Congratulations to the Spring Bud Contest Winners!

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Psycho D, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Psycho D


    Our very own Mr. GreenJeans captures first place. CCrete and Hank with a respectable tie for 2nd. Right on folks!


    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2014
  2. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Such surprising results!
  3. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Congrats guys awesome buds-Bud
  4. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I voted for CCrete's #5. The super crystal show was just too much. Awesome plant.

    My entry was Plushberry, btw.


    Good job, Mr. Gj.
  5. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Congrats all... Every one worthy of winning..
  6. Psycho D


    Right on. It didn't say in the entry or I would have added it. I voted for yours

    BTW. :thumbs-up:
  7. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    So what's the tally now? GJ's got two shirts and a Dabbler vape pen. You guys gave him a run for his money though.
  8. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    One shirt Resin and One Dabbler. Second and Third place get T Shirts..:thumbsup:
  9. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead


    I thought I had him at one point.....back to the drawing board!!

    Congrats big guy, Hank..

    That's gotta be a mofo to mail some stuff to Japan:roffl: Im used to buying their stuff.....that Tshirt is guna have some miles on it!!!
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    So you actually gonna wear a that t-shirt CC?
  11. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Not bein disrespectful to the game, GK or members....but I literally cant wear that type of stuff anywhere in my daily life. Not around my kids,friends,work,public...sorry I just try to stay as low as possible ya know..

    Can I toss it down to the 3rd place guy as a sign of games-manship?

    Even If I would have gotten the win, I was guna do the same with the Pen cuz I already have a nice one.. I just liked the competition
    friendlyfarmer likes this.
  12. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    I wear my t shirt at home. No kids, just the wife and my dog. The pen I will use.

    Cc that bud shot you entered. I thought would win. Very nice. :thumbsup:

    There were a lot of great shots, no if and or buts about it!
    friendlyfarmer likes this.
  13. Justcheckingitout

    Justcheckingitout GK Old Timer

    Congrats guys! They all were great looking buds! :thumbs-up:

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Congrats, like I said before there sure as hell weren't any losers to choose from. The all looked great!!

    Be Cool, CG
  15. Psycho D


    Small flat rate box USPS. 15 bucks. No fuss no muss...Res can handle it. :thumbs-up:
  16. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I thought 9 was Disco, 5 was Lvsky or CC with Dabney (wrong and wrong) and that Mr GJ had sandbagged on us :roffl:

    Great contest guys and congrats to Mr GJ and all the winners! There's a reason your the Boss! :not-worthy:

  17. Discorilla

    Discorilla Shining like a Discoball!

    I wish that was me. Haha! I'll come with a better pic next time!

    Grats to the top 3! Those were some tough pics to compete with.
  18. Grown in Tx.

    Grown in Tx. Locked and Loaded

  19. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    The shot I entered was the Purps from BC Bud Depot. Very nice smoke. :thumbsup:
  20. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    What do those shirts look like?


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