cutting off fan leaves

Discussion in 'Advanced Cultivation' started by phillyboy, Jan 21, 2003.

  1. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    years ago, when i first had my phototron, according to their manual, when a leave reached four inches off the main stem, you should cut it at the midpoint of the off shoot, in other words, the stem was usually an inch long and then the leaf started, they recommended cutting at the midpint from the stalk to the leaf, the idea was that this created a new budsite, because after doign this clipping/prunning, the offshoot would split into two more branches, which does happen, and to do it as other leaves reached four did actually create more bud sites, just wondering if anyone else ever did that?  I think especially for short indica's this technique is effective? replies/ feedback please

    BUT, wouldn't that be wasting the plants stored Nitro?

    (Edited by phillyboy at 10:25 pm on Jan. 20, 2003)
  2. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Cutting leaves doesn't create new budsites, cutting branches does.

    The people who put phototrons together were giving advice for a scrog-type set-up.  Lots of budsites to fill in the tron.

    Adapting the plant to the growspace instead of the other way around.

    Cutting a branch to create 2 is ok (just don't go overboard), but don 't remove leaves.

    p.s.  More branches/budsites does not mean more smoke, without a corresponding increase in water, nutrients and light.  It means more, but smaller buds.  Same yield by weight.

    (Edited by rangerdanger at 9:07 pm on Jan. 20, 2003)
  3. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    thank you sir, i think that's what i meant, cutting branches, not leaves.....
  4. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    There is no need to ever cut a plant Philly. Having done most methods in my experimenting I found that training is far better than cutting hands down. I'll make ya a hedge if you want one. Them plants like to bend. They love it! Be brave and start trying different things with your plants. They can take anything I have tried. I found the best method is to JOG until ready for flowering. I have done bushes, and some more sparse. I now keep the main branches at around 6 - 8. If the plant is really bushy I thin it out around the second week of flower. That is when you start to see which are dominant. I cut the smaller branches as close to the main trunk as possible and let her rip. Notice these three plants. The one in the center is from seed and was topped as you were talking about. I topped it 3 times to be exact. Now on the right I have a JOGed clone that was too bushy. I should have thinned it out before flowering, but I would not have known that unless I followed thru on this one. On the left is one I thinned with a dozen main branches that are developing nicely. Each plant teaches me something new and I get them more fine tuned. Well you can see the reason to JOG over topping. You get more for the effort, and the plant doesn't spend needless energy on fixing a cut. All around winner in my book if you want bushy plants.


  5. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    "phillyboy" herbsparky's right the one i jogged is going on 4-day's from doing so and its plumb ****'n auwsome i liked it so much i have jogged them all some were only 10" and the smallest was 6" all responding great "OH" my blueberry this thing has fatter fan leaf's than "CG's" ak-47's dammdes't thing ive ever seen it really dont look "illeagel" at all "LOL"!!!
  6. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:I must admit....i wuz laughin at Hersparky'z JOG method at first...but not anymore...

    I've alwayz practice what i preach.  So when I post a'z already been tested in my garden.

    Jogging vs. Prunin'....which had more budsites?

    Surprisingly,  the JOG method produced waay more budsites than prunin'!!!  I couldn't believe my eyes...Herbsparky wuz right!!!!!

    :bong:Stalk training undoubtedly is superior compared to prunin' big time!!!  I've tried both methods(2 seperate harvests) and Herb's method is the best by far.  Period.

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 4:26 am on Jan. 23, 2003)
  7. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    It's not my method....I just use it well.... ;)
  8. Budweiser 3

    Budweiser 3 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    quite "WELL" in deed "Herb" im going with it on every's the way to go especially if yer tight on height,,,,,"Thank's again "Herbsparky"!!!!!!!!
  9. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Yes that it is....that's the reason I use it too. I keep coming back to JOG after trying new things. Someday I plan to work in a JOG/SCROG. JOG in veg and SCROG in flower. I may have to make a bigger boxx for that.... ;)
  10. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    i like your reasoning behind the plants spending energy healing the decap, makes sense, but it was my understanding that by decaping a plant, you channel the energy into the offshoots, which i thought was better for sea of green,(sog) but what is Jog again? I read it somewhere, but forget it?.....but if your saying just bend em' over, how far, and do you really trane them at such a low height? I believe you said 6-8 inches? damn herbs!!
  11. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    Hey herbs, those sweet-ass plants of yours, they look sativa like---NO?
  12. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Philly JOG (jungle of green) will provide a bushy plant with multiple tops with no cutting involved until pruning time. Then it is only to thin out the plant to allow light penetration. I generally allow a clone to reach 8" - 10" then train it around the pot in a circle about an inch above the soil. What happens is that growth hormones in the plant will travel to the uppermost shoots. Same as with topping only you are bending the main tip down forcing the hormones to tavel to the other shoots. In about a week from the first train you see the once lower growth even out with the main tip and start to grow all at once since they are all the same level. The plants I posted were the result. This method gives the plants time to grow longer in veg with shorter stature. Longer veg time means more roots, bigger trunks, and more budsites. BTW my plants are hybrids...:smokin:
  13. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    Awesome advice dude, thank you......Jog is the way to go, the way you explained it makes  perfect sense..when i was looking at your pics, at first it looked like way more than three plants, becasue of the tops, amazing!!!!  later dude

    (Edited by phillyboy at 11:34 am on Jan. 24, 2003)

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