DEA Statement on 2013 Monitoring the Future Study

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ResinRubber, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    More government propaganda bullshit.

    December 20, 2013

    Contact: DEA Public Affairs

    (202) 307-7977

    DEA Statement on 2013 Monitoring the Future Study

    DEC 20 (WASHINGTON) - "Those who aspire to see their own or others' children accomplish great things in life or who want to live in a nation of increasing prosperity should be very concerned about the increase in marijuana use by teenagers, including the fact that a staggering 12 percent of 13 and 14-year-olds are abusing the drug," said Michele M. Leonhart, Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. "The mixed messages being sent to America's teens about the harmfulness and legality of using record-high-potency marijuana are obscuring kids' awareness of the effects their use will have on them. America owes it to its children to give them the best possible start in life, so they and society are not hindered in the future."
  2. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    :5eek: You know they are just tring to push your buttons. :redbong:
  3. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Its the children! AND the Future! That's what mary-jo-wanna is gonna destroy! We gotsta purteck the children! AND the Future! Who don't wanna purteck the CHILDREN! Who don't wanna purteck the FEEEEYOOOOCHER!!!!!!

  4. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie



  5. Bigbud214

    Bigbud214 Ganja Guru Extreme

    Leonhart is a dried up angry bitch who needs to get ass fucked repeatedly until the bitchiness and uptight attitude is gone. She is pissed that "reefer madness" didn't work and the truth is finally being accepted
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's ALL about me. Can'tcha see the tin foil hat I got on?:bong-2:'s what gets my goat though.:wtf?:

    The 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that among high school students, during the past 30 days

    39% drank some amount of alcohol.

    22% binge drank.

    8% drove after drinking alcohol.

    24% rode with a driver who had been drinking alcohol.

    That underaged drinkers consume 11% of all alcohol consumed in the U.S. That in 2010 there were 4300 deaths and 189,000 emergency room visits of underaged drinkers directly linked to alcohol.

    And we're somehow supposed to shit our pants because "a staggering 12%" blow a joint once a while and hit some cheetos while playing Xbox? :wtf?:

    Let's get fucKin real and tell it like it is. The socially accepted drug is killing our children while our government wages a ludicrous war of prosecution against a phantom menace called pot. Thereby feeding a bloated Law Enforcement and justifying billions in Tax dollars that line the pockets of a private for profit prison industrial system which dwarfs every other other country's by an unimaginable margin, including the totalitarian variety. Whew....:bong-2: Let's not even get into the offshoot of this, called "Stop and Frisk", which violates the RIGHT to FREEDOM IN OUR PERSONS of tens of thousands of black men in our country every year. A Natural Right, which according to the writings of BOTH Madison AND Jefferson supersede even the venerable Constitution.

    Oh no.....we can't have THAT discussion. Doing that would hurt the kids don'tcha know. Can't have them knowing the truth or anything. Might start thinking for themselves or some such shit. :bong-2:
  7. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    Yeah more people die of alcohol related deaths each year (75,000) than we lost in Vietnam in the whole conflict (58,000) over 7 years.

    Well said Res. Hear him! Hear him!
  8. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    How about this discussion....Let's tell our kids about the economics of Prohibition and how it funnels tens of billions of U.S. dollars out of our country into the hands of Mexican Cartels. How those Cartels have destroyed any security Mexico can maintain on it's Northern Border. Our government's paranoia about pot is crippling one of our most strategic neighbors which puts our own country in greater peril. Wanna chat about that one with the kiddies?:bong-2: Don't think for one minute that those billions don't have a measurable effect on our trade deficit either....but that's another rant. :redbong:

    Fucking moron, linear thinking, dolt, mutherfucker, DEA assholes. Bitches can't think their way out of a wet paper bag unless somebody is handing them a million bucks or two.
  9. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    :icon_scratch: no wonder when our kids become teenagers they think adults are idiots.
  10. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's because kids think intuitively.....until they're filled with dogma and false premise.
  11. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Ok Resin, I'll vote for you when you run for president. :coolbounce:

    Unfortunatly until pot becomes part of the mainstream this is the stupid crap our politicians and uneducated people will continue to believe. Uggg!

    :redbong: better. [​IMG]
  12. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    with a 3yr old and an infant about to be born in the next few weeks, I for one see the point DEA is making but theyre just uneducated/unwilling to learn vs what reality shows

    I know and see the effect smoking too much has had on me alone and I see anyones viewpoint on that topic...I'll never let my kids see or know I smoke, why?? cuz I think anything that's alters your brain chemistry has lifetime effects and if they start early on before their mind is fully developed, my guess is that it'll have dire lifelong restrictions on personel I don't know, im not a doctor/scientist but ive lived a storied life and see what major negative effects its had on me........I feel the same on drinking, just like many of us, I grew up with a grandfather that destroyed his family with booze, my girls DAD died at 42 from liver failure due to high volumes of alcohol from age 11....the conversation is endless on those 2 topics

    if theres 1 member here that is "cool" with their kids smoking weed before say age 20, then your a major fuckin loser of a parent and need to re-evaluate your thinking on being a role model, despite any of your accomplishments in your own life

