Just watched his DNC speech,i thought he done a good job,presented plenty of facts and food for thought.Anyone else think he played a blinder for Obama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[YOUTUBE]uzDhk3BHi6Q[/YOUTUBE]
Ron Paul... ....so i just finished watching most of the RNC,pretty lame from both Romneys and Clint Eastwood kinda came unstuck a little but whats the fucking deal with what they did to Ron Paul?Thats how they treat one of their own? They move the goalposts so that its gonna be harder for a state grassrooots candidate in the future,they dont even read out how many votes he gets and when they take a floor vote and its clear everyone is shouting no they say the AYES have it? Thats fucked up,it kinda felt a bit dictatorish. Sad times.... Ron Pauls the one guy in my life who makes sense and is believeable. I dont understand all how it works over there but i know bullshit when i see it,fuck Romney:321fu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[YOUTUBE]IrYdBL7BFwE[/YOUTUBE]
I don't like either of the major parties. I like former 2-term Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson. He was a Republican when Governor of New Mexico, but is now running for President on the Libertarian Ticket. http://www.garyjohnson2012.com/front
Why didnt ron paul run with the libertarians? Yeah iv read a bit about him.Heres summit i dont get though... why doesnt Ron Paul go for the libertarian ticket instead of staying loyal to a party that boots him in the nuts at every chance. If ever there was a guy who could inspire old and young voters and also give Obama a good run for his money it was Ron Paul.... Romney is a disaster and if the best he can do in his speech is talk shit about how he unconditonally loves his kids and how his dad used to leave his mum a rose daily and thats how she knew he was dead... i mean WTF? When you look at the 2 conventions its plain to see the democrats blew the republicans away in the speech department. Romney wont even run Obama close,he wont even get ALL the mormon vote never mind the ethnics or moderates.Hes a relic,a throwback to the 50's without any substance.Iv waited till i knew a bit about him before i ran my mouth but the fact hes the man who republicans want ahead of ron paul..... well they reap what they sow.Everything ron paul says rings true.Romneys a halfwit,just weeks before the olympics he was saying London isnt gonna be able to cope or pull it off....Hmmm on that basis i would ignore anything the guy says about what Obama cant pull off.He reminds me of a more sheened and polished Dubya! He doesnt stand for anything,he wont even defend or discuss his own religion and as far as i can see he has flip flopped on every major issue he stands for.Obamas got this in the bag from where im looking in.Peace:jj:
I know hes not an actual Libertarian but the Liberty Revolution he talks about seems pretty much on the same page as Gary Johnson on many things plus after the RNC i saw a lot of media were asking him if he was gonna endorse the GJ ticket so i just wondered why he didnt just run with them in the 1st place if they share so many viewpoints.:jj:
I don't know much about Ron Paul, but fuck both Romney AND Obama... and I hate to say this, but even Obama looks better than Romney and I hate Obama too.. That dude(Romney) is a total fucking head-case and has much in common with comic book super villians.
He was talking about the voting ayes thing, that was the DNC who had predetermined the vote before having one. They even had the prompter ready for it to pass.
That be it LL. If I was running the repub campaign I'd air nothing but that segment for the next 60 days. Show the three voice votes then cut to; "in the determination of the chair the ayes have it". Voice over at the end..."if they won't listen to their own delegates do you think they'll listen to you?" Both guys turn my stomach. A vote for Obama and you're endorsing all the bullshit of the past 4 years. A vote for Romney...yeah, like I'd vote for an admitted cult leader.
I really liked Ron Paul,he seems to stand for something ,hes about the politics not so much the sheened polished spin.Hes happy to debate,hes shrwed and astute,his only weakness seems to be his endgame.Shame he wont stand again,politics needs guys like him to remind other people it aint always got to be about the bullshit.Wish we had a guy like him over here,we thought we had it in Tony Blair,a happy medium in the middle of right and left who brought a new style of politics where they listened to the voters....until Iraq and shit:sad4:
democrats whats up you guys...dont you konw that only a republican will legalize pot....damn you think that a democrat will do that you are crazy...it needs to come from the right because until they say so it wont be possible to legalize.....like cali.......
Nothing personal NC. As much as I am for full legalization, and as important an issue I think it is; based on the current state of our country, I think there are way more important issues needing to be dealt with (which neither candidate is talking about) than which party will legalize pot. Both of the candidates and their respective parties are a bunch of douchebags and neither one of them are going to legalize anything. I can't believe these two idiots are the best we can come up with for the POTUS, and I will not be voting in this election.
The popular vote doesnt make a shitin bit of differance anyway!! I think they are both scum. As long as polititions run this country the way its being run it will never be the same regardless of who is running it. t6
haven't you guys heard There are other parties everybody third party vote out the people who are against our best interests. anybody who votes against your freedom Quit paying these assholes To f*** us without lubrication
It's pretty sad that our choice comes down to which asshole we'd rather have spilling their bullshit out to the public. What we need, but will never get, is an everyday type of person to set us back on track and not let government interfear with our everyday lives. One who won't take bullshit from anybody and start to look out for the people, not who puts the most money in their pockets. The will of the people. Damn I hate polititions.