CNN article

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dlr42, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. dlr42

    dlr42 King of GrowKind

  2. BudLover

    BudLover Germinated

    Realistically I hope it never becomes legal to be quite frank decriminalized yes I hope for that, but legal to the point where a huge corperation can grow it and put your local growers out of business answer fuck no. We can all argue the fact before big brother got it's hands on tobacco it was safer and alcohol aswell. Think about it for just a second aside from it's health benefits. Do you want a factory ran by walmart growing your weed with shitty business practices and most likely getting all the nutes from china, opposed to a mom and pop setup where you know 99% of the growing textiles and chems come from organic sources. The Gov has set it's self up a nice little system where marijuana is worth more illegal sad to say, where billions of dollars are funded to fight a war on this specific drug. I'm all for marijuana reform laws if they enact something that forbids corporate entities getting there hands on some seeds and taking over this "drug game". They will ruin it make strip it of it's vital nutrient and medical properties and put something in it that will kill us. That link describes a very nice pipe dream that will never happen as far as legalization gos. I already think its apart of our society and ingrained it. You watch Sons of Anarchy which is a great show they blow jays left and right, breaking bad. And other non drug based television shows and movies. I think we are on the right track just not the right plan

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