hey all, jsut dug my holes for outdoor and came across somthing as i was digging. On i think 1 or 2 of the holes there are a few roots underground. I cut them to make room for the hole, but once i put the new soil in, wont the roots jsut grow into my soil, causing horrible root bound with my roots and these roots... but to add, the roots are really big...there is only like 2 or 3, but they are big..will they grow into my soil and cause root bound, or should i ignore them, because they arnt in the way anymore...?!?! i would usually jsut forget about it, and find another spot for the hole, but this place that i found is unbelievable. ITs on a huge mountain type hill, and its facing the south, Perfect.... thanks for your help...
If you cut the roots in 1/2, the of course 1 side won't grow at all. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Unless: What's growing around there? If they are roots from an established tree no big deal. But some large perinnuals can regenerate roots. Weather of not this will happen depends on the plant whose roots you cut. Sometimes, when you cut/damage a thick root, rootlets will grow from that point. If that's the case there could be a problem.
i accually couldnt figure out where they were comming from..all it is is grassland all around it...tress are like 10-30 feet away so it cant be from them..its not the grass.. I did cut the root in half, but the other side of the root is almost inside the hole...if i put my good soil inside the hole then will the root grow again?? its not skinny little roots, it is ONE thick root...jsut 1 or 2 thats all...will it effect anything i am doing?
If all there is is trees and grass, it's a tree root. Sometimes a root that is cut will grow small rootlets from where it has been cut but usually not with trees.
ALright thanks rang for the info...i will be filling my holes tomorow! (Edited by Danno33 at 10:20 am on May 27, 2004)