    I didn't smoke till after I was 19 and could handle my own life...Ive always said that..I used the drug, the drug didn't use me..I came from a very dark place in life and it helped me open my mind to things that weren't so apparent in a sober situation, drinking is poison to my body so I never did, but weed helped me find myself and directed me towards specific goals at a certain point in my life, now I smoke for no reason at all, just a habit I guess

    I know my view makes me the odd man out in this discussion
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    It's not that kids toke CC. They have done it for generations and will continue to. Same with under-aged drinking. It's not as if we can make either of them any more illegal, so the discussion needs to be one of truth in risks when approaching the topic. Not propaganda disguised as concern.

    There's literally hundreds of things a kid shouldn't, or can't, do until adulthood. We, as parents, teach them what those boundaries are. Doesn't matter if it's sex, weed, booze, when to start driving or how to handle money. It's all the same and must be done rationally to be done well.

    It's also a point of where to expend resources. On a battle to eradicate weed, which has substantially less negative impact on teens, or, to further explore how to lessen the much more corrosive effects of teen age alcohol abuse?

    Methinks your position will soften one day CC. Somewhere around 16-19 years old and you realize their friends are toking or drinking, or both, and the risks it poses for your kid. When my kids asked, around the time DARE started it's nasty inculcation to the brainwashed, "which is worse daddy, marijuana or alcohol?" There was only one choice, that was to tell them the truth about both then make clear neither is ok for a kid. Period.

    I know my 17 year old has toked, she told me so when I asked. She will again, I'm not stupid. Hopefully I've taught her well enough to understand the risks. But she'll have to wait until she's of age before she see's her papa toke. Good thing is booze scares the shit out of her.

    Now the 21 year old and I burn one once in awhile and I got no problem with it. She didn't drink or toke until she was almost 20.
  14. Psycho D


    I don't now where you all went to high school but those numbers seem INCREDIBLY LOW compared to where I went in the late 80's....

    Was more like 75% that drank and smoked. Hell, even the valedictorian I dated puffed and got white girl wasted.

    You'd think they'd tout those figures and say they're winning the war on drugs....but, then again, those numbers aren't really indicative of any honesty on a DEA survey anyway...especially from participants..
  15. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I always tell the truth on a DEA survey.
  16. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    There were only about ten of us in my high school between all four grades that toked. I am sure there are others like mine screwing up the statistics for what the normal high school pot consumption looks like.
  17. Psycho D


    Yes. I suppose from Salt Lake City area high schools or wherever like that, it may average out some in the real world.

    Factor in inner city numbers, and suburban public schools like I went to...IDK.

    12% seems reaaallly skewed.

    I just ran the numbers myself...sorry guys, I'm an engineering major. haa. Had to indulge myself.

    Anyways. here's the facts as stated in the DEA report an some op-ed..:


    15 million high school students in the US. Going with 12% that's 1,800,000 students that admitted to smoking weed

    So that's like 7 out of 60 kids. FACT as stated by the DEA.

    Doesn't sound out of the realm of reason now... but, that's only ONE pot circle in a whole high school senior year. We're all adults now and know that's just not legit. :roffl:

    Here my opinion part....

    Of course we'd all like our kids to be be good upstanding smart individuals. No lies, no bullshit. That's all I ask from my kids. Keep that pot shit under your hat unless you're living somewhere legal and you're of age. If you like it? Great, be smart about everything and get a fucking scholarship..(which they are all on course for).. I don't need to know all their personal business..

    I think the main part is for them to get an education at that point..all the other things are a rite of passage kind of thing.
  18. DXE

    DXE Moderator

    This is why we grow the best possible product - to make sure our kids have the best possible start in life :)
  19. SpawnOfDXE

    SpawnOfDXE Germinating

    From my own personal experience, smoking a doobie once in a while in high school isn't an issue. I graduated with honors and I like to think I'm still fairly smart. Do I want my own child to start smoking pot before 18?? Not really, but am I going to be able to stop her? Probably not. Instead I'll make sure she is well educated and makes informed decisions, that's the best we can hope for right?

    DEA = out of touch, fear-mongering tightwads.
  20. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    I tell you what I'd rather have my teen smoking pot (a plant that I grew) RATHER than popping legal prescription "anti-depressants" that America seems to think is a great idea for 8 year olds. Look at Ritalin! Jesus Christ we all sit here and moralize about weed? FUCK stop pouring poison down the throats of our grade school kids. Kid hyperactive? Ritalin. Kid doesn't pay attention? Zombieloft. We have pill for every ill, and just because it's in a pill form seems to make it OK.

    Young humans should NOT take mind-altering chemicals of any kind into their systems unless they have a true medical necessity. But of all the chemicals that my kids will likely ingest, I'm far more worried about alcohol than pot. And like SOD said, my power to stop them only goes so far.

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