:coolbounce::coolbounce::coolbounce: Now to the state senate. Malloy has already stated that he supports the bill. What a terrible picture they used for this article. They should have lifted one from here!!
happy dance! And you are right. I wasn't aware cow shit was previously illegal. Who smokes weed that looks like that nowadays?
I can't freakin' believe it, I'm so happy. I hope it makes it all the way, it's a step in the right direction. And I haven't smoked, or even seen, weed like that in at least 10 years. I start hacking up a lung just looking at it!
lol fuck mexico:danger:.....I live in least i can smoke fatties all day.... you cant even roll:5eek: oh snap. :kidding:
I don't have to roll because I can get as high off one bowl as you do off a whole blunt. Oh, snap You know I got love for you. Once I was watching Weeds down by the ocean and this bitch called Nancy a pincha gringa...and I didn't know what it meant so I politely asked the family of 5 next to me. Funny shit. (I know that has nothing to do with what we are talking about, but whenever I see gringo I think of that)
hahahaha yeah i know i wish i could smoke some good here.... lmao pincha gringa....hahahaha...people have explained that word to me here, but i dont fully understand it still...but its funny
means "fucking white girl" Yup. I asked a nice hispanic family with their young children at the beach what "fucking white girl" meant. Yup. I did that. (well I guess that is what it means, that's what the teenager told me!)
OMG! You need a harvest quick, fast, and in a hurry! The "regular" weed is crap here too! I will stop smoking weed completely and just be clean and sober for the rest of my life before I allow any of this local shit-weed into my lungs again. I don't even like smelling the smoke from people smoking it around me because it even smells like shit on top of tasting like crab-grass and not being very potent at all. In between harvests when I run out of my own stash I might spend $150.00 a quarter ounce from a guy that I know that has weed worthy of North American lungs before I'm like "Fuck this. I'm not paying this guys car note for another month just for a little weed." By that time I'm harvesting and drying my next plant. I feel ya man!
cool man....i had to chop all my plants lol , so im not growing atm:icon_confused:..... I can only dream about the BUD i used to smoke.....But when im back in the states I will never smoke shit like this again haha. last time when i was in the states, me n my cuzin couldnt find any good so we had to get some reggie, and the weed was exactly like the columbian brick here, except there were bigger "buds" and it was a bit stronger than it is here...but still shit weed nonetheless. oh and hahahaha i pay 2 bucks to get what you pay 150$ for :5eek:
UMMM I starting ro like CT again I am in shock thinking my state will likely pass MMJ WOOHOOOOO Hey Smokahontas
Hey BigBud. So you're a fellow Connectacunt? I never thought they would either. We'll see... I have no idea how long shit like this takes.
Slowly but surly legalization will continue. When it is made legal I'll have a smoke party at my place and even some of you CT folks are invited. BB214 your invited and Smokahontas too and anyone else who wants to drive to MA for a smoke out party someday.:redbong::bananas:arty5:
Friendly Farmer, are you from CT too? Caravan to Mr Greenjeans' house! I'll bring the Funyuns. We're on our way Mr GJs.