Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 04:24 PM Activists Say 4,000 Plants in Warehouse Were for Medical Use Demonstrators planted small marijuana plants and scattered hemp seeds outside a California Highway Patrol office in Oakland on Tuesday to protest the recent arrests of four people for growing pot, supposedly for medical use. The 30 protesters, some openly smoking marijuana from a pipe and several in wheelchairs, denounced the CHP for calling in the federal Drug Enforcement Administration this month after a state officer discovered 4,000 marijuana plants growing in a West Oakland warehouse. Medical marijuana advocates say the herb was destined for sick people, while state officers said they had no indication the warehouse operation was anything more than a criminal enterprise. As soon as the demonstration concluded, two CHP officers wearing elastic gloves went to the landscaped area where the seven green plants were poking out of the ground and dug them up, placing them into a brown evidence bag. Capt. Jim Leonard said he had not realized what the protesters were doing because he had not posted an officer to monitor the demonstration, which took place on a city sidewalk. "If I had known what they were doing, I might have done something different," he said. Among those demonstrating were Angel McClary Raich, who is currently being sued by the federal Justice Department over medical marijuana use in a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court; and Ed Rosenthal, a marijuana advocate found guilty by a San Francisco federal jury last year of growing pot for a cooperative that supplied patients. Prosecutors are appealing Rosenthal's conviction, while the government is appealing the trial judge's decision not to sentence him to prison. Don Duncan, who works at a Berkeley pot dispensary, said the plants and seeds were used to pose a question: Where are patients supposed to grow marijuana under Proposition 215, the initiative approved by California voters in 1996 that legalized marijuana for medical use under state law? Duncan contends the CHP should have left the warehouse operation alone because it was intended to supply marijuana to dispensaries that provide the plant to people with doctors' recommendations to use the drug. "The state of California should not be victimizing patients," he said. He said the state agency also should have consulted with local officials instead of notifying a federal law enforcement agency. CHP Sgt. Wayne Ziese said his agency had first notified the Oakland Police Department, which declined to take the case, and then turned it over to the DEA, which has the expertise to process such a large crime scene. The warehouse operation did not fall into the category of a typical medical marijuana bust, he said, in which a person with a relatively small amount of marijuana might claim medical authorization. "Individuals there ( at the warehouse ) were not pulling out their medical authorization cards to show to the officers," Ziese said. "They were running away."
The only reason they were running away was because the 'busters' were carrying automatic weapons. Thanks for the story post, Mis S.
They do not seem to mind if citizens of this country become hooked on valium, zanax, phenibarbitol etc, etc. However God forbid someone choose not to use highly addictive pharmaceuticals as treatment for their pain or suffering yet instead choose marijuana( an herb). The sick bastards in government (they are by far the MOST emotionally ill of us all) have their heads so far up their asses they cant even begin to take a breath of fresh air let alone see the hypocritical stance they force down our throats every single day. The BS is so thick concerning marijuana laws and use at times it hurts to even think about them. I suppose these citizens should have become prescription drug addicts in order to deal with their pain and suffering rather than marijuana users that way they would of been lining the politicians pockets with corrupt funds, correct? The ignorance factor concerning situations like this cannot even begin to be understood the readings are off the chart. How many officers must sit back shaking their heads in disbelief at some of the ridiculous laws they are forced to uphold. Why is it the least understanding the most stubborn and the emotionally frigid hold positions of authority in government while those with a brain must sit back and watch as these imbeciles continually ruin the lives of others with juvenille laws and oddball religious based mentalities... Burn in hell for not believing in Jesus Christ however... becoming a prescription drug addict is just fine. Words cannot begin to express the outrage this behavior promotes in someone with a condition that can benefit from marijuana use. While these 'so called' leaders line their pockets with kick backs and tax payers hard earned money dictating by medevil laws and ancient dogmatic beliefs the suffering continue to suffer, the sick have no relief and those in pain continue to lead highly compromised lives due to severe prescription drug addiction. The thought of allowing someone to take a drug everyday of their lives that can actually kill in 'small doses' while simultaneously demonizing an herb that is considered to be one of the safest and mildest of medicines is absolutely ludacris! How long will these pervayers of lies continue to rule our lives? How long must we endure the blasphemous rhetoric of these sickos falsely referring to themselves as "leaders"?...
