What is something you could say to someone who's caught you in the middle of the night sneaking through woods with a headlamp strapped to your head so you can see where you're going? Can't be bird-watching... can't be fishing.... too dark for those... A religious gathering! Go to a costume store if you must. Otherwise just throw together some type of garment that looks like you'd be wearing it to a secret religious gathering, a "cult" gathering if you will. In order to avoid angering the person don't call it cult of course. Just say you're Christian (or w/e your prevelant religion is), but disagree slightly with modern views. Tell them your father is a pastor, priest, or w/e the hell you call them, at a local church, and all your members' families are very prevelant in the local religious community. Therefore you feel you must be secretive so as not to bring hardship to your family and possibly ruin their reputation in town. That is reason enough to not disclose your identity if they ask you to. Just anything believable. If you're uncomfortable with actually wearing something like (it'll frequently get caught on bushes so it can be annoying anyway) just wear w/e, and then say you have your robes in your bag if questioned about your clothing. Go to an army/navy surplus store and buy a C-bag (one of the huge green duffle bags you wear like a back pack) and put everything you need for that night in there. A shovel will fit in there, so will a pick-axe, you can fight hundreds of seedlings in it, bags of soil can go in there and it nicely distributes the weight load over your shoulders and back. If someone gets curious about the bag, tell em to mind their damn business. You're the meeting organizer so you bring all the necessary items. With this scenario and gear setup, you have every possible element of plausible deniability. First of all your story makes sense, as unlikely a scenario as it is. Second you're "dressed to the occasion", or have a bag where your garments are. Of course if they ask to look in the bag, they are way out of line, they have no right to do that. At that point you tell him to kiss your ass. So you have a story that makes sense, you have a way to conceal all the necessary items you need to take with you, and also the element of fascination on your side. It's almost like hearing a ghost story you know to be untrue, but it's kinda fun to maybe believe it. The same goes here. If you're in a small town like me, the thought there may actually be a religious gathering in the woods in the middle of the night, is an exciting thought. It will detract someone's attention from any suspicions or aggressive behavior they may first exhibit. You, of course, must be convincing about this. It's not hard to be convincing if you believe you're telling the truth, and you should believe it. We are a different sect of citizens who believe it's wrong for the government to regulate us like they do. So we go practice our own, forbiden religion in the sanctuary of the deep woods. So you see, it's not much of a story at all. Rather a different way of looking at what we're already doing. Just stand your ground and be nice to anyone you encounter, you should be fine.
Dress The Part And Carry A Microphone Get A Book On Owls , And Pretend You Are Conducting A Survey On The Endangered Owl Population In Your Neck Of The Woods You Can Only Properly Find A Decent Spot To Record The Owls At Night I Have In The Past , Wearing A R.C.M.P Baseball Cap I Bought off Someone In Detox , Along With A Simple Dark Blue Rain Jacket With Yellow Adhesive D.I.Y Letters ( RCMP) Placed On The Back , Scare Away Some Texada Island Locals From Stealing My Stash ( I Simply Pretended To Be Staking Out My Own Growspot , And Even Questioned Them As To Wether It Was Theirs , ROFLMAO Joe
Well if you get caught near a grow that is being staked out, the cops have probable cause to search you. If you have shovels, nutrients and other gardening supplies you will be hard pressed to prove you weren't working a plot. (Yea I know - innocent until proven guilty, yea right) JKP - Only problem is if the cops ran into you, impersonating an officer is a felony here in the US.
Creative, yet funny You all are crackin me up over here! I could totally see someone dressed in their "owl watching gear" with bigass headphones on and a long mic in their hand, stalking through the woods at night with their shades on! ROFLMAO! You can't be serious!...
all i can do is smile why dont u jus get a jason mask and bring a machete for harvesting ur trees while ur at it? then u can have a full body suit that u can tuck into ur socks and fill ur suit with buds and then itll be padded if u have to take a dive into some trees lmao maybe u could play it off as being fat aswell also what happens when they ask wheres the rest the clan? jus go at night and where camoflauge when ur harvesting and some pantyhose i got black ones for this year
You could always use this tactic In my opinion there is no perfect cover story. Every situation is different, and the right cover depends on your situation. For daytime, I kinda like the whole birdwatching thing, but depending on where your grow is, that cover may not work. A fishng pole and tackle box may work in certain places. You could carry a pole, a tackle box and a Google earth printout of a generic wooded area with a lake in the middle. If you see someone, you ask them if they know where the damn lake is because you've been walking around for about an hour and can't find it. Your buddy gave you such a crapy map that you don't even know if your in the right area :icon_scratch: Works even better if there is actually a lake nearby. It depends on the geography of your location.
