Could use help with soil issues....

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by gkpro420, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. gkpro420

    gkpro420 New Sprout

    Hey guys, i could use some help with some soil issues. i have created my own blend of soil containing hyponex potting soil, perlite, peat moss, and lime. my issue is with the lime. i have no way of testing the soil properly. i have added 3 cups of lime. i would say it is about 30 gallons of soil. is that enough? i have read that peat moss is very acidic and i am worried about moving my 8 girls into the new soil before im possitive. any feedback would be much appriciated. Thanks a lot and belated happy 420!
  2. Mr. Gardener

    Mr. Gardener Full Flowering

    What you need is a pH tester. I bought mine for 14.99 from my local hardware store.
    WiZaRD likes this.
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Here's my mix. Dunno if it helps, good luck.

    2 cu ft soil or black dirt

    1 cu ft peat moss

    2 cup Bone Meal

    1 cup Blood Meal

    1/3 cup Epsom salts

    3/4 cup dolomite lime

    1/2 cup Neptunes Garden Fish/Kelp emulsion

    8 cups worm castings.

  4. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    There is pretty much no way we can tell you if it's safe. You need to invest in a pH meter. - W

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