i recently started taking Lexapro for depression/anxiety and soon i will be starting Stratera. my psychiatrist knows i smoke, but he didn't mention any negative side effects, and he actually said smoking (with moderation) could be helpful for my anxiety. i'm sure he would have told me if there are potentially harmful interactions, but i'd like to know if anyone who has ever taken either of those meds has noticed other side effects that might be more annoying than harmful.
Dood, I was taking Celexa and my pdoc switched it to Lexapro a few months back. It's made by Celexa, an improved version. I have not noticed any side effects that I can really identify. Getting up too quickly when I'm high, coupled with the meds sometimes makes me lightheaded, but I really don't have any side effect worries with the Lexapro. My pdoc also knows I smoke, and has no evidence that it's good or bad for me. Lexapro has given me wonderful results, infact it's kinda like the favorite drugs among patients and pdocs, because it has so little if no side effects. Also, it can be taken on an empty stomach So my answer would be no Dood, the interaction between mj and Lexapro has produced no noticeably negative results or side effects, in my case. Good luck! (Edited by Lemonpie at 6:37 pm on Mar. 17, 2004)
I took Paxil for about 3 years and never noticed any bad reactions with weed. I take Effexor now and the weed does not react badly. Someone else here said they take Effexor too and that it acually enhances weed's effects. I don't know, if so, lucky me.
I am not sure what my friend is on as far as anti depressents but sometimes when he smokes the weed cancels out the other drug. And he has had to change meds a couple times because they have stopped working, now I am not sure if that is because of the weed, or just his body growing a tolerance for the drug. His doc also knows he smokes, and again no positive or negative side effects or interactions with the drugs have been discussed with him. Also sometimes when he smokes his depression/anixety gets worst. I would say experiment around with it and see how you react. Everyone is different and everyone will have their own reactions to drug interactions and the drugs themselves.
You don't need to couple benadryl with weed for it to knock you off your ass. Diphrenhydremines cause drowsiness, they make me want to crawl out of my skin (Edited by Lemonpie at 8:06 pm on Mar. 24, 2004)
Say, Benadryl does more than make you sleepy! It will, how shall I say... "**** you up" mighty well! OP
I would try to resist any experiments as in Benadryl as a recreation. I can tell you we call a PT. who overdoes BDl a "mad Hatter" it's not a fun thing to watch someone hat. I can at times get pissed, other times laugh as to anti-deps. In my line of work, or at least who I do it for. I would be declared not fit for duty and lose my job soon after if I had a script for any or all. You can get a 6 month waiver for low order meds, like welbutrun if its written up for smoking sessation. Thats it. The thing that I've seen in people over the years that scare me, is these shrinks just "dumb plug" these pills till' you tell em' you can deal. everyone is different. Some don't seem to be outwardly negated by them, others I've seen on whatever will get dizzy, then vomit when smoking with them. I've watched where the Doc will leave one script on, and let you try another on top, with no reason other than trying to find your "sweet spot" insurnce co.'s would rather pay the bulk rate for all these pills, and see you numbed to what eats you, than pay for a few years of therapy for you. I'm not trying to make anyone feel like I'm fucking with them, but I don't like the Doc's weird science. I do have a bias, my EX got sucked into those pills, she got to the point that she was on 4-5 at once. She became a zombie. She never came back. I'm not going to say that these pills have not helped anyone, just my interactions with them.