Shit, ask them what the hell they're doin out there. Me, I'm snipe hunting, got my shovel and my organic nutrients, snipes love that shit.
Say you're dog told you that you are Mother Nature re-incarnated. Your traveling through the woods with nutrients and shovels with the hope of helping nature. Then light those mother fuckers up when they are laughing at you. :qleft1:
I'd go with the religious cult deal. I know it sounds over the top but think of it like this, religion is protected by the constitution, and noone is going to believe that you're out there studying owls.:roulette:
You wouldn't even need the book just confidence to say it. For real if I ran into some guy in the middle of the woods like that and he asked I was I doing I would say "Woo man you scared the shit out of me. I'm a postdoc with blah blah blah University out here trying to observe some of the native nocturnal species. Particularly nocturnal birds and bats to try to assess the changes in nocturnal specie diversity over time.", the guy would more than likely just leave me the fuck alone. Then I would wonder around for a minute make sure he is gone and hightail it out of dodge and find a new spot!
You guys are crazy to be sneaking around in the woods at night anyways. Ain'tcha neva seen any of them horror movies? Blair Witch Project? Anyways, I like the owl watching story, or any other nocturnal animal...rat-coons, opossums, snakes, frogs, whatever. Shoot, just carry a net and be all, "yo I'm a herpetologist, homes...you wanna kiss my snake?"
lol interesting on the religious idea.. Id be if I said it didn't make me chuckle. As I'm not a fan of organized religion I'll stay away from that one.. anyone who'd run into me in the bush probably wouldn't buy that lol. What about having a star map/small telescope? I'm into astronomy and here in the summer there are often amazing Auroras, stars, and the Pleiades meteor shower is intense away from the city lights. I'd say thats a better cover for me to pull off.. as I probably would be checking out the sky anyways.. and you could always set up quickly if you noticed someone was around. Anyways, this is my first post over here at GK. :thumbsup: Cheers, Cana
Hola CB. ROFL. Star watching doesnt work for most people. I know. I spent a few years studying astrophysics and the problem is that star watching in wooded areas (where plots are most likely to be camo'd from aerial survelance) is not beneficial to the observer unless the observer is at high altitude, above the tree line. Me, I always made sure my spot was discrete. That no person would venture to the lot without good reason. Yes it made it hard to get to. No I never carried anything that would signal "gardening" to anyone I ran into. I prepped my plots well ahead of time with no ganja anywhere near me. If I got caught in the late fall with shovel, nutrients and shit, well, its late fall. Well after harvest so prove I am there doing anything besides provding some additional nutrients to native species in order to study the effects of increased organic materials avilable to a certain species. Goes right along with Skunky's alibi of "I am a post doctorate studying xxxxxxx" . I act like an typical hiker. I carry a backpack with a few liters of water, powerbars, trail mix, extra clothes and a survival knife. Carry no ganja, no nutrients, no excess water..NOTHING that implies gardening. Then you risk only planting (not a prime time for watching by LEO) and harvest (the prime time for LEO). But at least you reduce the risk. I should say, I am posting in reference to cops. Not the average citizen. I wouldn't plant in a place that is used by your local citizen hikers. Thats just dumb. Booby traps are for punk ass bitches. They will only cause you increased survelance and additional charges. Robes like Wicka or D&D. . If I were a cop I'd search you looking for acid or other hallucinagens. Who the Fuck goes into the woods dressed like a tard without being on serious drugs? Fishing tackle - Good if you're going just for a check up. If you select a proper spot, you wont have to deal with it except for 3x. Preparation, planting, and harvest. Nature should take care of the rest.
Well I know what I would do in MY area since there is a coon problem. Would carry a cage/trap and say ohhh caught one so decided to take him/her for a ride to the big woods to set them free so they will not kill the chickens I have .... The dog one is good too....:thumbsup:
Camping! I have taken my pit bull camping by myself at night in the woods. My heart lives in the woods. I of course wouldn't go without her, as I know she would die for me.......just carry a tent and enough supplies for the night. But I guess this is a stretch, normal for me is not for most
That would probably work!!! In certain parts around here I bet the locals wouldn't even ask any questions. You could just not shower for a few days, grow a gnarly beard and tell them your a homeless hobo hippie who lives in a tent.:5camouflage: