Canadian Prime Minister Claims Marijuana More Dangerous Than Tobacco

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GrassNGlass, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    Though this may make me sound like an ignorant nation-centric American, I don't know a hell of a lot about the Canadian prime minister but I was somewhat taken aback to read this morning that he thinks marijuana is more dangerous than tobacco. The article effortlessly stomps any semblance of credibility out of his statement, but I wondered if anyone here knew more context that could explain why the prime minister would make such an obviously incorrect statement?
  2. blazerwill420

    blazerwill420 Fuck AUMA

    Who realy knows what motivates morons to do and say what they do.
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Yup, Bozos be Bozo's. Their little brains are in some sort of disfucktion that befuddles me.:eusa_eh:

    Loved this vid by Vox at the end. Hope somebody sent it to Prime Minister Harper.

  4. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    LOL, nice video! Most of the 2016 US presidential candidates aren't too sweet on weed either. It's so out-of-touch.
  5. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    We each have our battles. I'm fighting against legalization here. No on 3...

    But yea, he's a whack job even for a Canadian
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Mr. Paul is well versed and a positive ally for us weed voters. Bernie Sanders is very pro MMJ and somewhat ambivalent on full legal, but, speaks of Colo as a possible model.

    Seems to me both sides of the aisle have a decent choice if we'd only take our blinders off.:smokin:
  7. GrassNGlass

    GrassNGlass Germinating

    Rand Paul is pro-legalization but his other policies are arguably dangerous for the country. However, even if you supported him on all of that, I don't think he has a great chance of getting the Republican nomination. I love Bernie but he's not the best nominee for marijuana legalization on the other side. That would be Jim Webb who doesn't have a chance.

    And, yes, Issue 3 sucks.
  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I align ideologically more closely with Paul, but there's things that Sanders has going for him which I can willingly take heart in and actually cast a vote in his direction. Put it this way. If the choice is Paul or Sanders vs Clinton/Trump/J. Bush/Biden....I'm voting Paul or Sanders.

    With Paul I get a reasonable ally for my libertarian philosophy and somebody with few cronies as baggage. He's against the war on drugs and open to states rights on legalization.

    With Sanders I get a guy who is diametrically opposed to a libertarian philosophy, but, is reasonable on the Second Amendment, is an ally of private information rights (maybe slow down the NSA bullshit?), is acceptable to MMJ, is truly anti Wall Street and has few cronies as baggage.

    Even though I'm a Rand Paul guy, methinks a Bernie with a Repub house and senate might be a workable combination. Both are preferable to extending dynasties of already proven corrupt families, a self serving loudmouth tycoon, or, a retread from past democrat losers.

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