cleaning and changing resivior

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by noodles, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. noodles

    noodles Germinated

    any ideas where to put my plants while i clean and change h20 i have been having wife hold up lid with plants. this time im afraid roots are tangled i need to put them somewhere while i clean. hows tub ineed to be carefull
  2. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    i set mine on top of plastic buckets with the roots hanging down in the empty bucket when i change out my water. you could push two chairs together and let the roots hang down onto the floor (covered with plastic).

    good growin! :wave:

  3. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :affro:Depending on your setup...i recommend not moving the waterbaskets at all!!!!

    Do you top off the reservoir everyday?  That dramatically reduces fert salt build-up...

    :light:I use 15 gallons fer vegging and use a 24 gallon reservoir during flowering(cuz they use up more nutes)...

    :bug:I flush every 2wkz with tha 15gallon and only once per month with a 24 gallon!!!  I'm planning on using the 24 gallon fer my veggy cycle this time ' i only hafta flush only once per month.

    How do i flush?I used to remove the plants prior to flushing...but not anymore!!!

    I simply:

    1) dump out tha old reservoir...and refill it back up with ph balanced tap water

    2)I also thoroughly water thru the aggregate/soiless mediumz once or twice.  

    3)Then i allow another hour fer the reservoir to recirculate/flush.

    4) For the second time:

    Dump out the reservoir again and refill with your favorite nutes.  


    I recommend buying a 50ft aquarium syphon kit at petsmart to make thingz alot easier.


    (Edited by ismoke2much at 5:13 pm on Mar. 4, 2003)
  4. HappyJay

    HappyJay Red Eyed Jedi

    Sounds as though your are using bubblers or such.

    The empty bucket method sounds alright but if you are not using a resevoir, try buy anther bucket (same as the one the plant is in), then mix frsh nutes/h2o in that, then simply take the plant/lid out of the old and into the new.

    Now the water has been changed with the minnamal amount of harm so just wash out the other bucket and leave ready as for the next water change.

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