CM outdoor

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by SecretGrower420, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Just thought I'd show you a couple bud shots from some Critical Mass I have going out back.

    This is grown in 100% perlite.


    This one is in the ground.


    They both still have about 3-4 weeks.
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    verrrry sweet..:thumbsup:
  3. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    I agree!
  4. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    They look nice! :thumbsup:
  5. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Awesome. Mine are just about like yours. Maybe not quite that far along. Glad to know I got around the same time left. Means still a lot of growing to do. Was worried considering the lack out light they get a day. About 3 hrs direct sun...
  6. major

    major Begun Flowering

    perlite one seems more delicious, or it may be just the shooting angle?

    Nevermind, they are both kick ass I am sure
  7. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    The soil one is just as nice, only thing is the perlite plant is going to be one massive bud, all of it is filing in. The soil one isn't as good a pic because it's hidden behind my massive strawberry cough.
  8. GberT

    GberT Developed Alternating Nodes

    thats a prime example of triple A outdoor, first of all critical mass is a great plant for indoor but i guess it works outside too obv...thats a good one for the calendar or whatever ye.:smokin:

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