SD....when ya get some answers would ya let me know? Been wondering myself. Leaders? No...they are not leaders....they are overseers and keeping people addicted to their drugs makes control easier. It helps pad their pockets doubt. MJ is their nemisis as it frees the body and mind, and helps people see clearly rather than thru rose colored glasses. This too shall pass. Believe it or not MJ was not so persecuted in the past as now... even in the dark ages. In fact it was widely used and understood. What we have today is just pure evil at work IMO. It's been known as the 'wisdom weed' for ages and these overseers know it. Dumbing down man....dumbing down. People can't thnk for themselves when they have to take heavy drugs and that suits them fine. But ya know..this too shall pass. It's changing now and the ballance WILL tip.....and soon. I feel it.
QUOTE Quote: from Herbsparky on 3:16 am on Sep. 3, 2004 MJ is their nemisis as it frees the body and mind, and helps people see clearly rather than thru rose colored glasses. This too shall pass. Believe it or not MJ was not so persecuted in the past as now... even in the dark ages. In fact it was widely used and understood. What we have today is just pure evil at work IMO. It's been known as the 'wisdom weed' for ages and these overseers know it. Dumbing down man....dumbing down. People can't thnk for themselves when they have to take heavy drugs and that suits them fine. But ya know..this too shall pass. It's changing now and the ballance WILL tip.....and soon. I feel it. So true Herb..."dumbing down" is the perfect phrase for whats happening here. I believe the days of trustworthy leaders those for the common man(woman) are long gone(which is quite obvious) and will continue to be so until MONEY(for self serving purposes) is no longer the "main" focus of government. "Its changing now and the balance WILL tip...and soon. I feel it"...Youre probably right Herb it does seem like the issues are becoming more and more in focus. its only a matter of time, the sad part? These bastards(those who demonized it) will now benefit from the taxation of marijuana. In fact the issue of taxation on legalized marijuana will most likely be one of the keys(of course) to having these ridiculous laws overturned. When the "majority" of the bums in government finally come to their senses and realize the monetary benefits (for them of course) concerning the legalization of marijuana. Im willing to bet its going to change overnight. In fact I believe the greedy bastards are dieing to figure out a way to legalize MJ at this point without seeming like huge hypocrites. Thats the other issue: "How can we still save face and votes after legalizing MJ?" thats one of their questions at this point(willing to bet on it). They know the benefits of legalizing MJ(for themselves of course), its keeping that brainwashed taxpayers vote that matters most right now though. IMO Even some of those so far to the right its frightning are wanting to legalize MJ for the sake of lining their pockets. IMHO the issues for the politicians concerning marijuana legalization at this point are this: 1. "How in the HELL are we going to legalize this stuff after so many years of demonizing it and still retain needed votes and respect?!" 2. "Prove to us that legalizing marijuana is "financially" worth us risking our careers(remember: a RAT is always willing to risk its life for some extra cheese)... We'll probably find as more and more of these politicians wise up(for selfishness sake of course) and start hitching a ride on the marijuana "money wagon" the laws will start to change... of course again: you always must offer a criminal enough "money" in order to get them to act diligently, correct?... So in other words marijuana will 'most likely' be legalized for 'all the wrong reasons' however as long as its legalized thats what counts, right? (Edited by SD at 5:56 pm on Sep. 3, 2004)
Well said and yes....for the wrong reasons, but hey....that's how the game is played. I can still grow my own and NOT line their pockets.
QUOTE Quote: from Herbsparky on 6:14 pm on Sep. 3, 2004 I can still grow my own and NOT line their pockets. Good point! To growing our own!