DC Circuit Denies Medical Marijuana Reclassification Challenge

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tony Aroma, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Tony Aroma

    Tony Aroma Let's Go - Two Smokes!

    Bummer! But not surprising. The fight continues, although this gives the administration some more ammunition.

  2. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Of course they don't exist, they make it impossible to get grants for that sort of thing :'(
  3. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Funny that it's the DC court where locally they've passed MMJ legislation.
  4. Tony Aroma

    Tony Aroma Let's Go - Two Smokes!

    I didn't catch this at first, but the court DID NOT rule that marijuana has no medical value. What the Circuit Court decided was that the DEA followed the rules in denying the rescheduling petition. Granted, they're the rules the DEA made up and keep changing. But that's all the court decided at this time. And those rules say that marijuana does not meet the necessary criteria to be removed from schedule 1. Makes it kind of easy when you make the rules that you have to abide by.
  5. Lvstickybud

    Lvstickybud Bongmaster

    And them being a government agency, they don't even have to follow their own rules. I've been dealing with a gov agency for 3 years now and what they do or don't do can't be done by independent agencys.

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