
Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Tiberon, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    As some of ya know....this is my first time doin an outdoors grow.
    Ever since the first day I put them out, I noticed that as soon as the direct sun was gone(still light..just not direct)These babies look like their gonna croak! But in the sun they tear ass!
    This is an indoor strain thats been goin for a while...My indoor ones dont drop at all. Same organic fert too as the indoor grow! So im not sure as to why they do this.

    Any one else have this happen too? Normal?
  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Tibs i have noticed indoor plants do the same thing when the lights go out...almost as if they are sleeping. When the light came back on they were standing straight up almost. Could be they are just resting after 'tearing ass' during the direct sun. From the looks of things all the leaves are pointing in the same direction too...possibly the 'sunny' side? Could be they are chasing the light too.
  3. hydro convert

    hydro convert Developed Alternating Nodes

    Plants take-up water in darkness. Why not begin in partial darkness. Similar "droopiness" can be seen in "overwatered" plants. Just a guess though, maybe something to pay attention to. JE
  4. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    As a general rule, there is more humidity in the absence of sunlight.

    Which makes the leaves weigh more.


    Lots of (direct) light causes the plant to grow. indirect light/darkness causes the plants to 'sleep'.

    Just an educated guess.

    In any regards, it's normal.

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