DEA needs more weed?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CREATIVE GARDENER, May 6, 2014.


    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I just noticed on the MSN home page an article stating that the DEA was looking for a shitload of weed to buy. Crazy, right, but seems their estimate for governmental medical research was 21 kilos, no problem. Now they say they need 650 kilos to do their research and need it by JUNE.

    So if any of you kind folks have a few extra kilos laying around call Uncle Sam, he'll take them off your hands.

    Be Cool, CG
  2. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    They have an army of monkeys to asphyxiate, and need a shitload of weed.


    The DEA finally figured out how much fun it is to smoke weed.
  3. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    Let me check my pockets....

    Nope. I got nothin for them. Lol
  4. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Sounds to me like a profit scenario. DEA pulls the weed, resells to research, pockets the difference to hunt for more weed wrong doers. You guys know any government arm hates seeing anybody else making $$ if they're not in on it.

    We gots a new dealer on the block gents....:passit:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2014

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    They've dicked around waiting till the last hour to avoid purchasing quality goods from the right growers. Now they can justify clearing out a couple evidence rooms. Probably some worthless ragweed, mix in a little paraquat and they've got their research meds. Making sure their clinical results are negative, or at best inconclusive.

    But maybe, just maybe, they will impose some high standards and have the research done by qualified impartial medical personel. We can only hope.

    Be Cool, CG
  6. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Fuck Uncle Sam.

    Funckle Sam.

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Kinda like women, can't live with um - can't live without um.

    FUNCKLE SAM, that's a good one!! That would look good on a T-shirt. Maybe even register the trademark and create an entire clothing line. Make a good name for a new weed strain too. The possibilities are endless.

    Be Cool, CG
  8. greenjah

    greenjah A Fat Sticky Bud

    Ya fuck uncle sam, it isnt legal to have any kind of quantity even though i am a caregiver so why would i go and take them any, they would just take it and put me in jail probably.

    And why would i help them when all they do is screw over the people of this country.

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Yup!! FUNCKLE SAM!!! I swear I'm going to get that on a T-shirt.

    Be Cool, CG

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I was just reading an article on this and the stupid dumbass, bless his heart, stated that the value of a kilo in many states hovered around $1,000. Thus making the "street value" of the purchase $650,000. Wish mine was worth a whapping $1,000 a kilo:roffl:.

    That's just barely over $1 a gram. Get busted where I live and the "street value" will be $20 a gram or more. A plant gets a $3,000 street value.

    Be Cool, CG

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