazeOne Pothead Extraordinaire

    The pistols might not have grown out of the cylax yet but if you don't see any changes in that over the next couple of days, toss em. I'd start germinating those 10 seeds just in case. Even if you can't keep all of them you can always keep some select mothers if you wanted to.
  4. Thank you, that's what I was thinking anyway, germin the others can't hurt.
  5. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Were the plants all from bagseed? Its likely that the cold weather could have stressed them to be male or go herm.

    Are u certain they are all showing pollen sacks? If it's still early and they just started showing sex, than u may have misjudged them. If this is the case, let them go another week or so before making a final decision. If all of these plants came from the same bagseed or pack, I would try germing any more beans from the same source. So you havent found a single female out of the 10?

    Keep in mind that males show there sex sometimes weeks before the females will show, so dont cull them all right away. Give the females some time to show, and wait until you are 100% certain the males are males before culling.

    In the meantime, I would certainly start germing as many more beans as you can.

    Goodluck and I hope you are blessed with many GIRLS!

  6. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    if u had a pic of what u think is the male sacks would be easyer to tell for us, but since u don't just wait till you are sure they r male to cut em down.
  7. I for sure will get some pics up, they are all from packs, no bagseed. So I'll start germin some more and give the plants another couple days, but I'm for sure at least 3 are male or hermie, I have no doubt about it. I'll put up picks though.
  8. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Are you talking about pre-flowers or did you stick them on 12/12 to sex them. Pictures really helps.
  9. gizmo_barks

    gizmo_barks Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    You have plenty of time. Why don't you sex them?
  10. [​IMG]


    these are the best I could get today but, ALL were male except for 1 of the Hollands Hope! So I'm takin care of that one right now and I'm startin the other beans tonight, so hopefully everything will workout this time. No more cold though that's for sure! So I think Im in the clear. I honestly think the reason was I fucked up their light schedule.
  11. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Where are you growing these? I mean what region? They look like they are in full flower, from the size of those pollen sacks.

    Is the length of day too short to veg outdoors? Im not sure whats going on here.. Did u induce flowering indoors? 12/12...

  12. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Gfam is right man. Those are in full flower. WTF?

    Plant what you can and hold on. You may lose them yet. The fems now have to revert to veg then go into flower once again. If there is a herm trait (as has been shown already) to the strain it has two more chances to exhibit itself.

    My vote is to plant new beans now. Once well started, put them out without sexing and sort it out this fall when they flower naturally.

    good luck,
  13. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I second that.. Start over fresh with some new beans. My guess is that you put your seedlings outdoors too early. Either there the days werent long enough when you put them out, or the days werent long enough, and it was too cold when you put them out.

    Start fresh. It sucks you had to waste loot on seed packs, but live n learn. This is all a learning experience..

  14. SMARMY

    SMARMY Cuban Bee

    he's in florida . ya have to start them indoors and move them out, cuz if not it will start tp flower. Depending on how far south he is it is close to 12/ 12 all year round. the longest day of the yaer in miami is only 13.5 hrs
  15. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    WOW thanks for the info, Smary. I had no clue.. Thats crazy.. So u can veg indoors for as long as u want, then just move outdoors in the summer to flower?

    That's really neat. I had no clue what the growing season was like in Florida.

  16. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    why pop more beans if you have 1 confirmed female you will be farther ahead to veg her and take clones it will be much faster and you don't run the risk of ending up with males again.
  17. ncmaineac

    ncmaineac Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    not really canadian

    it will take about 2-3 weeks to revert back to veggie state then you will be very unliikely to have a full grown grow...i have flowered then revegged and i never got a huge plant i did get some i would let it flower or do whatever and start over as well...

    when starting over i would vegg as long as i could inside and put outside only when i want to flower..first its easy to attend to...and second you can control the plant...and dont have to worry about critters...then decide when you want to flower count back and plant them in the ground...yep that should work...good luck
  18. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    if the plant is only 1-2weeks into flower it will not take 3weeks to revert back to else do you find a mother? you plant beans once they are mature enough to show sex you have to place them under 12/12 to get them to show male or female traits. I don't know about you but I don't waste time cloning plants I don't know are male or female. Then you revert back to veg to take clones should only take 1 week to start to see veg growth can also take clones successfully up to 4wks flower....

    the way I look at it is 2-3days to pop beans 5-6 weeks growth before you can find out if they are male or female then a 50% chance it was all for nothing..


    take confirmed female and put it under 18/6 light until there are branches big enough to take as clones it should only take 2-3 weeks to have enough veg to take clones. Now root the known female clones 7-10days and place out side to grow.....if you want to veg the clones for longer then go ahead should take about the same time as starting from beans maybe a week longer but there is no ifs and's or buts about being male or female.

    as for re-vegged plants not producing that's not what I'm saying...I say screw the 1 plant all together forget about it return it to veg and get clones they will produce the same or more then the mother they were taken from hence the term "clone".....You wont even worry about the yield from the 1 female once you got 6+ clones that are 100% female.

    just my 2cents
  19. cjb03

    cjb03 Full Flowering

    That doesn't seem right.
  20. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

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