Got my 3 girls growing well. I have Chemdawg, Big Bang, and Cotton Candy in soil under 400 watts of HPS. They are about to get week 3 of the Useless formula. Before feeding I wanted to check something out. The BB has some light colored blotches on the leaves but otherwise is heathly. All have had same nutes. Pics to follow. They have all been topped at least once. The CD I have topped a couple times and LST'd. I going to veg for a couple more weeks to get some more size and a chance to take clones from each. Chemdawg. I'm thinking Indica dom. Big Bang. Crappy pics, I know. Camera died had to use my cell phone camera. Cotton Candy. Peace.....
Week 1 flowering in soil. Started slow but has taken off in the last few weeks. no pics camera dead. Peace.....
i got three big bang going right not that have about 4 leaves each right now your a little ahead of me
Useless' formula is for hydroponics, isn't it? Doesn't seem to me like you'd need to get so specific with nute ratios when growing in soil.
What's the point of even growing in soil then? Soil provides nutrients, right? So, you can add liquid fertilizer, but the plant doesn't need to get all it's nutrients from it, because it's gets a lot from the soil. With good quality soil you can grow good plants with only mild occasional addition of liquid ferts. Or is that wrong? It just seems to me if your going to use a nute system designed for hydro, then you might as well just do hempy and not bother with soil at all. , for the thread hijack. :eusa_eh:
Yes and no. You can mix the soil for great vegging. But when it come to flowering you need a different ratio of nutes. More of this less of that. You can't mix the soil to do both. I do get your point Hank. Soil is where I am comfortable at the moment. I will be switching to hempy with the clones I took off the 3 I have flowering now. I have been growing for a long time, but there have been large gaps between grows. So for me it makes since to make the move slowly. Sure I could have gone right to hempy but I would have run the risk of messing something up and ended up with nothing. By doing it this way I have 3 lovely ladies blooming nicely and 6 clones ready for the next step. 3 of the clones will be moving into hempy buckets in the next couple of weeks and the other 3 will become moms. Peace....
I think this is what you are looking for: If you do soil correctly you don't need chemical nutes despite if it is veg or flower, organic totally or not. But sometimes people want to use chemical nutes all the way, which is when the Useless formula comes in.
That's not it either. What I'm saying is if you do soil you don't need as much liquid nutes as with hydro, and not every watering for sure, be they for veg or flower. And, in my experience, some pots are going to dry out at different speeds from others and not at exactly 1 week intervals. It seems to me like 1) Overdoing things a bit (just my opinion) 2) A mismatch of grow style and water/nute method. And again dlr42, I'm sorry for blabbing on in your thread. Maybe we should just delete this bit I started. asssit:
18 days flowering Here are a couple of pics of the girls at 18 days flowering. First is my Cotton Candy. She is the one giving me fits with her stretching. As you can see she is out of control at more then 3ft tall and weeks to go before harvest. Next is Big Bang. She is behaving and is the smallest of the 3. Last but not least is Chemdog. She is my favorite at the moment. The pic shows the triplets. The 3 branches are all the same height. Same node spacing. Same leaf placement all the way up the stems. The pics are kind of crappy. Had to use my cell phone. Lost the power cord for my camera. Have a new cord on the way. Will post better pics when it arrives. Peace....
dlr42- Those plants look great man. Looks like you're doing a :good job: I'm gonna address the other topic that popped up and then be done with it, sorry to continue the thread jack. Hank and Lion, but mostly Hank- Firstly, Mineral nutrients are not CHEMICAL nutrients. They are refined to a laboratory grade purity from natural sources such as rocks and solid mineral deposits etc. Mineral ferts get a bad wrap in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I still grow Organics and use soil as well as hydro and mineral ferts. Both are good and there is nothing wrong with mixing the two. Some people do Organic Hydro and some people do Mineral ferts with Soil. With soil, you can mix a soil containing enough nutrients in proper ratios to get a plant through veg and flower, however, it requires a large enough pot to support a plant the size in which you are growing all the way from start to finish. So large pots are required and many people prefer to use small pots so the addition of ferts is required during flower on a regular feeding schedule or else the plants will go deficient regardless of what was in my soil when I started. By the time flowering begins the plants have used up all the ferts that were in the soil and it's just a medium to hold the roots at that point. So supplementation with Mineral or Organic ferts is needed. It all depends on style of growing. So Hank, you're right that it can be done without adding ferts when growing in soil, but if your pots are small or you use a lightly amended soil mix, supplemental feeding will be required. A lot of soil growers use the Useless formula simply because it's simple and effective and unlike Organic ferts, you can measure the PPM of the solution accurately and pH'ing the mineral ferts tends to be easier than Organics. It can help to make the transition to hempy or hydro as well, since the grower has already familiarized themselves with the formula using a more forgiving growing style before app it to Hydro. Okay. All done. to dlr again for the thread jack, but it is an interesting topic of conversation. Plus it does sort of tie into your grow and what's going on with you. :redbong:
Those are some long internodes on that Cotton Candy, is she still putting on significant height? asssit:
First, to Gringo, "lanky", good word. Now, the CC is still adding height, not like the fisrt 2 weeks, but damn! No need to apoligize for the tangent in topic. Peace.......
The girls are now 4 weeks into flowering. The cotton candy stopped streching and topped out at about 4 feet. She's all stem with lots small buds. First a group shot. Left front is Big Bang. Back left corner is the cotton candy. Center is a cc clone in hempy. Right is chemdog. Some baby bud porn. The cotton candy. Peace.....
Update. I chopped the Cotton Candy and the Big Bang the other night. The yield from both was disappointing, horrible, bad, shitty. The CC was chopped at 45 inches tall. Wasn't trying to get her that tall. She did it all by herself. The nodes were 4 to 6 inches apart. Nothing but little buds all the way up the stem. The BB wasn't as tall but her buds were really light and airy. They both could have went longer, but looking at them depressed me. So I chopped them down and smoked them. I feel much better about them now. Can't offer a smoke report on either. I just mixed them as they got cut up. But I can say they do work. The Chemdog is looking MUCH better then the other 2 so she got her week 6 feeding last night and will be flushed for 10 days. I do have a clone of the CC and BB 3 weeks in to flower. They are both in hempy and are looking much better then the 1st grow. Pics tomorrow. I have mothers of all 3. I am just waiting for them to get a little bigger then I'll take clones. Peace..... I