Can/should i add some rooting powder....

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by Mindblender, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. Mindblender

    Mindblender New Sprout

    I've got 6 cuttings in a small bubbler cloning station.
    the bottoms of the clones are about 1/2" above surface
    of the water. I bought some rooting powder to root my
    my clones in rockwool. Since then i've decided to go

    Would it be a good idea to add some powder to my water??? If so, how much??

    I have approximately 2 quarts of water in my little plastic
  2. simpleminded wiseguy

    simpleminded wiseguy Veggy Stage

    yes it would be good for the first few days but there is a special mix of root developer and it is liquid (at least the one i use) to use first week of veg...It contains rooting hormones and accelerates the rooting for a setup like sog that requires very short veg. period i don't know if it is necessary for setups with long veg. time...
  3. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    for future reference if you're doing things by the book you shouldn't need rooting powder.I've used the cheapo aero cloner for about a year now,what i found to work for the quickest roots is: use distilled water adjusted to 6.0 PH,and make sure the water temp stays between 70-80 degrees,that's it very simple.The last time i did clones i used adjusted filtered tap water and after 2 roots.My tap water is 8.0 and i adjusted it to 6.0.I checked the PH 2 days later and it was back to 8.0 to make a long story short my tap water contains alot of calcium,the filter would filter out the nasties but not the calcium which would eventually (after 24 hrs) raise the PH.After going back to distilled water i had roots popping that
  4. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Broke in my Cheapo Aero-Cloner last week..Success!!:cheesy:

    Purple Shaman(aka "purple early skunk") rooted inbetween 6-9 dayz! I used only store bought water that i accidently lowered to 4.5PH(i was aiming for 5PH).Oopz. Still worked!:shocked: I changed the water every 3 dayz.

    I didn't use a dome. Just sprayed them a few times a day the first 3 dayz. Didn't use root hormones. 3 of my 20 cuttings did get infected(i threw away)...root hormones/fungicide could have probably prevented that.

    I did notice that cuttings made from the lower part of the mother rootz faster!!! The cuttings made from the very top of the momz rooted last!:confused: I thought that was weird...didn't expect that phenomenon...:shocked:

    My last attempt at cloning took me 10dayz in rockwool...:light:

    Conclusion: cuttings from the lower part of the Mom root the fastest.

    (Edited by hellostupid at 9:36 am on Sep. 24, 2003)
  5. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    yeah i always take my clones from the lower because they do seem to root faster....something about a rooting hormone is more prevelant towards the bottom.i think it was rastadub or 420solo that posted some info on it. You say 3 of them got infected? Did you soak them in regular tap water for 30 min after cutting? I never had that happen,or it may just be one of those things. Isn't it nice not having to acclimate the clones when first removing the dome?
  6. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Err...soak them in Tap Water Greenthumb420?:confused: Why do u ask ?

    :light:Hold da phone...

    :light:An HPS light :light: just flashed in my skull:light:. 30minutes...preventz damp off infection...ahhh...i get

    :light:No need fer a dome...thank god fer growkind'z cheapo aerocloner advice!

    The first day(4hrs later)... i didn't spray...1/3 of them wilted!:confused: So i misted them. Next day-instant recovery;i honestly thought the wilted would wither and die! They didn't!

    All thanx to the Cheapo Aero-cloner...Hahahah!!!! Kudos fer whoever shared that idea with us growkinders...:light:

    :light:So my next attempt should be much better...ahh...thanx Greenthum420...:light:

    (Edited by hellostupid at 3:30 pm on Sep. 24, 2003)
  7. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    Yeah click on the cloner link in my signature and then click on the last link on that page.....all you need to know or what i call "by the book".it really does make a big difference when you soak them.Also cuts down on the yellowing at the tips of the leaves where you trim them...if you do that.
  8. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:err...trim fan leaves Greenthumb420?'ll be sure to click your
  9. Mindblender

    Mindblender New Sprout

    Thanks for the help all. I did end up adding sum root

    powder to my clone station after no results in plain

    water after 10 days. Didn't do any good, it settled on

    the bottom of my lil' tub. The clones soon passed on...

    Can't blame anyone else but me, i took my cuttings on

    harvest day (I know, I know..). Starting from seed again, got

    three sprouts from seeds taken from my buds. Hopefully

    the are feminized cuz i only had 3 ladies in my chamber.

    Males were "shown the door" as soon as they popped up.

    I'll take my clones as soon as they show they're female.

    Noob mistake, couldnt see the BIG picture. Sacrifice a

    bit of bud on the first round to ensure a good 2nd generation crop.

    16 weeks or so from my next batch of homegrown *sigh*.

    Lesson learned.

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