Daylight calculator

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by daytrypper, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. daytrypper

    daytrypper A Fat Sticky Bud

    HeadCase and CCrete like this.
  2. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Nice find, this should be a sticky in the OUTDOOR section:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  3. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Nice fine :thumbsup: Thanks.
  4. RH!

    RH! Developed Alternating Nodes

    +1 :guitar7::XXsunsmile::XXhippylove::animbong:
  5. LowRydr

    LowRydr Veggy Stage

    cool little app but why does it matter?
  6. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    I guess its just a easy way to find out when 12/12 occurs in nature.

    Did i mention it was cool?
  7. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Pretty cool nice find-Bud
  8. Psycho D


    While that's cool and all.....flowering outdoors begins much sooner (up to a month) than the equinox. So it's not really an acurate gauge of flowering time. Just sos yous know. :passsit:
  9. LowRydr

    LowRydr Veggy Stage

    yeah, it's cool and all but you do realize that 12/12 is sept 21/22 no matter where you are on the planet. put the day-of-year slider on sept 21/22 and then slide the lattitude slider around.

    and as Psycho D said, flowering does not start on day 1 of 12/12. my plants always start flowering around the 2nd week of august and finish in october.

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