Chance of rain, Advice needed

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by RH!, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    I just seen the forecast for this weekend in my area. Sunday may have a chance of ocassional showers and 11mph winds.

    Would the rain cause mold? Should I cover the ladies? :passsit:

    Strains: PK, Rez SD, Tang, Querkle and POG
  2. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Why would you think that? Plants grow outside everyday. What have you been doing prior to now?
  3. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    I have always heard of horror stories of rain causing mold or bud rot. Maybe I'm just a bit paranoid of loosing the buds. They have about 2-3 weeks left, besides the SD which is a bit longer. Such a short way to go to loose them to rot or mold.
  4. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    Ive just been watering them and feeding them. Nothing fancy. This is my 2nd od only and the first time they were in pots so i was able to move them when it would shower. Like I said, I just hear about these rot and mold stories and it makes my stomach churn. :bong-2:
  5. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    clear plastic rebar pvc pipe zip ties

    Yes this is the simplest of all answers 4 pieces rebar all the way around the plants put a piece of pvc pipe from one piece rebar to the other in an arc over the top in your plant good then put another 1 until you have two hoops creating an X like a dome tent the cut a square of clear plastic and zip tie each corner to the pvc pipe hoop if you make it right size you have open sides and a roof over the top your plants:thumbs-up:

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    only problem i've had is if there's not proper drainage and the roots stay soaked for too long. that's why i grow outside in 5 gal buckets with good drainage. and allow the soil to dry between waterings. keeping the soil contantly wet can cause root problems and severe yellowing of the leaves especially the larger sun leaves. but i can't really see a rain shower causing problems. just make sure the soil has fairly dried out before watering yourself. good luck.

    peace, CG
  7. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    Thanks Mt.King. You know, that is an excellent way to build that shelter :thumbs-up: . I looked into material and it would cost me about $90-100. I cant do it right now in such a short notice. I want to do it but i cant.

    CG, I think the soil has good enough drainage. We'll just have to see cause I have no other option i guess.

    Do you guys think a blowing fan would be a good idea?:passsit:

    Im pretty stoned right now. I had a bowl of Tangerine and Super Jack. :bong-2:
  8. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Tomato cage........?
  9. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Ill live in FL we have 100% humidity 100% heat rays. So.. I had outdoor plants. The plants wont mold if its raining... But Alot of people in the "Outdoor Grow thread" said they are experiencing alot of mold & rain. I say keep you plants as normal, watch them aeveryday, dont be peranoid, and cross fingers. :new_alien:
  10. Psycho D


    I live in the most humid, rainy place ever and don't cover mine......

    I would say though, I do give them a shake once it stops raining to prevent water droplets burning the leaves when the sun comes back out.
  11. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    So, im thinking one day of rain will not destory your crop.

    Im pretty sure the thing that causes mold is when the water stays on the buds for too long without evaporating. After rains i would usually go out to my plants and shake them around a little by the main stem. This causes excess water to fall off of everywhere.

    Wet plants and constant cold temps will cause mold, but one night of rain shouldnt do much harm. Just try to shake off what you can without hurting the plant.

    Thats the only advice i can offer.

    Good luck.
  12. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    LionLoves420, Thos cages would work but I dont think I'll be needing them, I hope. Its been looking good outside so far. :thumbs-up:

    BnCoolDude13, Thats good to hear bud. I am watching them everyday as much as I can :alienwink: .

    Thanx for the shake off the excess water tip, PsyD & CanDan! :passsit:
  13. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes


    What is wrong here? This is on the top of my Purple Kush on one of the colas. It has 1 more week or so to go and I spotted this yesterday. Its been pretty warm for the past few days and hot today and yesterday in the high 90's.

  14. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    That my friend, is mold. That whole cola top is rotted. You can tell when a new spot is forming because the small leaves will go all brown, twisty & wilted.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you'd better decide if you want to let it go a week longer & possibly lose large amounts of bud due to that mold spreading... and it does spread very fast. Or harvest soon and avoid the risk of losing more bud.

    My last few grows i noticed a few small mold spots, but within two or three more days it was showing up in almost every top.
  15. bncooldude13

    bncooldude13 I supply your drug dealer

    Dang bro i would chop that shit down now. Wait and you will loose more. Dang that sucks man.... N its kush too.... Nice plant. Take it down :passsit:
  16. andythom82

    andythom82 Germinating

    If it is season of rain then rain can come any time. If it is not a season of rain there is also some chances of rain.
  17. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    :321fu: MOLD!

    Sorry but I had to vent. Damn CanadianDan, I was afraid to hear this. I kind of had an idea that it was mold. This is my first encounter with it so I wasn't sure.

    BnCoolDude, I really wanted to let it go at least 4 more days. This sux!

    I think I will chop it down tonite then I guess. I really dont want to but if its necessary then it needs to come down. I have 2 questions on this mold though.

    1)If its really hot outside does it spread fast?

    2)If I cut that top off and let it do for a few more days, can it still spread?

    Ill post a pic of of this squatty PK girl before it comes down.

    P.S. :321fu: MOLD! Go back to wherever you came from because your not welcome here :XXbazooka:
  18. CanadianDAN

    CanadianDAN Summer Greenthumb

    Yeah you can always cut it off but i think it may still spread overtime. Mold spores are a bitch and travel easily....

    Its really your decision, if you have more plants to fall back on for a big harvest try cutting that top off & see if things improve. Or if its your only plant, consider salvaging whats still healthy. Most outdoor crops are due to be cut down this week or next week anyways.

    As for the HEAT.... if its sticky/muggy and the air never quite dries up that can cause mold as well i think. You want them to be dry dry dry in the last 4 weeks or so. At least thats what ive noticed throughout my last 4 grows.

    This isnt all %100 Info, im just telling you what i THINK i know.

    Good Luck!:flyy: :flyy:
  19. gizmo_barks

    gizmo_barks Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  20. gizmo_barks

    gizmo_barks Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Do you have any air flow under that plastic? Fans?



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